^ Danger; large post ahead. You might want to pack a small lunch before proceeding.
I wouldn't replay it for the ending if I were you, either. That's what YouTube is for, right? I can imagine it was frustrating considering the carried on savegames make the trilogy one big game. But I rather liked the ending, though.
[spoilers]In the extended cut you have the same choices, but with the added bonus that the Normandy survives most of the time, and a little epilogue from Shepard as the Catalyst explaining his intend of using the Reapers to protect life instead of harvesting/destroying it. (Bebunking the theory that the last scenes on top of the Citadel are a dream (if you choose to control the Reapers anyway)).
However, what happens to the crew seems to be divided in black and white. Either they die, or they crashland on a planet and survive. I would've liked to see them live happily ever after (or not, in the case of Renagade). A vast portion of the game focusses on the character's teamwork; if Shepard HAS to make a sacrifice, at least do something special for the other characters that were as vital to the story as Shepard and the Reapers were.
I've had Tali and Garrus exclusively in missions in the entire trilogy. One would think in a game where characters matter the game tracks which character you used the most and gave you closure on them as well. But on this they unfortunately didn't make any changes. It's a single ending for the entire crew, two if you include the one where they die. The crew scene does get a twist depending on with whom you were romantically involved. Kind of lazy on their part, but that's a common complaint.[/spoilers]
I guess it's more of an ''enjoy the journey'' type game, which I ended up doing. The war present always felt pressing, and I was quite emotionally involved with quite a number of the choices you had to make, including the consequences of some (and I'm generally not one to get sappy about these things). But it's not something I'd replay for the joy of it like I would with Legend of Zelda or Portal.. It's a involved experience, but definitely not the most fun game ever. The tank controls were always a bit of a pain in the butt. Without cover spots, the whole gameplay would fall apart. Mixed feels.