Hopping along - Hoppy's journal


Well-known member
Awwww, Hoppy! So sorry to hear about Lady - she looks like such a sweet girl. It's so hard losing them! I feel your pain. ::(: Hugs to you!


I'm sorry about your loss. It will get better with time. I cried listening to that clip about Elyn Sachs. Thank you for your posts, they are really interesting.


Well-known member
Thanks for the replies. I miss her very much, it is still strange to pick up my keys and not having her close by, and going to bed alone at night.

I went through all the phases of loss, the worst bit for me was the guilt part, where I remembered everything I did that wasn't nice. But when I started feeling guilty for not feeling guilty enough I realised it was a bit over the top.

Now I mostly remember the nice bits, like this one. My first time rowing a dinghy and she just had to join me.


Well-known member
I know I am so late, but I am so unbelievably sorry for your loss. What a lovely photo of Lady and you. Very beautiful dog.

When a beloved pet passes, and out of pain. We still torture ourselves with the pain of guilt and doubt. It's human nature to do that. But that's not being fair to ourselves. You are human, with frailties and faults. People make mistakes. But we make them with the best of intentions. Let the guilt go (if youre still holding onto it.) Know that your furbaby doesnt hold it aganist you; she understood, because she knew your heart. Forgive yourself,and allow all the love you have to be there for another. There are so many who need it.

I lost my Chloe almost a year to this day. I went through a lot of guilt. Did spend enough time with her? Did I put her down too soon? If only I had rushed to the vet sooner? Could I have done more? The "what-if's" killed me. But, then I remember all the good memories and how I possibly saved her from a terrible life. I realized Chloe would have wanted me to adopt another dog & give her the same kind of life we gave her. It's weird but I see a lot of Chloe in Jemmy.

Again, I am so sorry losing your best-friend is one of the worst feelings. But, she'll always be apart of your heart.

Rest easy knowing Lady is in Rainbow bridge where all the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health & made whole &strong again, just as we remember them! :)


Well-known member
It has been a while since I posted something on here, I don't really had anything to say. Went through a bit of a bad patch emotionally, and feel a bit flat and empty at present. Back on anti-depressants and some tranquilisers again, two years since my last prescription, I'm not sure if I should have, but I've reached the point where I started clenching my teeth so bad that I could taste blood.

My birthday was last Sunday, I dodged the family and went out to see a movie (The Dark Knight) and eat out, alone. Also went to the market. Did enjoy the day, it was relaxing.

And for a birthday present for myself I bought myself a laptop :). So now I am up to date again, and for the first time got the ability to skype.


Well-known member
It has been a while since I posted something on here, I don't really had anything to say. Went through a bit of a bad patch emotionally, and feel a bit flat and empty at present. Back on anti-depressants and some tranquilisers again, two years since my last prescription, I'm not sure if I should have, but I've reached the point where I started clenching my teeth so bad that I could taste blood.

My birthday was last Sunday, I dodged the family and went out to see a movie (The Dark Knight) and eat out, alone. Also went to the market. Did enjoy the day, it was relaxing.

And for a birthday present for myself I bought myself a laptop :). So now I am up to date again, and for the first time got the ability to skype.

I hope things get better with you Hoppy, I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday. :)


Well-known member
Welcome back and happy belated birthday, Hoppy! :)

I understand how you feel about birthdays as I'm not at all looking forward to mine next month. ::(:

I've missed your journal updates as they're always very insightful!


Well-known member
There is the fable of the old man sitting outside a town, being approached by a stranger.

'What are they like in this town?' asked the stranger.
'What were they like in your last town?' replied the old man.
'They were delightful people. I was very happy there. They were kind, generous and would always help you in trouble.'
'You will find them very much like that in this town.'

The old man was approached by another stranger.
'What are the people like in this town?' asked the second stranger.
'What were they like in your last town? replied the old man.
'It was an awful place. They were mean, unkind and nobody would ever help anybody.'
'I am afraid you will find it very much the same here,' said the old man.

This is how you will find people in my town.