Has anyone ever told you that your HANSOME/CUTE/beauitful?


Well-known member
I was called sexy once but the girl came off as very drunk and I was the only young guy there so I doubt it meant anything.


Well-known member
How often? AND, do you AGREE with them or you DON"T SEE it.

I can't say that I get called cute, beautiful or handsome often. Yes, I may get a lot of looks, but that doesn't prove anything. I can see how I could be cute, pretty or attractive but I think that beautiful would be an overstatement. I see women whom I think are beautiful and I simply don't see the same in me.


Well-known member
Well a couple year back I used to have a couple girls liking me,told other people stuff about me,yes I even heard one saying I was beautiful,but she didnt said to me,but recently not so much,I also think I got much uglier in 2 and a half years or so,lately I only got a positive response from one girl,she was beautiful,but she had a boyfriend :rolleyes:.


Well-known member
I get quite a lot of compliments, from strangers and guys i know. It depends on what kind of day im having to believe them or not lol
Compliments mean more coming from people you like anyways, but getting compliments of strangers is a confident boost i guess.


Well-known member
I think people are lying to me for some reason when they tell me that I'm good-looking. Doesn't happen often, but when it does I reply with something like "yeah ok..."


Not that I can remember has anyone ever told me I was handsome. I have always kind of known that I am not attractive though from jokes/remarks others have passed about me over the years. I try and make up for it in other ways by being a happy, funny (well I try to be) and generally positive person with life, but the fact that girls don't seem to show an interest in me does get me down at times.


Active member
Yes, but I can't say if I agree or not. I don't know what I look like, it's like I see something different every time I see myself. It's very frustrating.
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Well-known member
Yes, I've been told this by quite a few people, but I don't believe social anxiety has anything to do with a person's appearance as such. For example, I think that I look okay, but nearly all of my relationships have started out online because I have a deep fear of rejection. So in my case, it's not that I think I look bad, but I know my approach/conversational skills in real life are horrible. I've had terrible results accosting people in person. So basically I have to guarantee myself that it's a sure thing by getting close to a girl first (ie. online), before going a step further with her in real life.

It's depressing because I do take care of myself; I stay in shape, I try to buy fashionable clothes, but then that last part of having 'game' is totally lacking so I often feel like my only shot is to get on the computer once more. A person can look amazing, but if their charisma is next to zero, they're still going to have an awfully tough time of it. That's the part that really does get me down because I feel like I'm powerless to change it.