Has anyone ever told you that your HANSOME/CUTE/beauitful?

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
In the past, girlfriends usually refer to me as "sexy" or "my sexy man" rather than beautiful or handsome though coincidently I was called handsome by a woman I know this week. I recieve compliments every so often. As for whether I agree with them or not I try not to even think about it. I try not to look at photos or in the mirror to often cos for me what's on the outside has never really matched the inside (and I don't mean that in a "I want a sex change" kinda way). That would probably surprise ppl who know me cos I never hide away or refuse to take a photo or anything or ever make a big deal about my appearance. As long as I can feel "passable" I'm set for the day


I've only received compliments on my appearance online.

Same here. But I don't expect anyone's gonna do that in person anyways. Well maybe the ladies here get that, but that's probably immediately followed by "Can I buy you a drink?". :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I have had a couple doing it in the past but I would never believe them.::(: But now I hope that when my fianceé is saying it, she means it;)


Well-known member
^ do you put yourself down a lot? Self-deprecation is my biggest 'flaw'

i don't think i really try to put myself down.. and it's only my appearance, i really like my attitude/personality or whatever (i know that sounds lame, haha), i just wish i looked different... i don't know, i have an idea in my head of 'skinny' and 'gorgeous' and 'cute' and all and i'm just not it.. ya know? lol


Well-known member
If you were 'skinny' and 'gorgeous' and 'cute' though, would you know and believe it? Like, what I mean is, do you think it's possible, no matter how much weight you lose or hot you get, that you will ever meet your own expectations?


Well-known member
I've only been told this by my ex's. So I am skeptical to entirely believe them. I've been told I'm "sweet" by random people though..


Well-known member
If you were 'skinny' and 'gorgeous' and 'cute' though, would you know and believe it? Like, what I mean is, do you think it's possible, no matter how much weight you lose or hot you get, that you will ever meet your own expectations?

i really feel like if i put the effort in, i would feel more confident about myself... i have this huge problem with discipline. i have none. at all. it's retarded.. i do think i'd feel better about myself if i lost weight or whatever (which no one says i should do), but i think i'd feel healthier and happier because exercise makes me feel better..... yeh, it's all fukked up

p i a n o♬

Well-known member
I was going to post the same thing.. Yuh beat me to it. ;)

Anyways, no, no one has ever called me beautiful or said that I look good, except for this one girl who commented on a picture of me and Facebook, that I was very beautiful.

It was all a lie, and I could easily tell. Even though I knew her on Facebook, I had only seen her once in school and I thought she was very pretty. So when she posted a picture of herself on Facebook I commented something along the lines of; Oh, your that girl from school! You're very pretty. She commented back; So I'm only pretty on the internet but not in real life or they other way around or..?

I then apologized and told her she was pretty on both the internet and at school She must have been as embarrassed as me because she pulled up a photo of myself that I took a long time ago and told me this; I haven't realized how utterly beautiful you are.

Yeah, right. It's not her fault though, I guess I would have done the same thing. I'm not pretty anyways. ::eek::


Well-known member
agoraphobickatie: Mirrors can be your friend or enemy. If you are having trouble with anything that can't easily be changed, then take the mirror down as it is not serving you as it should.

ps. If that is you in your avatar, you look fine to me.


Well-known member
I've never had any compliments regarding my looks. It doesn't affect me either way though. I don't think I'm ugly because of lack of compliments.

I don't know how I'd respond if someone ever did though. I'd probably be too surprised to think of anything.


Well-known member
p i a n o♬;329541 said:
I was going to post the same thing.. Yuh beat me to it. ;)

Anyways, no, no one has ever called me beautiful or said that I look good, except for this one girl who commented on a picture of me and Facebook, that I was very beautiful.

It was all a lie, and I could easily tell. Even though I knew her on Facebook, I had only seen her once in school and I thought she was very pretty. So when she posted a picture of herself on Facebook I commented something along the lines of; Oh, your that girl from school! You're very pretty. She commented back; So I'm only pretty on the internet but not in real life or they other way around or..?

I then apologized and told her she was pretty on both the internet and at school She must have been as embarrassed as me because she pulled up a photo of myself that I took a long time ago and told me this; I haven't realized how utterly beautiful you are.

Yeah, right. It's not her fault though, I guess I would have done the same thing. I'm not pretty anyways. ::eek::

The prettiest girl I went to middle school with had no idea herself that she was (she's still unaware of it, it seems), even though a lot of people said behind her back that she was beautiful, that she had grown into her looks and all that. She's extremely social and has lots of friends, so people don't really compliment each other a lot.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I do get called cute or handsome from time to time. I tend to assume the person is just being nice, because it certainly isn't how I see myself.


Well-known member
I have been told I'm cute/pretty/beautiful and agreed.
But, that has no effect on me. My social anxiety has nothing to do with the way I look. With the exception of my cheeks going red when I'm nervous. Heh...
I could get 10 compliments on my looks everyday for the rest of my life and it wouldn't make me more confident in social situations. I'd still be an awkward, stuttering mess.


Well-known member
i think people have called me cute before, but I don't remember the context

my therapist said I was a "good looking guy" but I really don't believe that anymore than I would believe a scientologist who said dianetics is the most effective way to change my life. I wish I was good looking but I really don't think it would help that much to be a lot better looking because my issues usually are insecurity about myself as a whole.