Food Pictures


Well-known member
^ I think the three of us should get together and have a huge chocolate binge. What do you think?


Well-known member
^ I'm joining! :D


I'm kicking Oompa Loompa butt! Just so I can be that fat kid in the river. SMH, the power of chocolate and the things it does.

Sadly and pathetically, I'm thinking about swimming in the chocolate river and eating the chocolate walls. I would have been one of the naughty kids.

Before I kill myself. I will obsess over something else like fried peppers and cream cheese, still not healthy but once can dream.


Breakfast. Well, it's 3PM, but whatever.

Custards, Bacon (kind of), shortly fried bread (in the bacon fat) with garlic butter on top, a boiled egg, and milk to wash it down with.

Food = <3


Well-known member
^ That custard in the upper corner looks awesome.

My lunch for today: Stir-fried broccoli, mushrooms, and onions with marinated gluten-free crispy tofu on cellophane noodles. Never had crispy tofu before, so I found a recipe online and tweaked it. I loved tofu before, but with breading it's extra amazing.♥



Well-known member
That red, white and blue strawberry looks awesome! What a cool idea too.

Definitely not a very pretty picture but it was pretty good.



Well-known member
^ That custard in the upper corner looks awesome.

My lunch for today: Stir-fried broccoli, mushrooms, and onions with marinated gluten-free crispy tofu on cellophane noodles. Never had crispy tofu before, so I found a recipe online and tweaked it. I loved tofu before, but with breading it's extra amazing.♥


I dont really like the veggies i mean me & veggies are like tom & jerry (me being jerry since i always escape from them somehow xD or making deals in the lunch with my bro for make him eat my veggies =P) but still i liked this ur lunch pic ^^ maybe was the nice green of broccoli that made me remember some nice grass to lay my ass on xd but well very nice ^^

Btw thats the cake i made for my mum bday i woke up early and with my little bro we made this :


My Mum used to be called "piña" when she was young which in spanish means = "ananas" so i got the idea of put this pineapple in the middle of the cake ^^ and stylishing it with some strawberries make it look a bit as her i mean not really as her xD but as a face even the long tongue since she loves to "talk in a loudly way xD"


thats the view from the "sky" ^^ and u can even see the syringe at one side , and the asnwer its no im not a drug abuser xD i just used the syringe for write in the cake xD since we dont have proper tools =P
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