Book review:
The Now Habit, by Neil Fiore
I started reading this book a few months ago, and stopped halfway through when the guilt started overwhelming me, and only recently got back the courage to read the whole book.
It is not a quick fix type of book, you have to work hard at creating new habits and check that you don't slide back into bad habits. I am still working on mine.
One quote from the book that hit me quite hard and I think is worth repeating here:
"..procrastination is not a character flaw but a learned protective reaction to pressure, feeling overwhelmed, and fear of failure and success.....If these underlying fears could be allayed, the learned tactic of procrastination could be unlearned."
And another thing he said that was a lot of comfort to me: "You can only do one thing at a time and one step at a time."
And it helps to remind myself while working is that I am doing one thing, and I cannot do anything else at that moment, and that feeling overwhelmed at the job ahead is counterproductive.
I do recommend this book.