Has SA deprived you of enjoying your teen days?


Well-known member
Oh yes. High school has been the worst time of my life so far (i'm only 18 though). But the best (or the worst) thing about it is that until recently i didn't even know what i was missing. I've happened to experience a tiny little bit of life the way it would be if i haven't got sa, which btw most people my age live every day. Then I realised. I feel like i was... if not sleeping, than running away from everything during whole high school.

Do you think anything can make up for it later in life? I mean those years are never coming back..


Well-known member
Do you think anything can make up for it later in life? I mean those years are never coming back..

I think it depends on mindset. I mean, like I said in my post above abit, I'm basically the same as in those years and if I were to experience it now I think I'd appreciate it like the same as I would have then.
I don't really go along with following the lables as in youre meant to stop feeling and thinking a certain way at this age, and then that etc. My spirit is still as it was then. But yeah, I have to tell myself this too, as I do often look back at bits of the past and want it back.


Well-known member
Yes, that's one reason I was so depressed in April when I turned 20 (and still am). I didn't get to experience a normal high school experience or graduate with everyone. And now I'm still not doing anything at 20.


Well-known member
I was bullied and withdrew from people. My high school years provided me with an unsafe environment, which I recovered from for a short time in my late teens and early twenties. I didn't develop anxiety until my early forties. I probably have suffered from depression for much longer.


Well-known member
Yeah it has and a whole lot more.I did have a time though when i was about 19 when everything was just perfect which only lasted for about 2 years.That is pretty much the only time i have ever felt normal.


Well-known member
Absolutely. I've been taking life waaaay too seriously for my age and the amount of stress I've put myself through is incalculable. In a few months I'll be turning 18 and I obviously can't go back in time and relive the "highlight" of my youth. The best thing I can do for myself at this point is find meaning in my life and make something of it.


Well-known member
I had a really though time in my teenage years, but I also had a lot of freedom. I partied a lot, hang out with people that were much older than me and was together with the same girl from I was 14 until I was 19. So all in all I would say my teenage years was pretty good despite all my problems. It wasn't until I was in my 20's that things took a turn for the worse and I have been swimming upstream ever since.


Well-known member
Yup. Actually my years in high school were, in one word, a total bordedom. I devoted them essentially to studying and to getting high grades. I used to have some friends, but we went out very rarely. It improved a little bit when I began college, but still, I guess I missed a lot from that time.


The SA really kicked in about halfway through my freshman year of high school when I was 14. Before that I managed to find a few friends at lunch and managed to keep them throughout the year, but I even grew afraid of my best friend. Now I have none and I'm afraid of everybody and everything. Senior year's going to suck with the group projects I'll be doing.


Well-known member
This has been the reason why college sounds so much better than high school. But no. I'm supposed to "enjoy" high school. somehow -_-

My thoughts exactly. I graduated last month and I really did try to enjoy high school and see what made it so "fun" like so many people said it would be but I never once had a good experience there other than making a few new friends. Oh wait, that's right, they turned out to be a-holes :)

Can't forget to mention the fact that I was bullied, treated like a complete outsider, and got trampled on by a crowd of inconsiderate jerks who were running to see a stupid fight between two catty little cheerleaders. That incident proved to me that people there really did see me as nothing but an insect meant to get stepped on by everyone.

Even with that said, I'm not looking forward to college at all either. It's going to be the same as high school - everyone wants to party and have sex. Only difference is that the classrooms are much bigger and people are either your age or much older than you. Woofreakinghoo...


Well-known member
yes and no,

no because i like what i did, i didn't have much means to do stuff anyway, i did what i could with the tools i have.

and yes, if i didn't care about what others might think, if i did sayd what i wanted, if i had briuised and cut my heart and soul and mind, i would be much stroger, and i would have done so many things...

youre 16 you have time, but you must dish everything that keeps you from doing what you want right now, highcool will go away sooner then you think, experiement with your life its nor really a big deal in the long run... but dont think your teens should be like a disney movie, sorry that doesnt exist, its not endless fun, even if some people make the efort to look like they are doint that...

think to yourself, what's the worst that could happen...

if you want a job? go there and try to get it... worst case cenario you'll be fired, then what , you don't have a job already...
you like a girl? go for it, try to know her... worst case she'll dump you , you'll feel like crap for a few days and life goes one
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Well-known member
I went to two highschools,the first one was hell.I got bullied a lot,my only friend left me,my SA was lot worse than its now,everyone called me ugly,lame,loser whatever...I was always depressed.
The second one's not so bad.I've made few friends but still don't really see them outside school,though they invited me many times.I never had a bf throughout my entire high school years,so yeah SA has deprived me of enjoying my teens.I really wish that things change when I go to collage next year.
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Active member
Defiantly. It's my senior year this year and I plant to fight my SA head on. To get ready I've been working out and getting a job to build confidence.


It's difficult (especially with SA) that sometimes I want to hurry up and pass my teen years. But I've managed to get some very good friends that understand me, which makes things a lot easier. I guess it's 'living in the moment' as they say. We can't keep beating ourselves up and wishing to end our teen years (it only makes it worse). The fact is, we're all teenagers at some stage, so we just have to pull through and try and make the best of it even though that can be really hard o.o


Well-known member
They were weird...and definitely wasted. I mean, for starters, I stopped going to high school because I supposedly had ADD and couldn't focus enough to use all my potential...so I quit and went and got my GED. Yes, failed 9th grade TWICE because I, in all truthfulness, was not too serious at the time about it and wanted to hang out with my friends and do what I wanted. Well that all changed real fast. I left, then my mom and dad wanted to move to a much smaller town an hour away because of lower property tax. So, I lost touch with all my old buddies and have pretty much been denied any opportunities at meeting new people since I was done with school, which resulted in many a wasted and lonely night sitting at home on the computer or in my room. It sucked bad and always wish I could go back and re-do it over. I think once you get to a certain age, meeting people becomes very difficult, if not impossible. It's like no one wants to bother with someone they just see on the street on in a store, there needs to be common ground (i.e. you go to school with them, or to the same university, etc...). Anyway, I'm rambling now, so in conclusion I'll say that my teen years sucked and now I feel like my adult ones have been tarnished too by that unrepairable damage...damn...


Well-known member
though most of it was spent alone in my room playing xbox, i wouldnt say i was deprived of enjoyment. had a friend over to my house for the first time in about 4 years (since i was in 9th grade). havent had a birthday party since i was 14. but.. i didnt really miss any of that.
im perfectly content staying at home watching anime or somthing.