Fake it till you make it?


Well-known member
Ideas, thoughts, opinions, stories, whatever. Let's hear it!

Personally, I've started trying it a little bit. Seems to be working so far.


Well-known member
This is the story of my life. I have to appear confident, happy, and outgoing. At home and in the work place, they have no idea of my issues and struggles. Ive had to create this facade, in order to work in the environments that Ive held employment in.

At home... I have a big family, of happy, loud, and extroverted family members. They'd never understand my depression or issues. Aside from that, there's no use in worrying them over something they can't help me with. Im known as the party pooper because I like to stay in and read... or when i simply just want to be alone. lil things like that, show that it wouldn't be easy to accept or understand that Im not happy all the time, and that I may not be what they've perceived of me.

At this point its easier to continue faking it. Somedays, however... you're tired of being what they want to see. Its exhausting.

But to get ahead in the work place, this has definitely helped. And has even made me push myself a lil harder.
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Well-known member
I'm trying it too, though I'm a little bad at faking it. My true feelings always come to surface but for better or worse, I'm willing to give it a try.


Well-known member
Thats exactly what im doing, faking a recovery so everyone leaves me alone so i can actually heal myself.


Well-known member
LOL this is my signature at the moment.

Okay what I think..Faking helps, it helps to get things done. For example, I am just lying on my bed ,listening to music and I know I have some work to do. I fake that I am very enthusiastic about the work and get up and do it. It helps to get things done, even lifts my mood, let me feel less like a robot( more human who is capable of taking actions).

Negative: It doesn't lasts long and I am back to normal state( just existing).


Well-known member
The problem is that some things you can fake while others you cant or innevitably will withstand the test of time. Sure you can fake confidence and being happy but how are you to fake being a social person 24/7 when you are very far from it. Do you just only date anti social people? Or do you just force yourself to sit through those painful social situations that you would of wished you avoided.


It may seem a good idea, but it's not entirely effective. You pull it off on the outside, but what counts is the inside.
A good idea is to use creative visualization techniques and subconscious programming to anchor the good feelings. Otherwise you'll be creating resistance by not actually believing in it yourself ... :)


not actually Fiona Apple
First thing that came to mind: this song

As far as my thoughts though, I'm not sure I fully understand the expression. I guess the example I think of is someone unqualified for a job or a task pretending they are qualified, and then faking it until they succeed in either completing the task, making the money, or attaining the qualifications they didn't have at the start.

In general I would be inclined to think doing things honestly is better, but I may not fully grasp the expression. I will say, often as a way to put off trying new things, or putting ourselves out there is because we're "not ready." I don't think we ever feel truly ready, and if we want to go out and pretend like we're ready, and we know what we're doing when we feel like we don't, I think that's ok. If you want to apply for that job even though you don't feel your qualified, I say go in and act like you're fully qualified at the interview. If you get the job, act like you know exactly what you're doing even if you don't (but don't be afraid to ask for help of course, even the pros need input).


Well-known member
Everyone fakes. Some people do it naturally while others struggle to do it and feel like they're doing a bad thing.


Well-known member
I used to hate this concept... then I realized it's the only way for me to really live...


Well-known member
Oh Oh that Macarthur Park song is rearing its ugly lyrics.

And it took so long to make it, and I'll never have that recipe again.


Well-known member
My job is one big fake fest. I'm a teacher. Hate kids, hate the job, but have to fake it so hard that sometimes I convince myself..


Well-known member
How'd you wind up there if you don't like kids? Only thing that would put dinner on the table?

Yeah I did my degree without knowing what I wanted to do, so did teaching post grad to pay bills. Now I'm stuck with no experience in the field I actually want, and have no idea how to get it.


Well-known member
Everyone fakes. Some people do it naturally while others struggle to do it and feel like they're doing a bad thing.


introverts have to exert more energy faking it than extroverts and the awareness of this probably creates an additional guilt/unease. everyone has to do things they don't want to or be somewhere they don't want to be. suck it up, fake it like you are unaffected, and do it anyway.


Well-known member
Yeah I did my degree without knowing what I wanted to do, so did teaching post grad to pay bills. Now I'm stuck with no experience in the field I actually want, and have no idea how to get it.

Sounds exactly like me. I have not joined the teaching post grad degree but that is the only thing i can see in front of me in the present. :crying:


Well-known member

introverts have to exert more energy faking it than extroverts and the awareness of this probably creates an additional guilt/unease. everyone has to do things they don't want to or be somewhere they don't want to be. suck it up, fake it like you are unaffected, and do it anyway.

Yeah, it requires a lot of energy. Now I realize why i feel like a hypocrite all the time.