TMI warning...
I think I was 11 when it first happened, but I honestly don't remember the details of the first time. Definitely had some problems over the years to come though. Had a few bad experiences with some other firsts around that time too.

Between me being shy and awkward, and my mom having no clue how to deal with it, puberty was not a fun time.
I remember going to swimming lessons and putting a panty liner in my swimsuit. My mom never bothered to suggest a tampon. I just remember her saying something about light flow in the water. I just had to hope for the best. I was pretty self-conscious though. I never liked the pads she bought, but I never had the guts to say anything either. They were never long enough to wear overnight. For a long time I wore bike shorts under my pyjama pants so that my panties wouldn't slide around and as an extra layer in case of any accidents. Eventually, I got smart enough to buy some extra pads of my own.
When I was in grade 5, my armpits got pretty hairy before I did anything about it. I finally had to tell my mom only because I had to wear a sleeveless costume for my dance recital. I actually had to show her why I didn't want to wear my costume because I couldn't say it. She just told me to shave them.
I was already developing breasts by that time but it wasn't until sometime the next year that my mom finally got me a bra. That was uncomfortable. I remember wearing baggy sweatshirts so it wasn't so obvious. She had got me a sports bra for dancing, but I was never sure if I should have worn it all the time, or if she thought that was the only time I needed it. When I finally did get a bra, it was only a crappy training bra, even though I needed an actual bra. Meanwhile, all the other girls had bras before ever needing them.
I don't think I shaved my legs until I was 13 or 14. I avoided wearing shorts for a long time. When my mom said I could shave my armpits, I never knew if she just assumed I would shave my legs too. I didn't want to ask in case she was surprised that I didn't do it yet. I didn't want to go ahead and just do it anyway, in case she suggested I start sometime afterward. It was awful. I eventually just did it anyway and it was really never spoken of.
That was a hellish time of my life.:

I started having really heavy periods in high school and my first experience with tampons was, looking back, absolutely hi-lar-ious.
One of the first few times I used a tampon, I had a pretty awful experience. No instruction from my mom of course. A friend had given me a few because we were going to spend a day tubing and I didn't want to go in the water. We were out camping one weekend and I got my period just before we were leaving for a two hour drive home. I must have only had a tampon in my purse when I went to the bathroom. I put it in and I was horribly uncomfortable the whole way home. I knew something was wrong because you aren't supposed to feel it if it's in properly. When I finally got home and took it out, it turned out half the applicator had got wedged in with the tampon!!!!
0_O Never using a cardboard applicator again.
/end TMI