Some people actually really like those characters....
I often feel too unattractive for love as well. But I try to tell myself that it's all in my head. So what if I don't have a full head of hair? So what if I have extra baggage and no style? Sure, I rarely talk to others; and when I do talk I tend to dwell on things like one of Paganini's violin compositions or the World War II book I'm currently reading. But isn't that better than having a few drinks and singing along to the music in my head? And is it really such a big deal that I'm unemployed, have no degree, and will never be fabulously wealthy or successful?
I try to tell myself that I'm worth loving, too. At least until I look in a mirror, step on a scale, or try to play anything by Paganini. But how many people can actually play Paganini? How many people ever try? Sure, I sometimes wonder what evils I'm capable of, but then I just think of all the good I've done. And several years ago I learned how to juggle 3 balls. I never learned to juggle 4, but that doesn't make me any less lovable than someone who can juggle 5.
The bottom line is that you can't expect love from someone else when you don't even get any from yourself. I'll never be the slim, long-haired musician, falconer, and wealthy ladies' man I'd like to be, but I'm learning to love myself for who I am. I still don't feel good enough for the stunningly beautiful women who catch my eye, but I'm trying not to let that stop me.