I have mixed reactions concerning the Mass Effect series.
Since I primarily game on my PS3, I only had access to the second game of the series, and BioWare only included a sort of inter-active comic-book for players to address all the decisions of the first in the series. Thing was... it was only available as a pre-order bonus. Meaning that, gamers like myself who only picked up the game after reading extensive reviews were shoe-horned in to the default settings.
While the gameplay was decent, the universe diversely populated, and the pacing was fairly nice... I just got really miffed that there were 328238956 star-systems to explore, with ten times as many planets... and yet I didn't need to use a hundredth of the resources I found before maxing out all available upgrades to the ship. I might have found five or six 'bonus-levels' that provided a whopping fifteen minutes of extra combat... but everything else was completely superfluous.
When the third game came out... I ignored it.
When BioWare said they were going to re-package everything as a trilogy, I was actually hyped, and would have happily pre-ordered...
Except for their decision to EXCLUDE most of the previously-released DLC-content for the PS3-version.
I was seriously like

mg: what lunacy. They're after a simple cash-grab and they have the audacity to still hold out for more? Screw that. I'm taking my money to the casino, instead.