Has anyone ever told you that your HANSOME/CUTE/beauitful?

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Rembrandt Broam
I always thought that calling a woman "handsome" was intended as a rather backhanded compliment.
You mean that's like telling a woman that she's masculine?

Yeah. Handsome does tend to have masculine connotations, to me anyway. I wouldn't compliment a woman by calling her "handsome" any more than I'd comment on her strong, broad shoulders. ;)


Well-known member
Has anyone ever told you that your HANSOME/CUTE/beauitful?

I have been told I am handsome. I have been told I'm cute.

Certain parts of my body have been called beautiful.

I do believe them, but I'm still very self-conscious about my appearance, and I'm not always very happy with the way I look.


Well-known member
hmm ok if im going to get serious ... yea iv had lots of compliments ect , but as i see myself im ok i guess , bit brain dead i soppose im not stupid far from it but im not intelligent , i dont feel the need to be intelligent :confused: im just happy the way i am ? ...... well almost some things id like to change , but if your sa or not sa that applys to us all , we can all find faults :) no one is perfect :)


Girls was always saying that they like me but im a avoidant so you know:)the fear to get a girlfriend is just to big ...


Well-known member
::p: How so?

Well it's just an automatic response -they must be thinking that I look weird. I always have the line 'why not take a photo it lasts longer' up my sleeves for very openly stary people :rolleyes:

But for you it must be different cause you don't really see handsome women often lol :)


Well-known member
::p: How so?

Well my first reaction would be to think they see me as this weird looking alien - I mean the jaw dropping gives it away. I always have the line 'you wanna take a picture it might last longer' up my sleeves for weird stary people.

But maybe they think i'm a handsome woman :cool:


Well-known member
I went to see an old friend yesterday and after I'd got home I noticed she'd sent me an email saying how good I was looking at the moment. It was then that I noticed just how negatively I respond to any form of compliment regarding my appearance. I mean, I got totally depressed by it. I hate everything about the way I look so when someone compliments my appearance I automatically assume the comment has been motivated by pity or something.


Well-known member
people compliment me and say nice things often... it's sweet, and i smile and say thank you or whatever, but it doesn't really make me feel more confident about myself.. i'm my toughest critic, it's like i look in the mirror and see someone completely different than whatever everyone else sees ...::shrug::