Maybe the best way to approach this is from the evolutionary perspective: people are prone to favor attractive qualities and behaviors on a genetic level, and by and large (while these do differ a bit across cultures) the tendency to seek out individuals with certain traits and characteristics occurs ubiquitiously. For example, physical attraction is normally equated in bilateral facial symmetry (for both genders), an upsidedown triangle-like body shape (for men), and the classic hourglass-like body shape (for women). A preference for these features is ingrained in us genetically because they are harbingers that portend the successful birth of healthy offspring and being able to procur ample resources from the environment. These things still hold true in modern times even though the nature of our societies has made human interaction and relationships a bit more complex and less obvious (e.g., you don't have to be able to kill a wild boar with your hands to survive in the modern western world, nor does everyone want to have children, but the basic body proportions of attraction still hold true)... So-- while it might be at odds with your general nature (and I imagine it is for all of us here seeing as we have social phobia)-- if you want to attract the opposite sex (and you're a man) maybe try showcasing your virility by engaging in an awesome feat of endurance or strength whilst giving off an aura of the sound, stable mind necessary to be a good provider (e.g., don't use expletives, because this is socially unacceptable behavior, and good providers know how to work within the confines of the system, because the system is now that wild boar). Maybe try going to a local mall or commercial center and look for the largest flight of stairs you can find there; then wait until an attractive lass is in view venturing so as to climb the stairs. Rush into action: dressed in the height of fashion, nimbly rush up the stairs, even taking some of them 2 and 3 steps at a time! Retain a rigid body and good posture and try not to look sweaty or winded. When you get to the top turn around and catch her eye, maybe giving a few decisive pelvic thrusts for good measure. Then, saunter over to a refreshment stand and buy 2 icecreams or something. The lass will consciously think (hm... he must be in a hurry perhaps... Was he looking at me? hm...I am not sure), but unconsciously (I predict this one might provide me with good seed that will produce many healthy offspring, and because he's so fit, viril, and well dressed, he will provide for all of us very well. Possible mate.). THis is just your foot in the door though; now you rely on your sensitive personality and good nature to woo her (e.g., don't give off creepy, slick, used-car-salesmanesque vibes). With a smile, blatantly lie saying "oh dear, I got this extra icecream for free because they were out of butter peacan, would you care to share it with me? If you are nice and not too creepy she'll say "sure"... or she'll think you put GHB in the icecream and run away telling a security guard. Seriously, this worked all the time in the 50's I'll bet... Use a spoon maybe and eat some of it, or better yet-- just ask her which one she'd prefer. Yes, you are sort of initiating a relationship based on a lie, and she's sure to learn you are shy, but those viril strides will remian in her mind until you prove your excellence equally in other spheres...