Well-known member
Yeah, the story telling is pretty solid. It's by far its strongest feature. I also rather enjoy the combat.
I HATE the bits in between fights, though. The button on which you have to freeze a Minotaur (near the beginning), and the spiked rotating wall you have to climb in Hades (near the end) come to mind. And there's plenty others like it that just made my blood boil.
I know people that praise the game for being difficult and rewarding, but I found myself annoyed and suppressing massive migraines more times then I was enjoying myself.
You're not alone. I bought the game cheap and ended up selling it to gamestop at a loss. Didn't care. The whole combat system was just button mashing, and the whole rotating columns with spike things made me break a controller. The game was massively overrated in my opinion. To top it off, a while back, I had a co-worker who thought that the ps3 sequel was the best game on earth, and got pissed off at me for not liking the series.