Gamers thread


Well-known member
I'm watchin this game closely, you really think it good?
Are you playing it for the pc or a console?

I'm playing it on the xbox. I am new to mmo's and i think this is a great game and can't stop playing it people either seem to love it or hate it but that is mostly giving out about server problems but trion are doing all they can to fix i have had no problems on the eu server though. You should give it a try!


Well-known member
Does anyone still play Guild Wars 2? Started playing again a few days ago, but the only person I was playing with is now playing EVE Online and that game sounds pretty boring.


Well-known member
I'm playing it on the xbox. I am new to mmo's and i think this is a great game and can't stop playing it people either seem to love it or hate it but that is mostly giving out about server problems but trion are doing all they can to fix i have had no problems on the eu server though. You should give it a try!

I'm playing Defiance on PC, good fun. Almost as good as planetside 2!

Will do :) thinking of getting it to the PS3


Well-known member
Replaying Metro 2033. Forgot what it was about and the sequel is coming out soon.
Too bad I can only run the game on medium settings, this game would look awesome with the settings maxed out.


Active member
Are we just discussing what we're playing currently? :)

I just finished Luigi's Mansion 2, enjoyed it very much. Looking forward to getting Mario & Luigi: Dream Team later this year. I was thinking about getting Heavy Rain or The Walking Dead: The Game for the Xbox, but I don't think I'd be very good at those real-time games.

I wouldn't want to end up killing off my favorite characters.
Just finished Bioshock Inifinite. I loved it. One of the most gripping game stories in recent history. Mad props for how it handled its ending.


Well-known member
Agree with you BlackPuma, I'm actually close to finishing it for the 2nd time. :) I thought I'd never say this but I'm actually waiting for the DLC to come.


Well-known member
I think BS:Infinite will be my next buy then! Just finished Dishonored, now that's a fabulous game. Definitely wanting more dlc for that one.