I haven't played Minecraft so I can't compare, but I had a pretty good time with Terraria. You can do all the crafting, exploration and building stuff, but there's also a 'main quest' of sorts, where your end goal is to acquire the best possible gear in the game which requires you to go to different biomes/dungeons, defeat bosses, craft unique items etc. There's a good sense of progression here and the whole process probably took me 30+ hours, and I think I invested around 100 hours in total.
The game starts off slow because of low level equipment, but once you start coming across accessories that give you cool abilities and ranged/magic weapons, gameplay becomes a lot more varied. There are also NPCs in this game that can sell you a whole bunch of stuff for crafting traps, weapons with different stats and such, so I suppose it is somewhat RPG-like in that respect. In one playthrough I called my character Gandalf the Grey, wore wizard robes and exclusively used magic. Good fun.
All in all, I would recommend it. If you do end up playing it though, just warning you that there is no tutorial and very little in-game guidance on where you'll find particular items or how to do certain things, so you'll inevitably end up consulting the wiki A LOT.