Flying Feathers! Or, Trying to Change the World! - Journal/Rant thread


Well-known member
Hahahaha. This all reminds me more that I need to swim again. I was on the HS swim team back in the day (I was almost always in a corner, and did my laps. Hahaha). Able to do about 50m in about 27 seconds. =)

Thanks for the possible motivation factor. =) much are these goggles? Hehe...I don' t even want to look at that price tag.


Well-known member
I'm going through a really stressful time, and didn't want to resurrect someone else's old thread (or start a new one) so just continuing in this thread I guess... Although it has a stupid title and probably doesn't fit the description anymore... and not sure if anyone will reply anyway.. (with anything even remotely useful/helpful)

I really hate the Day of Dead and all that goes with it. October is stressful and november too, why do some eco/important things have to be at this time?? I mean who wants to live in November?? Yikes!! Or do exiting fun things??
It's when my Grandpa died too, many years ago... And I don't blame anyone who decides it's just not worth it, with this gloomy weather (from natural reasons of course, I'm against suicide or such...)
It's just, yucky weather... A friend said if I'd go for a Halloween party, but it's far and not sure how transport/logistics would be managed etc.

I probably won't go to the cemeteries when the time comes, I really hate them. Especially with all toxic plastic candles around... The 'pretty' shiny plastic candles made from PVC emit dioxins when burnt, and I hate the smell that the cemeteries are full of...
There are some awareness campaigns locally, but not telling the WHOLE truth to people either, just 'one candle less' or such, or 'donate for charity instead of lighting a candle' - it's good, but people burn SO many candles here it's crazy!! A more effective campaign should be launched!!
I mean, who wants to poison the living, just to pay respects to the dead? It's crazy!!

The house is cluttered. Yikes. The boxes still haunt me.
I still dreamt about Grandma, or about her flat - like we were still there the other day, cleaning and gathering things, even though it's been more than 6 months...
I hate going to her grave cause I feel she's not there - she's in my memory, and in all those beautiful things around me...

I still have some of her pots and pans to wash... Some are already in my attic, looking pretty (or being hidden, for eco purposes, such as cooking walnut ink paint or such.. you know when you don't want to destroy the 'good' pots and pans...)

There are way too many clothes too, and mattresses etc, some are moth-ridden, and I don't know quite what to do about that... (So I just escape online haha)

I have bad PMS and it's the gloomy November, yikes!! I know there are WAY many things to do... and I just.. can't do them!! Yikes!

It's just... overwhelming... kinda...

My parents are being difficult, cause of some stuff they've read in a newspaper apparently, running around to 'spiritual retreat' type of thingies, and being unpredictable, so time management has been a bit upside down/impossible again...

Mum's been digging through some stuff in the attic too, now she wants to know where an old 'magnetic pillow' is?? (We gave it to someone to try out and forgot about it, we don't need it anymore, why does she get obsessed about stuff like this?) Aaargh!!

On second thought, maybe I do need some chocolate! yikes!!


Well-known member
Okay, I talked to mum (the pillow thing even made sense yikes, and she dropped it after I suggested (a few times) who might have it) she agrees I don't have to go to the cemeteries and won't make a fuss over that, which is good. I feel a lot lighter already. Maybe I'll go next year anyway... Another aunt wishes to avoid the crowd and never goes when there are big masses of people anyway...

It's just difficult... all the craziness in the house, difficult to find a peaceful corner (without any dust or mess or boxes ideally..)

I feel stupid writing here but it helps lol... Had a nice cup of cocoa and things are a bit better...


not actually Fiona Apple
It stinks that your drive to make the Earth a better place and going to the cemeteries have to conflict, when you care about things though they are bound to conflict sometimes. I doubt anyone would be offended if you didn't go to their grave site for that reason, and keeping them in your memories is more than enough. Hope the month gets better :)


Well-known member
Thanks vj! :) Good to see you back!

Well, today I washed heaps of dishes - feeling very accomplished haha! Had to channel Doris Day and watch retro websites to feel up for it!

Stayed away from any sugar, even the apple juice (like Escape said), and was feeling MUCH better!

(Those dishes seem to multiply when you're not watching though?? I thought there were 'just a few' huh...??!)

Still some boxes around, I shoved some in the hall where they don't bother anyone so much...
I want to have my own kitchen/room where I can escape from craziness downstairs!

Thought about maybe posting some stuff online about the 'anti-candles' campaign, but we'll see how this 'official' government campaign works huh??

Changing the world is just fine, but first one needs to establish and maintain some sanity, yikes...

I feel soo different than I was last year when I started this thread, so much stuff has happened in between, I feel older and wiser, maybe more 'cynical' and 'grownup' (this seems weird to say, sometimes I still feel like a kid though), haven't done as much as I'd wanted to but ha! we're still young... (again maybe a weird thing to write, but human age is prolonging, people can get 70+ or 80+ quite easily... I aimed for 90+ once, not sure if that long would be preferable hm..)

The family went to the cemeteries, they're okay with me not going, whew relief... (Dad did nag a few years ago, by now apparently they've gotten used to it.. That's one of the things you learn as you get older too, hm :) They're just soo happy that I do the chores, yikes, it's quite bizarre, like the world revolves around the kitchen, I chase'em out of the kitchen though, I hate seeing people read or such when I had to work! yikes!

Mom and dad both like company in the kitchen/at work, sometimes it's enough to just be there and talk to them, we still need to work on this... work division, time management etc. sometimes they can be a bit insulted, dad especially, if I chased him out, I think he reaches nirvana to see 'his women work' aargh.. I threaten that they can do it then, and they always leave haha..)

How to align conflicting interests? I try to sit down and write options, journal, or just go by intuitive sense.. Sometimes this works, sometimes not sure..


Well-known member
Well, most of the stress has been over... (I did say a bit early that yay dad didn't nag, he did - only for the 'official' Day of Dead though, and there was a 'cleaning the house' obsession almost like for Christmas or Easter, yikes!!)

I still find that things dad (or sometimes mum, but more rarely) would do make me go 'Aaargh!!' (and wonder how any of us is still ALIVE at all, yikes?? with all the toxics and bad hygiene - I'm not the only one, sis and mum got exasperated sometimes too, my mum is a saint for having stayed married to dad that long?? of course she's not perfect, so it goes both ways but Ahh!)

It's really annoying, by lunchtime I usually got totally demotivated with anything, and then ended up doing unconstructive things even though I have SO MUCH TO DO!! Yikes!

Still have PMS, thought it would be over by now...

The 'official' campaign was somewhat efficient, they still could have done more, but ahh well...

I only get inspired to write (beginnings of) really bad romance novels when angry, or to organize the attic some more... (or go online/journal...) It takes a while to calm down, and by then I'm usually demotivated to do anything, yikes... ('It's too late'...) This isn't very effective or very efficient!!

So I probably need to become a morning person again... which is ANNOYING: cause it's COLD and dark in the morning!! (It's at least nicely warm in the evening, even if it's dark too!) Yikes!
But motivation-wise, it'll probably be better again... Aaargh!!


Well-known member
Okay, the PMS is over, and it started raining a bit (finally!) lol - even yesterday, I was absurdly happy when Uncle visited.

Was very much against him visiting when I was in a 'cranky mode', but turned out we had fun anyway - he's just a fascinating person and knows SOO much!!

Over-dosed on cookies (wheat!) and sweet juice though (sugar!) and couldn't sleep half the night! lol!
(I kept having one brilliant idea after another, and had to write it down or record it! lol!)
(Not sure if they're still so brilliant now that I have woken up, but maybe they are haha!!)

(Today we had beans and my bran was a mush, but ah well..)

We made a weekly menu and something that almost resembled a half-weekly plan yesterday (quite impressed, though it was kinda annoying - people go in and out of room and start eating or doing chores or watching TV, it just took us too long I guess? But at least some logic and guidelines for the week..) I was least happy with it in the end kinda, cause I wanted to make sure others would be kinda okay with it lol. It was still allright I guess lol. And at least we HAVE a weekly menu again!! (Life is so much EASIER with one! I really hate all those 'What'll we eat today?' questions when brain still not in 'functioning' mode!!)
We're still adjusting plans day-to-day, as some things rely on other people too... trouble is if some things somehow got 'booked' to the same day?? yikes! (We'll see... maybe both can be done on one day..)

Oh, and I got all the random paper out of my room today - so proud of myself! Wanted to clear the other room actually, so I could practise there (my guitar skills are still not so great), still some paper there (couldn't take it anymore! lol!) it's WAY better than it was though! (When both rooms had soo much paper! lol!)

Tomorrow I'm singing/playing at a meet-up of literary club!! :) They were very happy when I called, it's for free of course, just wanna get myself 'out there' again, and practise performing again, lol! (Didn't send any poetry in to be published, kinda prefer this actually..) Don't know what to wear though, lol!! (Or if my sinuses will 'maintain me in-tune' - if my sinuses got blocked I got a bit 'out of tune', but they told me they didn't mind, lol!
Most people there are a bit elderly and don't hear so well anyway, lol!)

Finally found the weight scale (mum had it, who knew?) and it confirmed my suspicions (and lack of proper comfy clothing lol): I'm at my max weight which I had a few years ago (which is still not much, mum says it's 'just right' but some of my clothes don't fit anymore?? or might need fixin, I try not to buy new clothes!) so I'm thinking to keep at this weight or reduce.. More walking will be desired... and some exercise - gah! - to reduce some waistline, hm! (I was really reluctant to do it, maybe this will be incentive? ha!)

My hair is still/again in 'impossible' mode, hope to put it in an updo and well, old people don't see so well anyway, haha..
Maybe if it goes well, I'd like to go to some more eg open mikes and such, wanna ring up a friend if she's up for anything...

Wish me luck!! :)
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Well-known member
Good luck Feathers! It's time to rock out:D! Well, you'll get better with your guitar and singing skills, it just takes practice, is all. You could even get a coach or some material to help you. It's nice that you're getting yourself out there though; eventually, you'll gain your muse and motivation and a bright future will await you! Tell us all about the "concert," alright?


Well-known member
Thanks guys! :)

It went well, kinda (well, apart from me trembling and shaky fingers and the lot.)
Someone even asked me later if I'd accompany him on a poetry evening lol. (He said a guitar professor accompanied him before, so I kinda freaked out and said no, but I regretted it later lol. It would've been a good experience maybe. He did recite a song that may or may not have been corny or dirty. Hm. Beware those poetry types. lol)

Did an interview (unrelated to the above) and now not sure how to write an article (or two) lol!
Have a thing to go to tomorrow, feeling 'overbooked', need a day between things to recuperate and avoid overwhelm!! Aaah!

And we have early elections next month! It's been kinda crazy! Yikes!

I never listened to this election stuff so this is a first and I went from 'oh gosh no' to 'oh gosh no' every day lol!! But maybe they'll turn out not-so-bad: who knows??

Going to a charity thrift place to pick out some stuff for someone, mum has 'perfect timing' as ever, yikes!!

Maybe more on the gig and such later, when I restore sanity. :)


Well-known member
Sanity? What is this "sanity" that you speak of::p:?

Anyway, can you contact or find this person to tell them that you'd like to go? I think it would be a good experience for you, social-wise and arts-wise.

What's your article on? Maybe I can help.


Well-known member
hehe, some restored (sanity). Some still to gather.... :)

Yeah, I'll meet this Mr. at future literary club meetings I guess... So I can communicate about a maybe someday (hopefully when I have figured how to play the guitar without it getting out of tune after 3 songs! Or maybe get a better guitar to play with. Still gotta practice some instrumentals and such too, I guess, I'm usually pretty content just with chords to sing by.)

Thanks for the offer to help, DW! The article is a mix of info and interview on eco things, hopefully I've figured out an angle, haven't managed to talk to the editor yet, hopefully I'll get it all done in time. What are you an expert on and how could you help? :) Written any articles or such too?


Well-known member
hehe, some restored (sanity). Some still to gather.... :)

Yeah, I'll meet this Mr. at future literary club meetings I guess... So I can communicate about a maybe someday (hopefully when I have figured how to play the guitar without it getting out of tune after 3 songs! Or maybe get a better guitar to play with. Still gotta practice some instrumentals and such too, I guess, I'm usually pretty content just with chords to sing by.)

Thanks for the offer to help, DW! The article is a mix of info and interview on eco things, hopefully I've figured out an angle, haven't managed to talk to the editor yet, hopefully I'll get it all done in time. What are you an expert on and how could you help? :) Written any articles or such too?

I've written some things; I think that I've written a couple of articles for class before, note the "I think" part::p:. My English teachers have told me that I have very good writing skills. Now, what angle have you thought about writing on?


Well-known member
Hey DW, you're good at this!! :)

Made me stop procrastinating and wanna write again!! :) Made me get my notes!! :) haha *BIG ACHIEVEMENT!*

Don't dare to write much in public, might send you a PM. Thanks!!


Well-known member
Well, computer downstairs is definitely not a good place in autumn, mum and dad may work in that room or just outside the house, so it's been difficult to have any sort of schedule/reliable time for doing things except later on in the day.. (When there may be less motivation already though...)

I started going for walks daily again, hope it sticks!! (It's cold outside, just need to wrap my ears and GO!)

I've felt very overwhelmed with things, so just kinda cutting back on 'less' - I've been unsubscribing from e-mail lists and such too... (been on way too many which I never did read etc!)
The idea is to 'simplify life', hopefully to get very 'zen' (huh?)

The attic is still full of some old clothes that I don't quite know what to do with etc. I'd need to sew up some stuff, this would take time and some supervision (I'm not that nifty with a needle!)
It looks way better than it did, still quite some way to go, though!!


Well-known member
I'm just so disappointed with myself I guess, I have all these plans and then I wind up sitting with Dad, watching pre-Elections stuff, I've never done that before, this is my 1st year watching elections from up close, and it's kinda... uff, don't know what to say, lol!!
(And then mum took over the computer!! So I ended up watching the Kardashians, yikes!!)

It's interesting, watching the pre-elections stuff, wouldn't recommend it to people with a temper though (that's me too, yikes!)

It's odd with all these elections worldwide, makes one wonder...

And it can be a kind of bonding, sitting with dad, watching pre-elections... Then he can say something that totally throws me off the rockerz though... yikes...

They're going to a funeral or such tomorrow, I really don't want to go, so I won't (it's nobody that close, though maybe it would be nice if I went, but I don't wanna) I just wish people told me plans or changes of plans sooner...!!

On the other hand, why is it when you're supposed to do something, Facebook has become FUN again?? Gah!! lol!


Well-known member
I'm just so disappointed with myself I guess, I have all these plans and then I wind up sitting with Dad, watching pre-Elections stuff, I've never done that before, this is my 1st year watching elections from up close, and it's kinda... uff, don't know what to say, lol!!
(And then mum took over the computer!! So I ended up watching the Kardashians, yikes!!)

It's interesting, watching the pre-elections stuff, wouldn't recommend it to people with a temper though (that's me too, yikes!)

It's odd with all these elections worldwide, makes one wonder...

And it can be a kind of bonding, sitting with dad, watching pre-elections... Then he can say something that totally throws me off the rockerz though... yikes...

They're going to a funeral or such tomorrow, I really don't want to go, so I won't (it's nobody that close, though maybe it would be nice if I went, but I don't wanna) I just wish people told me plans or changes of plans sooner...!!

On the other hand, why is it when you're supposed to do something, Facebook has become FUN again?? Gah!! lol!

pre elections. The only thing that makes me interested with it is when they start saying something silly or controversial haha. I'm twisted yeah LOL ::p: