Okay, the PMS is over, and it started raining a bit (finally!) lol - even yesterday, I was absurdly happy when Uncle visited.
Was very much against him visiting when I was in a 'cranky mode', but turned out we had fun anyway - he's just a fascinating person and knows SOO much!!
Over-dosed on cookies (wheat!) and sweet juice though (sugar!) and couldn't sleep half the night! lol!
(I kept having one brilliant idea after another, and had to write it down or record it! lol!)
(Not sure if they're still so brilliant now that I have woken up, but maybe they are haha!!)
(Today we had beans and my bran was a mush, but ah well..)
We made a weekly menu and something that almost resembled a half-weekly plan yesterday (quite impressed, though it was kinda annoying - people go in and out of room and start eating or doing chores or watching TV, it just took us too long I guess? But at least some logic and guidelines for the week..) I was least happy with it in the end kinda, cause I wanted to make sure others would be kinda okay with it lol. It was still allright I guess lol. And at least we HAVE a weekly menu again!! (Life is so much EASIER with one! I really hate all those 'What'll we eat today?' questions when brain still not in 'functioning' mode!!)
We're still adjusting plans day-to-day, as some things rely on other people too... trouble is if some things somehow got 'booked' to the same day?? yikes! (We'll see... maybe both can be done on one day..)
Oh, and I got all the random paper out of my room today - so proud of myself! Wanted to clear the other room actually, so I could practise there (my guitar skills are still not so great), still some paper there (couldn't take it anymore! lol!) it's WAY better than it was though! (When both rooms had soo much paper! lol!)
Tomorrow I'm singing/playing at a meet-up of literary club!!

They were very happy when I called, it's for free of course, just wanna get myself 'out there' again, and practise performing again, lol! (Didn't send any poetry in to be published, kinda prefer this actually..) Don't know what to wear though, lol!! (Or if my sinuses will 'maintain me in-tune' - if my sinuses got blocked I got a bit 'out of tune', but they told me they didn't mind, lol!
Most people there are a bit elderly and don't hear so well anyway, lol!)
Finally found the weight scale (mum had it, who knew?) and it confirmed my suspicions (and lack of proper comfy clothing lol): I'm at my max weight which I had a few years ago (which is still not much, mum says it's 'just right' but some of my clothes don't fit anymore?? or might need fixin, I try not to buy new clothes!) so I'm thinking to keep at this weight or reduce.. More walking will be desired... and some exercise - gah! - to reduce some waistline, hm! (I was really reluctant to do it, maybe this will be incentive? ha!)
My hair is still/again in 'impossible' mode, hope to put it in an updo and well, old people don't see so well anyway, haha..
Maybe if it goes well, I'd like to go to some more eg open mikes and such, wanna ring up a friend if she's up for anything...
Wish me luck!!