Gained weight by sitting at home all day?



I've actually lost weight from sitting on my butt too long. But I'm gonna fix that because I got myself a shake weight and ab roller. No laughing :-| I'm gonna be disgustingly ripped by next Summer.


Well-known member
my weight doesnt change much. i never excersise and sit around all day. of course i dont eat at work, so i guess that evens it out

probably gonna change a lot here soon though. my stepdad is making me ride my bike to work now, and soon im gonna be walking all over campus when college starts >_<


Well-known member
I've actually lost weight from sitting on my butt too long. But I'm gonna fix that because I got myself a shake weight and ab roller. No laughing :-| I'm gonna be disgustingly ripped by next Summer.

Heck yeah! That's the right attitude!
Ditto for me!
I'mma be able to grate cheese on my abs by Thanksgiving!!
Who wants to reserve some ab grated cheese?

...haha, gross.


Well-known member
I've actually lost weight from sitting on my butt too long. But I'm gonna fix that because I got myself a shake weight and ab roller. No laughing :-| I'm gonna be disgustingly ripped by next Summer.

agh , same here , i'm losing lots of mass from doing nothing

I'mma be able to grate cheese on my abs by Thanksgiving!!
Who wants to reserve some ab grated cheese?

What ?! haha


Heck yeah! That's the right attitude!
Ditto for me!
I'mma be able to grate cheese on my abs by Thanksgiving!!
Who wants to reserve some ab grated cheese?

...haha, gross.

Well considering that some guys will pay to eat food off a womans stomach, ab grated cheese might be a genius idea. I cant though since theres not market for guys and Im too ticklish >.<


Well-known member
Only a portion of my weight problem is from not being active. The rest is health problems (like hypothyroid), the fact that I love food and rather be fat and happy than skinny and depressed, and that I eat when I am happy, I eat when I am sad, and pretty much everywhere in between.

But, I've recently lost 20 pounds. I am now about 35-40 pounds from ideal weight.


Well-known member
Only a portion of my weight problem is from not being active. The rest is health problems (like hypothyroid), the fact that I love food and rather be fat and happy than skinny and depressed, and that I eat when I am happy, I eat when I am sad, and pretty much everywhere in between.

But, I've recently lost 20 pounds. I am now about 35-40 pounds from ideal weight.

The important thing is being happy with who you are as a person- so it sounds like you've got the right idea!
Good on you!


Well-known member
Thanks. :)

I still struggle with my body image, but ultimately, yes, it is how I feel on the inside and food makes me happy.

Gee, I am really hungry right now. ::p:


Well-known member
I'm about 157 lbs but my weight doesn't matter. I have no friends and no g/f, so there is nobody who cares about what I look like enough for it to impact my life.

I exercise just for self-gratification and endorphins.

I think I have gained a little bit of weight recently, and I am obsessing about it. I certainly do need to get out more. I always feel hungry, like always always. I feel like I have to cut back so much just to be a normal weight and I really wish I could eat more, while doing nothing of course. My eating habits are not at all balanced the way they should be. I will eat a lot one day and nothing at all the next. I really really need something to do so I will eat less, or at least get out sometimes and have a reason to eat more.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Frosting is good.

When I lived in civilization I would go for long, strenuous bike rides at night. The darkness made it much easier for me to go out of the house.
ugh yea well, that and steroids but sitting about all day does not help! I've always weighed 136. Then it all changed last year. I jumped to 190 then as soon as I got the green light I had to do something about it and literally dropped to 160 in about 2 months. Then they put me back on the roids and I jumped to 185 and now I'm off them 4 weeks I'm down to 172 and the plan is to lose 10lb a month for the next three months then I'll be back to normal. So far so good, August check. But the sitting around does not help. I have the wii and I find it brilliant!!!

Warning: Losing weight gets a lot harder as you get older, I envy the metabolism I had ten years ago at


Well-known member
Don't hate me, but I've been losing weight, I just sit in my bed all day, and at school I don't go to the cafeteria, I just sit in the bathroom or library, and so my problem is losing. I'm 104 but before I was around 120 and about 5"5 so I guess it isn't horrible.
But I am so incredible weak, I wish internetting was an exercise :) I'd be ripped :D
Don't hate me, but I've been losing weight, I just sit in my bed all day, and at school I don't go to the cafeteria, I just sit in the bathroom or library, and so my problem is losing. I'm 104 but before I was around 120 and about 5"5 so I guess it isn't horrible.
But I am so incredible weak, I wish internetting was an exercise :) I'd be ripped :D

The metabolism definitely slows down as you get older when I was in school I weighed about 120 and I'm 5 10 but once you get past a certain point, it's all uphill so to speak heh


Well-known member
The metabolism definitely slows down as you get older when I was in school I weighed about 120 and I'm 5 10 but once you get past a certain point, it's all uphill so to speak heh

I don't have a good metabolism, I just hardly leave my room to eat, though I'm not looking forward to it slowing down more ::(:
I guess it doesn't matter about looks, just your inside right?
Cheesy line, huh? :D
I run 50-80km a week. Running may have saved my life.

wow fair play to you. I doubt I could run around the for that matter without stopping. I do love the freedom of running. I was a sprinter in highschool. Id love to run now.