Gamers thread


Well-known member
Yeah, the story telling is pretty solid. It's by far its strongest feature. I also rather enjoy the combat.

I HATE the bits in between fights, though. The button on which you have to freeze a Minotaur (near the beginning), and the spiked rotating wall you have to climb in Hades (near the end) come to mind. And there's plenty others like it that just made my blood boil.

I know people that praise the game for being difficult and rewarding, but I found myself annoyed and suppressing massive migraines more times then I was enjoying myself.

You're not alone. I bought the game cheap and ended up selling it to gamestop at a loss. Didn't care. The whole combat system was just button mashing, and the whole rotating columns with spike things made me break a controller. The game was massively overrated in my opinion. To top it off, a while back, I had a co-worker who thought that the ps3 sequel was the best game on earth, and got pissed off at me for not liking the series.
You're not alone. I bought the game cheap and ended up selling it to gamestop at a loss. Didn't care. The whole combat system was just button mashing, and the whole rotating columns with spike things made me break a controller. The game was massively overrated in my opinion. To top it off, a while back, I had a co-worker who thought that the ps3 sequel was the best game on earth, and got pissed off at me for not liking the series.

That spike wall part wouldn't even be as bad if they didn't knock you to the freaking floor from one hit. If they knocked you down one section, that would have been enough to keep it challenging yet fair.

That part was just poorly designed in my opinion. The blades didn't even have to touch you for it to knock you down. It was really dumb.


Well-known member
That spike wall part wouldn't even be as bad if they didn't knock you to the freaking floor from one hit. If they knocked you down one section, that would have been enough to keep it challenging yet fair.

That part was just poorly designed in my opinion. The blades didn't even have to touch you for it to knock you down. It was really dumb.

No arguments here. I guess God Of War is just one in a long line of games that got great reviews but didn't do anything for me.


Well-known member
^I played God of War and it's pretty gory compared to the other games. I like that it puts a unique twist on greek mythology.

i've been told it's pretty good. i'm looking around for it but i just can't seem to find it. if you like action adventure games without the gore go for Prince of Persia The Sands of Time, and The Forgotten Sands.


Well-known member
Playing some more Skyrim these days. The game is soooo pretty, and the music very nice too.



Well-known member
I just started playing Dishonored, and will pick up Tomb Raider later when I finally leave work (grrr). But yeah Skyrim is very pretty. :) I haven't played it in ages and I still need to finish it. ;x Speaking of which, what sort of class style did you try? I tried pure mage and it got tricky at times.


Well-known member
I just started playing Dishonored, and will pick up Tomb Raider later when I finally leave work (grrr). But yeah Skyrim is very pretty. :) I haven't played it in ages and I still need to finish it. ;x Speaking of which, what sort of class style did you try? I tried pure mage and it got tricky at times.

So far I'm just level 12 and went Conjuration > Enchanting > Alteration, and a tiny bit in some other traits. :) But I already got a house and a child adopted. :) So far it works. Though that bear nearly killed me, because I couldn't get up my protecting spells in time. :(


Well-known member
It's been a long time, but I think I have high Alteration. It will sound silly, but I did seem to struggle with dragons, and the whole game scales with your level, but I didn't seem to really get anything to give me an edge. So in some ways it felt like they were getting strong but by contrast I was weaker. Anyway, the mage school had some really nice rewards if you followed the quests there to completion. :) I wore all cloth, rather than any armor, that's probably one reason why!


Active member
Bought the new Sim City, haven';t tried it yet though. Might do tomorrow.

I got a review copy but only started playing when the servers went live for everyone.

I love the game so far. In the beginning it was hard with service interruptions but servers are almost set perfectly by now in all regions.


Well-known member
I can't wait for the american release of Pandora's Tower.


All of the hype.

... Yeah, I'll be honest. I'm sure there are amazing western RPGs, such as Skyrim, but japanese RPGs are more of my thing.

Maybe due the fact I really, REALLY liked The Slayers as a child on TV, as well Boktai being my all-time favorite game. Although I admit JPRGs have gotten a HUGE loss in quality in recent years, I'm glad they got their act together with Xenoblade onwards...

Anyone here has played The Last Story?


It's REALLY good.


Well-known member
Steam sale and Origin sale on right now. Lot's of great indie games on steam up to 80% and some more recent titles on Origin up to 50%. I think I might get Botanicula, looks very interesting.


Well-known member
Is anyone playing Defiance beta or planning on getting game on xbox when it comes out?? anyone want to play with me? i'm playing the beta at the moment


Well-known member
I am looking at picking up army of 2 the new one for xbox but got on one to play with lol sad I know

so what news games is everyone looking at getting


Well-known member
Finished Bioshock Infinite, great game, good story, nice aesthetic, highly recommended. If anyone here ends up playing it, don't rush it.

Might start Mirror's Edge now.
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