Flying Feathers! Or, Trying to Change the World! - Journal/Rant thread


Well-known member
I decided to re-paste this from the How are You Feeling thread for future reference (and so EscapeArtist can see it):

feeling... accomplished, a bit. Managed to get the attick a bit better looking... still long way to go, at least some views are way more pleasant now..

only ate fruit and protein (tuna & eggs) today, thanks to EscapeArtist (felt really crappy in the morning and yesterday, due to too much bread etc, feeling better now)..

parents came home - first thing mum did/said was being critical (not to me, to sis, she leaves me alone/doesn't dare nag at me these days) but c'mon! of course I had to hear everything and reply! yikes. and they want us to be 'normal'? grr!!

ok, couldn't resist some dark chocolate now..

was feeling depressed and found this cool topic: Teenage Girls Are Depressed – Well, Duh!
(am not a teenager but can totally relate to the spirit of this article - duh!!)
I was feeling like crying and being miserable today, this morning.. like yesterday.. I wanted to blog about things and didn't know what to say. Like I was lacking... language, to talk about it. Then I realized it might be a good idea to put it all on paper... And it was.

All of that was in my head! whew. No wonder I was feeling miserable!

Then I thought (still lying in bed, being miserable about it), what would Pippi Longstocking do? - And I got up and fixed myself something to eat. lol

I am still a bit lost and confused, but at least I have some clue about how to go about things.
And a bit cleaner attick. :)
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Well-known member
Hi Feathers!
This might sound a bit irrelevant but from your mentioning about feeling crappy in the morning and eating too much bread,I assume that you're gluten tolerant (or have some kind of food allergy to gluten) this is exactly the same problem that I have and despite the fact that avoiding gluten has made quite a difference in my energy levels ,recently after one month of avoiding eggs and milk as well, and preparing myself some (gluten free)pastry with lots of milk and eggs ,I felt the tiredness coming back immediately the next mornings after eating the pastry,from that I realized that I'm also allergic to milk and eggs as well.After doing some research I've figured that many poeple have food allergies related to their 'blood type' and don't know about it.Food sensitivity symptoms can manifest in lack of energy and fatigue in many cases.And the good news is that there's a blood test that can determine food allergies and it's called ELISA IgG Food Allergy Testing.(I've just realized this myself and will be giving it soon).Although sometimes it can be possible that it doesn't show a food allergy while you actually have it .(A more accurate way can be avoiding certain food for a while ,eating that food again after the avoided time and paying attention to the body's reaction.)
Sorry if I was a bit off topic! just thought this might be useful information .
This whole paying attention to food allergies has really helped me in reducing my SA symptoms. :)
BTW I've also bookmarked the Life With Confidence - Building Self Confidence to Bring out the Best in You site link you gave in your previous post ,very useful site!


Well-known member
Thanks gazelle! :)

lol I sometimes google up links for others and then forget about them :) Glad it was helpful!

Yeah, I've thought of gluten intolerance too, and it seems staying away from gluten improves my mood! (lifts brain fog etc) I might have problems with milk too..
This will sound really funny but I'm afraid to go to the hospital and get properly checked.. (for celiac etc) I'd also have to wait for 7 months or so (we have a funny healthcare system in our country, and apparently there's a lot of these gluten-related cases these days!) Of course, if I had 'signed up' for the check up at the time (last year), I could've gone to the specialist Dr next month, but I umm, procrastinated...
So when things got bad, I just stayed away from gluten for a while.. I do see my head is 'clearer' next day/morning if I don't eat gluten the previous night...

I'm a bit sceptical of industrial 'gluten-free' products too, and have preferred to just eat other grains (rice, etc) I was eating a lot of beans in the past and got sensitive (brainfog) after that too.. so I think the most essential thing is rotation and a variety of food (ideally)
Some corn stuff can be problematic too, if it's GMO/non-eco heavily-sprayed corn (or soy) and even potatoes and other things can be 'iffy' these days, so it's good to know where your food comes from.. (We had even grown some soy ourselves last year)

Milk or eggs - I think it also depends what sort of food cows/hens get etc. What sort of detergents are used to clean equipment etc. Is it eco/organic or not..

Staying away from something for a month and then overdoing it can also trigger a sensitivity I think.. Maybe smaller amounts would be okay? Or if it's not all combined together?
I think I'm okay with eggs so far (knock on wood!) Been eating them too much at a time (> some potential sensitivity too) and then stopped and only eat'em rarely... so I get good energy after them again.. :)
It's just the combo with other things that gets iffy, like in pancakes=wheat+milk+eggs (though sis suggested 'fat' might be a problem too?) or even baked millet+quark/cream+eggs+apples makes me feel brainfog and feeling iffy afterwards...

I've been gluten-free and milk-free in the past, the family couldn't quite cope with it and complained, and it was a lot of work, and I had some 'side-effects' too, so I switched back to 'normal food' (with minerals/vitamins, and felt quite good on those too, but then had side effects from the minerals, so stopped them)... but I'm thinking to go gluten-free again...
hospital tests can't be that reliable, and if I'm feeling crappy and staying away makes a difference, hm? (I just need some culinary logistics I guess.. And I'll need to cook again more..)

Thanks for encouragement! It's good to know I'm not the only one going through this!
(PS Escape Artist is gluten intolerant too, you probably know that already...) :)
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Well-known member
I'm just randomly posting here, but I'm happy to hear I'm not the only one basically gluten-free and milk-free. I've had food allergies for over 2 years now, and within those 2 years I just kept getting worse with the allergies. Like, first I was only diagnosed with 3 allergies. Now I'm at 7. I'm hoping that's where it's going to stop, since it's so hard already to eat. Sometimes I feel like such a burden to my family, since it gets so expensive to buy the "specialty" items.

Now I'm not gluten free, exactly. I'm only allergic to wheat, but since that's in nearly everything, I just choose to go gluten free cuz it's somewhat easier. But even then, it can be a struggle since I'm allergic to both corn and rice, and those two grains are found in A LOT of gluten free foods. So I just make everything from scratch, teach myself the difficulties of gluten free baking and cooking. ::p:
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Well-known member
Phoenixx, oh gosh, 7 allergies! That sounds tricky!

How were your allergies identified/diagnosed? Just by elimination & experimenting?
Did you get tested for celiac or such too? (Or the notorious candida?)

I'm just omitting gluten right now, feeling tons better (no brainfog), we'll see if it will last :)

Used to be both gluten-free & milk-free a year or so ago, it was difficult at first, but then you kinda find exciting new foods like amaranth (yummy!) and hempseed etc!
Yeah some stuff can get expensive.. Do you have a garden or something like that? We grow beans, soy, vegetables... Potatoes too (but they're not so very eco) I'd love to source local eco/organic corn and other grains too..

What kind of food do you eat? Are you doing the rotation?
Did you eat a lot of corn and rice and became allergic to them then, or were all present from the beginning?

Well, I've been staying away from food additives since I was a kid, so going gluten-free wasn't such a big deal! (It was harder to stay away from Coca Cola and iffy meat products when I was a kid! But I'm glad I did now, cause they're generally bad for your health anyway..) I'm also staying away from sweets now & from sweet fruit too.. (just in case)
He he, maybe we can start (or find) a gluten-free thread... :)


Well-known member
I first diagnosed myself with the wheat allergy by experimenting. I kept getting the worse muscle and joint pains imaginable, as well as just irritability. At first, I started with being gluten free, thinking gluten was the problem. That's when I started eating lots of rice and corn. Then I worked gluten little by little back into my diet, until I came to wheat. The same symptoms came back, so that's when I knew.

It was only a few months after that I started getting an allergy to corn and rice. That's when my mom decided to take me to see this chiropractor/naturopath and she helped diagnose me through Bioset (more about it here >> BioSET Allergy Testing and Treatment). It was strange at first, and I really didn't believe it because there were no needles involved, but it was very accurate. Right now I'm currently seeing a different naturopath. He checks the amount of bacteria, minerals, metals, and fungi in my system, to make sure I don't have too much. He also checks the alignment of everything, to make sure nothing is misaligned from swelling and irritation. A lot of complicated stuff, but he helps me so much.

My parents grow a garden every year. We grow a lot of green beans, peas, carrots, squash, pumpkin, lettuce, and we even grow a ton of blackberries. Plus, I live in a rural area so whatever we can't grow, we can get at farmer's markets real cheap during the season.

As far as food goes, it's pretty hard, lol. Right now I'm on a candida diet, which is a pain! My 5th one this year alone. :p I eat a lot of gluten free grains, like quinoa, millet, amaranth. I definitely eat a lot of vegetables, mostly organic. I was eating fruit, but of course, I have to stay off from that right now. I always opt for almond or coconut milk, as I have an allergy to dairy too. And the only meats I really eat are beef and chicken. The beef is organic, since my parents raise the cows, but the chicken isn't. It's expensive to buy and my parents haven't started raising chickens yet.

But since changing my diet from two years ago, I haven't been as sick nearly as much as I have been in the past. I can breathe better, my muscles and joints don't feel as sore, and my body overall just feels better. Oh, and a gluten free thread sounds great. :D We should start one, maybe post some recipes or something. ::p:


Well-known member
Hey Phoenix! :) Yeah, I started experimenting with 'no gluten' too after a backache (after injury) and joint ache.. (that was a few years ago, someone online suggested going gluten-free could help) then started 'eating everything' again (first with supplements, then without), now experimenting with gluten-free again.. I find my mind is clearer, but I still get irritated (or even more, lol!)

maybe because the mind is so clear, it's more difficult to put up with own & other people's stupidity or 'problem areas'! lol! (or maybe I'm experiencing withdrawal symptoms? hm?) gluten kinda 'fogged' things before and a sleepy mind may find some things easier to tolerate/ignore.. maybe I oughtta cut milk too, but I thought to just try gluten-free first.. (and cocoa does relax me..)

if I drank too much milk in the evening (or ate oatmeal) my sinus system kinda got blocked in the morning, I only ate pumpkinseeds last night to see how it goes & woke up better... (okay, sunshine too..)
I felt really good gluten-free and milk-free before (a few years ago), and with more protein, but was probably eating too much protein/meat at the time, which was bad for backache/joint ache, there needs to be a balance..
Do you take any calcium or other supplements?

Doctors in our country don't believe in Candida until it's 'really bad' (basically just a little bit before people die, or when they die lol) or just in certain 'areas'.. Also, there are lots of different anti-candida nutrition plans out there, sometimes it's not so easy to know what to follow..

It's great to hear you have a garden! Wow, blackberries too!! :) We have some red cousins of those..

Do you make your own almond milk and such?

Great to hear the nutrition etc has been helpful!! :) I think being too much in front of computer can be a factor/problem too, it's not so easy to 'unplug' sometimes tho! :)

hmm, let's see: where's that gluten-free thread? Let's see if there are any already?


Well-known member
if I drank too much milk in the evening (or ate oatmeal) my sinus system kinda got blocked in the morning, I only ate pumpkinseeds last night to see how it goes & woke up better... (okay, sunshine too..)
I felt really good gluten-free and milk-free before (a few years ago), and with more protein, but was probably eating too much protein/meat at the time, which was bad for backache/joint ache, there needs to be a balance..
Do you take any calcium or other supplements?
^ Yeah with dairy I get pretty congested and I get sooo dizzy. Sometimes I get really bad headaches too, so I keep my distance, lol.
I don't take any supplements. I really should though, especially with the calcium. I know I get enough protein and carbs, but I really should watch my vitamin and calcium intakes too, make sure I'm getting enough.

Do you make your own almond milk and such?
^ I buy almond milk and coconut milk at the store, but finding a yogurt has been so hard! For some odd reason, it's hard to find dairy free yogurts where I live. When I do find a soy yogurt, it has either corn starch or brown rice syrup or rice starch or something else I'm allergic to. You'd think they would make something that didn't have to have a starch to it or added sugars... :rolleyes: So now I'm thinking I'm gonna try experimenting and try making my own soy yogurt.


Well-known member
Whoa, thanks for the info! :)

^ Yeah with dairy I get pretty congested and I get sooo dizzy. Sometimes I get really bad headaches too, so I keep my distance, lol.
I don't take any supplements. I really should though, especially with the calcium. I know I get enough protein and carbs, but I really should watch my vitamin and calcium intakes too, make sure I'm getting enough.
I felt 'bad' after eating some quark/cottage cheese today (and thought I had maybe too much protein yesterday and not a proper breakfast today), had to sit down a bit too, some anxiety (but I thought it was trigger-related, eg the river kinda got high, hope it doesn't flood or such.. But yeah, one could call it 'dizzy' too...? hm?
Still not quite willing to give it up, maybe 'reduce' is a better answer..

I took some calcium before, it's not so easy to find a good source for minerals around here - when I was mixing the 'coral dust' with lemon juice it kinda got too strong & I got leg cramps! :) (=too little magnesium, probably, calcium & magnesium need to be in balance, ideally..) couldn't find magnesium as 'powder' without any other iffy ingredients though..! So, kind of gave up on supplements too.. Sometimes I think life would be easier with them, if good ones could be found..

^ I buy almond milk and coconut milk at the store, but finding a yogurt has been so hard! For some odd reason, it's hard to find dairy free yogurts where I live. When I do find a soy yogurt, it has either corn starch or brown rice syrup or rice starch or something else I'm allergic to. You'd think they would make something that didn't have to have a starch to it or added sugars... :rolleyes: So now I'm thinking I'm gonna try experimenting and try making my own soy yogurt.
Yeah, I'm sceptical of those store-bought things too! We make own yogurt/sour milk from cow milk, and I've thought about making soy milk or such too - never got brave enough to do it lol! Do tell if you succeed and how it works! :)


Well-known member
Okay, I honestly don't know what to do.

I think I may have fallen into some sort of deep depression and my family is not making it better.

I felt sooo much better when I was on my own, so I think the ideal would be to move away again and live on my own. Trouble is I don't have that much money left, and I am torn between these options:

a) find a room in city A or B in my country + get a laptop + money (???)
b) go to London (would prefer it, there are considerations tho - money & what would happen of the eco projects, would I just leave everything?? It probably wouldn't be safe to bring a laptop with, if I went on a budget, so then I wouldn't need to buy one)
c) ??

We (or I) can't afford Granny's flat so it has to be emptied. Which has been stressful too.
I thought to buy a laptop so I could work in Granny's flat or elsewhere, but the good ones are not so affordable and it's hard to find and choose one. And I have a mini budget.

Mom has been needing the PC a lot and so I wasn't able to be online much. (Partly that's good but partly it's annoying if you're in the middle of something or have some plans and then you can't finish stuff.)

The garden season started, so things have been more stressful with regard to time management, planning etc.

My dad is in denial about his daughter (I think). We have quarrelled a lot.
In theory, I would LIKE to learn to work in the garden, but the family (mostly parents) just drive me crazy and then I don't want to. I don't want to be anywhere near them.
Also, it's the time when I can do research and do stuff on the computer. Grr.

I have read some stuff about people with controlling or narcissistic or borderline parents, and I can relate to a lot of the stuff there. My parents are not fully that, but they have some traits. Okay, so do I. I think I do qualify the 5 'borderline' criteria (though I'm not suicidal, and some only in a smaller part). Yikes. Fun. Fun.

I'm not sure how helpful it is to read about these things at all though.

I can relate a lot to how some of the people on bpdfamily boards have severed all contact with their parents etc. I don't know if I'd ever let them be alone with my kids if I ever had any...

Partly, I wanted to try hard and try to make this work - living at home, living in small places... I was intrigued by the whole 'living in small places' idea...

But if I didn't go downstairs to my folks, or only very rarely, they CAME UP!! Grr!! Even if I was in the middle of something! - I tried to minimize contact, and they got bored! Dad likes it if I watch TV together with him, grr!! And is all friendly etc then. Until next day when it's like he had a totally different personality... (or amnesia).

Dad can't grasp the concept of 'work from home' or 'sound sensitivity/hyperacusis' - he went banging on the wall or something even though he could do it later, after I wasn't home anymore!
'I was only thinking about the work!' Then he plays out to be this martyr 'someone has to do any work around here'! And why? Grr! And 'It wasn't so loud!' ugh!!
I'm truly a bit better in some respects on some days, depending on what I eat and how I feel, but loud noise still bothers me, a lot!
They drive me so crazy I just want to stay away!! Ugh!

I have really isolated myself lately and haven't been much out of the house, except when at Granny's place... I can't make myself go.. (especially when they want to push me.) It's a stupid power struggle and I hate it, but I can't break the 'vicious circle'. (Does this qualify as agoraphobia? Yikes.)

It seems that when I tried to 'be a good daughter' it actually got worse and they upped the pressure!
Like, 'give 'em a finger and they want to grab an arm!'

Dad kept pushing to 'get a real job' and mentioned how the neighbours' kid had a job in the factory etc like almost every day at lunch!
I was actually looking up jobs the other days and thought to apply to some (even though I'm scared and not sure if it would turn out well) and he still has this attitude grr!!
I need the computer to actually apply or write CVs or such though, ugh!!

I'm just angry at myself for ever coming back to live with the folks, for not buying my own computer/laptop equipment (with printer) before, for not moving away before...

They did this kind of pressure before, when I was writing my thesis, and when sis was writing her thesis, and when I finally 'broke' and took stupid jobs that I really hated then... (so maybe he was thinking he could pressure me into something like this again..)

You'd think if I had a job the pressure stopped, right? Nah, it was better for a while, but then the whole garden/house work/stupid things started again... Other points of pressure: to settle down, get married, have kids... It's like he has a totally different film in his head when it comes to his kids...

I am thinking that maybe I am just seriously messed up and might need to get myself committed into a hospital. Though I would hate the stigma then.
Mum said she doesn't see a need for a hospital, but maybe a good psychiatrist...? Grr.
They always find fault with others, never with themselves!! And I don't know if mum can open her mouth without 'preaching' or trying to give me a peace of her mind (or sounding negative). It's hard.

I did some exercises from Dr Burns' book the other night and felt BETTER when I woke up - but then Dad started banging on the house!! Grr!!

And when I complained about it at lunch he somehow made it sound all my fault, if I were out at work I wouldn't need to listen to it-?? Grr!! (Dad takes criticism poorly. Okay, I do too..) I told him some people shouldn't have kids or grandkids, if they can't be CONSIDERATE of other people and their feelings.

Why do I even bother with him?? He has ADD/ADHD or onset of Alzheimer's, apparently, and Grandma said it would only get worse-?? It's like we were both 3 or something, we can't seem to talk normal??

And now he asks me if I have comforted myself?? Like there was nothing wrong?? Grr!!

Oh, and he wanted to paint the stairs while I was away at Granny's (when I ran up, all upset) - more iffy fumes and stuff to worry about, just what I need right now, yup!

I'll probably erase/edit this when I come to my senses, but I'm really ANGRY right now & just need to VENT! Grr!!
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Well-known member
Heya Feathers,

Aww u are really angry i can feel it this tension honey. No wonder must be really thought with your family not having your own space. I know how it is hard. I can't be along
around my mom either she just going around and critic if i don't do nothing productive because she don't understand. I think is great idea move on your own if u manage do it so!
I think would be perfect for u. About laptop yes today this good ones are really expensive.
If u may share PC with whole family yay this i can't imagine with my addiction i'm only nerves if someone go on pc for 1 hour haha and if is 5 hours i feel creepy. Because i have to need be on. I truly feel with u. Well maybe u can look for laptop in bazar thought or some actions in supermarkets aren't sometimes not so bad?;)

Noises, noises yes yes i know this i can't stand too if someone will knocking like woodpecker on laptop in the same room for example i would must wake up because
i will not sleep. And father punching lol? HUh well this i will be stressed as well. No wonder
u are Feathers.:/

Money yes this mine main issue too. I think this main issue of a lot people. I hope u can find so nice job where u will feel well?:D U are smart and creative i think u wouldn't have
issue to find it? Well my mom to dwell all the time about people what she meet around
what they are doing, how they work, how they get married all the time some story which
can make just depressed nothing else i know she maybe don't mean it and try help but kind of those help is working for me opposite.

London sound great ?:) U was thinking go alone or with some friend?;)

Hugs hun and take care about yourself!!!
Sorry to hear that feathers. I personally just leave the house to go to the library if the noise is too loud (for any reason)... you can also mention to your parents that you're studying or finding job through the local library or something like that?


Well-known member
Aww, thanks guys :)

Yeah, I was really angry, yup... The trouble is, Dad isn't even aware there was anything wrong.. (or won't admit it!)

The library here, well that is another question. It somehow lacks privacy.
But I wouldn't mind going for a walk or to the library or whatever if I were warned enough ahead of time!
But dad just called my name and when I didn't answer right away he wouldn't even tell me what it was about, he just started banging on the walls outside.. We agreed beforehand that he would at least tell me ahead of time so I could go take a walk or something. hmm??

I put on the ear muffs (which is a bit of a problem itself as my ears are more sensitivie then after I put'em off.. and it's difficult and odd to have'em on whole day) only to hear at lunch that he wouldn't bang anymore and it was done for the day - grr!!
If we had better communication or planning/time management in the house, I could just take a walk that time and not have to put'em on in the first place!
But my dad is really difficult with time management/planning - he just thinks of something and does it!
Very rarely he really plans ahead.. And I have to drag it out of him what he means to do where when... That's the whole problem.. He's used to the idea that it's 'his house, his garden, he's the boss'... He doesn't go easy on anyone else having any ideas about what or why would have to be done.. And since we quarrelled a lot about renovations etc in the past, I just thought to 'leave him alone' and not interfere (more sanity-maintaining)

Soul, he talks about these exact same things too!! Grr!! Or who died and whose funeral it is, or who is going to die and very ill.. Or trees to spray with iffy chemicals etc. Very cheerful stuff, I tell ya!!
Oh, or about the politics or crises or unemployment or any other dreadful stuff he saw on TV etc.
If I said I didn't like to talk about Japan with my coz he started talking about Japan then. Grr!!
It's like 'This shouldn't bother you' and if it doesn't bother him he thinks it shouldn't bother me either.
And he admitted to be sensitive in the past too, but then 'he got better about it' - WTF?
He's about as attentive and considerate as an elephant in a shop with porcelain!!

I'm on a really low budget, so maybe I'm just dreaming about all these things, yup!
I don't know if I'm mentally strong enough for a job?! (So I was wanting to do the home biz/freelancing thing, but it seems impossible-??!)

It's just all very frustrating.

Thank you for listening. ((hugs))
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Well-known member

Well whole day seating with muffs can make sadly ears very sensitive for any sound. Yes is odd as u said:) And why u have to do it he can tell u when he will doing and u can go for walk or library as u mentioned. Sadly is there lack of communication and also he is stubborn *sigh*

Well i hope u will find your way how to trick dad and mom:) Good luck by it!


Well-known member
Hmm, yeah, Dad is very stubborn.. Unfortunately, so am I... ugh..

I don't want to 'trick' them or anything, but some more 'normal' communication would really be nice...
Unfortunately I don't know if it's possible.. uhh..
(Especially until I don't move away from home... They were very polite to me when I wasn't living at home and was studying/working elsewhere.. But I'm very scared to do so, grr!)

I mean, what if I run out of money then, and would have to come back, etc? Or if the roommates or that place would turn out to be even more horrible than the parents? hm?
I also feel to be too messed up to be looking for jobs and a place to live, in a way...
And all my things, yikes.. also, safety concerns, a bit.. I do feel safe here, physically.. Elsewhere.. hmm? (Though mentally/spiritually it's not safe here at all or good for my sanity..) But I know they would kick ass and bite head off if anyone tried to harm me too!! It's like living with dragons who spit fire, you know! And sometimes spit fire your way, but would totally defend you if anyone else attacked you too!!
Maybe just need to find other dragons? (That wouldn't spit fire my way tho-?? Is this possible? lol)


Well-known member

Well i was meaning like trick them not like really trick:) but my "magic metaphor" trick was meaning
find some trick to communicate with them better and find some way how to solve with them in the
best way.

Yes u are right u can meet yet some worse "dragons" and this u will want go back for sure i know what u are meaning yes. Sometimes we thing we are in the worse "mat" situation and later we wonder
if come other yet worse as was before. I know.., But try u can?:) I think by parents u have door open if will not work out. I think u have anyway nice parents because even if u are stressed with them they support u in some way and love u.


Well-known member
Yeah, I hope we do find some 'magic trick' :)

Yeah, I think I have so many possibilities - too many maybe! Though with regard to money, it kinda narrows it down into what may seem like a 'mat' situation yup.. You put it well..

Well, parents can do weird things out of love.. no wonder I've been running away from it so much :)

I am shocked by this new nickname I got?? Who's responsible for this?? (Must look up Coyote?)
At least Google should pay me for advertising them like this, huhh??? :D


Well-known member
Yeah, I hope we do find some 'magic trick' :)

Yeah, I think I have so many possibilities - too many maybe! Though with regard to money, it kinda narrows it down into what may seem like a 'mat' situation yup.. You put it well..

Well, parents can do weird things out of love.. no wonder I've been running away from it so much :)

I am shocked by this new nickname I got?? Who's responsible for this?? (Must look up Coyote?
At least Google should pay me for advertising them like this, huhh???

Hahaha is kind of funny your new nick name? I didn't saw till u don't told me:) Dr. Google yes maybe they can pay for it because u do good job. Coyote is funny man but how u know was he? But who else true:rolleyes:


Well-known member
:) Remus, lol!!

Dr Google is the professional advice you defer to when performing online searches for information using the google search engine. Dr Google knows all.
Urban Dictionary: Dr Google

Whoa, I didn't know I was THAT powerful!! uhh?? :D

Remus, are you responsible for this?? :) Coyote denies having anything to do with it!!-??

I thought you guys invented this lol but it appears to be common knowledge since 2009 at least?

(Then again I HAVE been online since 2009 and earlier! hm!)
Well, unfortunately Dr Google (of non-feathered kind) does know more than my doctor did! hm!
Feathers *doesn't* know as much as Dr Google though!! (but she's happy to Google it up for ya sometimes!)

Still, I think they should pay me/us for advertising! :)
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