Hopping along - Hoppy's journal


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And as part of an ongoing program to better myself, these days I am having fun playing Map puzzles.

And I'm getting quite good at the countries, but still suck at the capitals.


Well-known member
Last week the family went off and left me alone for the week. It was the first time I was alone in a few years. I muddled along for the week, enjoying all the free time, and only when they were back I realized how enjoyable being alone was, just confirming again to myself that I have to get out of here.

My escape fund is now getting to about 40%, so things are looking up. I also started some preparations for the escape, and I have a tentative date of May next year if things keep on going like this.

On the positive side, my geography knowledge is getting better and better. I am able to do name and place all the countries in Africa and Asia, and are about 95% correct on capitals.
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Well-known member
Book review:

The Now Habit, by Neil Fiore

I started reading this book a few months ago, and stopped halfway through when the guilt started overwhelming me, and only recently got back the courage to read the whole book.

It is not a quick fix type of book, you have to work hard at creating new habits and check that you don't slide back into bad habits. I am still working on mine.

One quote from the book that hit me quite hard and I think is worth repeating here:

"..procrastination is not a character flaw but a learned protective reaction to pressure, feeling overwhelmed, and fear of failure and success.....If these underlying fears could be allayed, the learned tactic of procrastination could be unlearned."

And another thing he said that was a lot of comfort to me: "You can only do one thing at a time and one step at a time."

And it helps to remind myself while working is that I am doing one thing, and I cannot do anything else at that moment, and that feeling overwhelmed at the job ahead is counterproductive.

I do recommend this book.


Well-known member
And yesterday afternoon I went to a party, and has been my normal charming self. (just listening)

I didn't know anyone there, except two people I've seen once before. It was the kick-off party for our region for Nanowrimo.

It stands for National Novel Writing Month, and the goal for the month is to write a short novel of 50000 words. It is a word sprint, the goal to write 1667 words every day to complete on time before midnight of 31 November.

And as could be expected, quantity is more important than quality, so spelling, punctuation and plot is left for the editing process.

This is my fourth year of participating, I've won the last two times, and got a lot of hope for my story this year.


Well-known member
And today was one of those days where just attempting to pick up the jackhammer seemed to be too much work, but I did it. My novel is now at 10000 words, I am two days ahead of schedule.

And I am exhausted. I went to bed last night with a bad tension headache, and I woke up this morning with one, and I still got it.

And I miss my dog. It has been bad this last week, but I dreamed of her last night and I never realized it is possible to cry in your dreams.



Well-known member
National Novel Writing month: Today I hit the target of 50000 words, 9 days ahead of schedule. My story isn't finished, so I have to write some more but the pressure is off.

My best two days were this past weekend when I managed to write 5000 words a day, and my single best session were this past Tuesday when I wrote 2200 words in a single session of 45 minutes.

My story isn't good, but there are much that is salvageable, and I am very pleased with myself.


Well-known member
Another one from Naomi of Ittybiz.

Do not compare yourself to others, that way lies madness.

#1 - Very successful ittybiz owners live in a world of chaos and

#2 - Struggling and not-yet-successful ittybiz owners live in a
world of chaos and uncertainty.

Now, the advantage the more successful enterprises have is that
they have the resources to not LOOK like there's constant chaos
going on behind the scenes.

(Two of my favorite people in the world, Warren and Betsy Talbot of
Married With Luggage infamy, call this the highlight reel effect -
comparing your "behind the scenes" with someone else's highlight

This could lead you to believe that when you get to a certain
place, a certain time, a certain state, all the stress and
uncertainty and "what the hell do I do next and how do I manage it
all in the meantime" will go away.

It will not.


Well-known member
So tomorrow we are working a bit of overtime. Just two weeks until we close for the Christmas season and there is quite a few things to be done still.

And tomorrow afternoon I have a wedding to go to. The daughter of a cousin of mine is getting married. The wedding is early and I could possibly slip away and go and see a movie.

And I am picking up a new bed, this old one is killing my back.

And my escape fund has reached 55%, things are looking good there.

And my anxiety levels are high, I am drinking anti-anxiety meds on a daily basis.

And in spite of everything, I believe things are going well. Much better than a year ago.

Edit: And I saw a very well developed young women on a see-saw today in the park bouncing up and down and almost crashed my car. Made my day.
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And the wedding went of well. I am rather surprised, there were about 70 people, I knew about 4 of them, and I got kissed by a female cousin whose existence I've completely forgotten about. It is not a good idea to be kissed by someone, especially if my ocd made me want during the whole service to run out and wash out my mouth.

I parked mysel in the church behind a pretty woman with a baby on her lap and had a nice half hour staring at her. Kept me entertained, and I got a smile for smiling at the baby. Life is made up of the smaller things.

And the reception was about three hours. Just the right time to get bored but not enough time to get upset.

And I had time to go and see a movie afterwards. A succesfull day in all.


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And something that was written on this forum in the last day made me realise that I have to do something I should have done years ago. it would be better for me. Even just letting it slide will not be good enough, it should be a clean cut.

"Even though my heart says no, my head says yes."

And some days I only have just enough courage.

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Well-known member
"I parked mysel in the church behind a pretty woman with a baby on her lap and had a nice half hour staring at her. Kept me entertained"

This made me laugh, looking at pretty women is pleasant enough way to pass the time.