Well, I got it around 13 or so (I think) my sis had it when she was 9 (and it was whispered about in relatives' circles yikes so embarassing haha) I was older but still didn't have it
Then at my relatives' for summer holidays it finally happened, I was totally embarassed and didn't dare to tell anyone too... (they guessed and bought 'supplies' it was still soo embarassing yikes - but at least I no longer thought I was a boy too! lol! I was soo skinny and we just read a weird article about these 'mixed up cases' before...-??)
Some classmates had it before too, one was whispered about (cause a liner outline showed I think yikes)
I wonder why this was so embarassing for so many of us??
Had almost no trouble with my monthlies for a loong time (teen years and 20s, while I was mostly a vegetarian - sometimes it went away for a few months too but I was okay with that hehe), except a bit of backache... Then later I did start to experience the 'monthly monster' lol!
When I feel like 'doomsday' and feel the need for chocolate, I need to take a look at the calendar and yup, that time of month! And ah, the high is usually good - sometimes not so 'ecstatic' tho lol!
Sometimes the cycle has been postponed or such when under stress, once at the seaside (quite conveniently
I read the chocolate cravings can be related to lack of magnesium, some people managed to 'cure' the 'PMDD' with nutrition (I still think it's not a 'real' disorder, some people wish to sell pills for it though??) It's usually better if I go for a run/walk too!!
There are books written about this, & I wish I had the $$$ to get'em and read'em and fix this!!!
It can be confusing cause you're supposed to lose iron with blood, but sis says if she eats meat on dunno, 1st day or what, it gets worse for her?
I think it might be nutrition related, since I had almost no problems when I was veggie... but I'm not really willing to go back to veggies only at the time so hm?
Edit: sorry for possible TMI, still contemplating whether to erase this or not lol
Then at my relatives' for summer holidays it finally happened, I was totally embarassed and didn't dare to tell anyone too... (they guessed and bought 'supplies' it was still soo embarassing yikes - but at least I no longer thought I was a boy too! lol! I was soo skinny and we just read a weird article about these 'mixed up cases' before...-??)
Some classmates had it before too, one was whispered about (cause a liner outline showed I think yikes)
I wonder why this was so embarassing for so many of us??
Had almost no trouble with my monthlies for a loong time (teen years and 20s, while I was mostly a vegetarian - sometimes it went away for a few months too but I was okay with that hehe), except a bit of backache... Then later I did start to experience the 'monthly monster' lol!
When I feel like 'doomsday' and feel the need for chocolate, I need to take a look at the calendar and yup, that time of month! And ah, the high is usually good - sometimes not so 'ecstatic' tho lol!
Sometimes the cycle has been postponed or such when under stress, once at the seaside (quite conveniently
I read the chocolate cravings can be related to lack of magnesium, some people managed to 'cure' the 'PMDD' with nutrition (I still think it's not a 'real' disorder, some people wish to sell pills for it though??) It's usually better if I go for a run/walk too!!
There are books written about this, & I wish I had the $$$ to get'em and read'em and fix this!!!
I think it might be nutrition related, since I had almost no problems when I was veggie... but I'm not really willing to go back to veggies only at the time so hm?
Edit: sorry for possible TMI, still contemplating whether to erase this or not lol
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