People online have wondered if my dad was bipolar (when I wrote of his antics) I honestly don't know.. Maybe he's just of the 'older generation' that needed to be 'in movement' all the time.. And needed to be 'busy busy busy' (so of course no wonder me and sis can be the total opposite..)
I wondered if he had ADD at times.. He could change moods and become violent quickly when we were kids, but nothing 'out of the ordinary', people still smack kids where I live.. (?)
Maybe I was just an impressionable kid who suffered the 'injustice of it all'.. (and he and mom usually got into a quarrel about upbringing of kids in such cases)
Grandma thinks it might be beginnings of Alzheimer's or such... (?) and that it would only get worse??
I already do live upstairs, we have a shared kitchen downstairs and partly bathroom and other amenities (I don't have a shower/bath/washing machine) and the heating is shared.
There is no clear boundaries between 'upstairs' and 'downstairs' though (no doors I could lock - I mean, there is a door but parents have freezer and stuff and access to the roof in the attic.) There's also the bad habit of yelling across the stairs, not very handy if you interview someone or try to get info or do business on the phone-??
So basically I'd need a cooker/stove and maybe washing machine.. maybe fridge.. (not sure where to put it either, since it can be noisy)
Mom says maybe a 'vent' for above the stove could be made through the roof (?)
Dad is handy enough with tools, and we also have neighbours who are even more handy..
I have sensitivity to noise though.. that's a problem.. and we already had quite some remodelling done elsewhere on the house this year..
I also try to be as eco-friendly or 'zero waste' as possible.. So it's really stressful to research the materials and paints etc that would be most eco-friendly, when you don't know so much about it!!
In a few years, the roof would likely be changed too.. we talked of maybe 'uplifting' the attic (to make it 'higher' not sure if I want that much remodelling though.. all the noise and dust and waste materials etc)
You're lucky you have your own place and do what you like to do!!
I came back home after Uni specifically because Dad lamented he wished at least one of us to come home.. (and okay I had a not-so-great roommate with a loud fridge, but I could've just found another room or gone to live elsewhere..) Now both sis and I are home and we're all kinda miserable about it!!

She has even worse SA than I do.. (scared of phones etc too) I'm just scared of specific situations.. And I'm not sure if I'd dare to live completely on my own either.. maybe with cool roomate/flatmates..
oh gosh this sounds so horrible.. however, because we both seem to be a bit 'messed up' the parents somehow decided it was 'not their fault' (lol) They can be unpredictable like that..
They are very miserable about having kids with no real jobs and no grandkids yet and such.. (I admit it was partly as 'revenge' and other interests at times, mostly due to just not feeling up to any of it, and the anxiety etc.. and cause just didn't want to pass on bad genes!! ugh Explain that to someone who'd be okay with cloning himself cause he 'looks so good'? Yes, I did research 'narcissism' a bit too.. We all might have a bit of it, like ADD, but what can it help you knowing this in real life?) I tried starting a biz/non-profit, it's not so easy though.. especially if there's unpredictable remodelling or other loud noises going on in the house at the time!!
It's just frustrating, not knowing what to do...