Gamers thread


Well-known member
Aagh I have to skim through this thread blindfolded! I've been trying so hard not to spoil Mass Effect 3's ending for myself. I really need to get that game fast.
Aagh I have to skim through this thread blindfolded! I've been trying so hard not to spoil Mass Effect 3's ending for myself. I really need to get that game fast.

In the end it is revealed that everything you've played through so far is a visual narrative of a children's novel written by GLaDOS.

Something about teaching you the danger of birds... Yeah, I didn't get it either.


Well-known member
I liked the ME3 ending, didn't see what all the fuss was about. I didn't buy it until the ending had been extended though, so don't know what the oroginal one was like. But I went for the Green ending, it was a tough choice but in the end it was the only one that I felt I could take.


Well-known member
Since we're all talkin' about rpgs and what not, who here is getting south park stick of truth when it does finally come out? ( I wish THQ had went bankrupt after the game was in stores).
Since we're all talkin' about rpgs and what not, who here is getting south park stick of truth when it does finally come out? ( I wish THQ had went bankrupt after the game was in stores).

I might go for it, but I'm not sure.. Considering South Park's recent hit and miss seasons I'm not entirely sure I trust the writing enough to plunge into it. If the gameplay is fun enough and the writing holds up, then yes, certainly.

For now I'm a lot more interested in Bungie's 'Destiny'. It's literally the first multiplayer game that remotely caught my attention. I like EVE too, but it's too darn expensive monthly.


Well-known member
I might go for it, but I'm not sure.. Considering South Park's recent hit and miss seasons I'm not entirely sure I trust the writing enough to plunge into it. If the gameplay is fun enough and the writing holds up, then yes, certainly.

For now I'm a lot more interested in Bungie's 'Destiny'. It's literally the first multiplayer game that remotely caught my attention. I like EVE too, but it's too darn expensive monthly.

At the very least, the game is being developed by Obsidian. They have a pretty decent track record, so it should at least by decent.
I've just finished Crysis 3. I'm not sure what to really think of it.

It was stunningly beautiful, the action felt nice and fluid, suit mechanics worked well (all though a bit overpowering at times), but I feel the story in Crysis 2 was a lot stronger then in Crysis 3. Maybe it was because Crysis 3 is barely 6 hours long, but it never really gripped me.

Don't get me wrong it's fun, but, in my opinion- not as good as good as Crysis 2.

Also, if you're still hoping for Nomad to return, don't bother. I turns out he actually died on the island even before Crysis 2. This is not a Crysis 1, 2 or 3 spoiler, so I thought I'd put that out there and put those whom are waiting for him to make an heroic appearance (like I did) out of their misery.

They covered this in a 6 issue comic series that supposedly bridges the gap between Crysis 1 and 2, but it's never as much as spoken of in either 2 or 3.
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Well-known member
Finally got around to playing Dear Esther. Probably one of the most immersive gaming experiences I've ever had, the environments are just so amazing, especially the caves.
Finally got around to playing Dear Esther. Probably one of the most immersive gaming experiences I've ever had, the environments are just so amazing, especially the caves.

It's nice, huh? Many people complain that it isn't a game because of the lack of things you can do. But I rather liked the barren experience. The narration and exploration are plenty fun and interesting to make it a game.

By reducing the things you can do you're actually more involved with your surroundings. A lot of times in beautiful games a lot of the environment just falls out of sight because I'm trying to get some monster/demon/enemy in the crosshairs. Alan Wake comes to mind.
By recommendation of.. well.. everyone ever, I'm playing Shadow of the Colossus. ''Best game ever'' and ''emotionally involving'' are terms I hear a lot. I'm not far enough into the game to really tell whether that's true (I'm three Colossi in), or just people's biased opinions at work.

I see many people to this day claiming that Ocarina of Time is the best game ever, while that isn't even the best Zelda game any more. So I'm going to take it for what it is and see whether it's really as good and engaging as people say it is.

Though, I have to admit that way you fight the Colossi is genuinely intense and engaging. It's a nice change of pace after trying to play God of War (which I hated with a passion (with exception of its story)).


Well-known member
^I played God of War and it's pretty gory compared to the other games. I like that it puts a unique twist on greek mythology.
^I played God of War and it's pretty gory compared to the other games. I like that it puts a unique twist on greek mythology.

Yeah, the story telling is pretty solid. It's by far its strongest feature. I also rather enjoy the combat.

I HATE the bits in between fights, though. The button on which you have to freeze a Minotaur (near the beginning), and the spiked rotating wall you have to climb in Hades (near the end) come to mind. And there's plenty others like it that just made my blood boil.

I know people that praise the game for being difficult and rewarding, but I found myself annoyed and suppressing massive migraines more times then I was enjoying myself.