Has anyone ever told you that your HANSOME/CUTE/beauitful?

Well, I've never been called handsome. But I've received some compliments regarding my physical appearance.

Though, unfortunately most of those compliments were directed at my backside. Some were even.. non-verbal. There was even this one time, in a museum. >,>

Personally I think those flattering, but rude, compliments were unjustified.
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Well-known member
A couple of times. Most people notice flaws about their appearance that other people do not notice; more analytical people are often self conscious about these flaws.


Well-known member
I've been called cute, pretty, gorgeous and beautiful. I agree with them in the big picture, but I wonder how often my imperfections catch their eye.


Well-known member
I've been told that numerous times before...

Btw, what's with all the threads about being ugly/beautiful? I don't think that it actually has much to do with what causes SA... I think it's more a fear of rejection on a conversational or emotional level than a preoccupation with physical beauty/appearance.


Well-known member
I've been told that numerous times before...

Btw, what's with all the threads about being ugly/beautiful? I don't think that it actually has much to do with what causes SA... I think it's more a fear of rejection on a conversational or emotional level than a preoccupation with physical beauty/appearance.

What you describe is just Social Anxiety on the most superficial level.

There does seem to be a lot of preoccupation with looks, but you have to keep in mind that a lot of people with social anxiety disorder also have other mental issues, which may emcompass insecurity with their appearance, such as Body Dysmorphic Disorder in the extreme.

I personally suffer from social anxiety and for me it's a symptom of a bigger problem. I feel unlovable and unworthy appearance wise, inner worth- wise and social interaction wise.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Cute, beautiful, but never handsome. A woman can be handsome, right?

Attraction expressed through body language and facial expressions are much more flattering, I find. Coming from the right person, a compliment can totally make my day, but compliments expressed verbally can be phony. Sometimes, a simple facial expression can convey awe and deep attraction and that is sometimes worth more than words. Like when a person sees you and stops dead in their tracks or their mouths are hanging open.
Unfortunately, facial expressions and such can be misinterpreted. Through most of high school I did a lot of 'WTF is she looking at, is there something wrong with my face? I must have zit I didn't know about!' or 'Why the hell does she keep smiling at me like that!? Someone said something about me, didn't they!?' and so on.

At the time I was much more convinced that I was completely hideous looking than I am now, even though of course in high school I looked better than I do now.



Well-known member
I've only been sincerely complimented like that by people who are related to me.

So I guess I'm not too attractive physically. I like to think that I have other qualities that more than make up for my lack in this area. Too bad people tend to judge one by one's appearance and don't take the time to discover what else I have to offer.

That's just their loss, not mine. ;)


Well-known member
Nope, never had anyone ever say that I am handsome, cute or beautiful... Except for my folks...but that is their God given right to try to boost my self esteem.... besides they are biased. I've always felt like the ugly duckling, that never matured into a beautiful swan.... I just stayed ugly.
Uh...thanks. ::p: And how exactly would you know I'm handsome? There are no pictures of myself on this entire site.

You got me there. But, nevermind. I try to imagine you look abit like Brad Pitt, alittle bit of David Beckham and alittle bit of all those handsome person i came across. And before you know it... there you go. A Handsome Serafina...


Well-known member
I've been told by 3 people.. there's this stunning girl that everybody is jealous of, and randomly she told me "You know, you have a real natural beauty". Because she was nearly a stranger, (scariest kind of man = stranger) I'll always keep that remark with me.

There was another girl, who I had a crush on at the time, who thought I was cute. These comments are so rare to me though seeing I'm not known.


Well-known member
Cute, beautiful, but never handsome. A woman can be handsome, right?

Attraction expressed through body language and facial expressions are much more flattering, I find. Coming from the right person, a compliment can totally make my day, but compliments expressed verbally can be phony. Sometimes, a simple facial expression can convey awe and deep attraction and that is sometimes worth more than words. Like when a person sees you and stops dead in their tracks or their mouths are hanging open.

Ah Haha I hope you are kidding cause if that happened to me I would think that's an insult.


Well-known member
Some of my family called my handsome, some grannies said that to my mom, there have been a few girls who kept staring at me too...

But still, I'm not sure, because nobody that's significant (a girl of my age perhaps?) said that in a direct way to me, plus I'm a foreigner, so maybe the taste differs.

I sure would like to know, so I would have more self-esteem.