Escape's Journal.

I'm so glad to hear this Escape :). It's good to see that you ARE doing something even if it scares you - that's the way to go ;)

Good luck!!! :):)


Well-known member
Wow I didn't even go.
That same thing happened in the middle of the day where my body just crashed, emotionally and physically. Had a bit of a breakdown for no reason, didn't have enough energy to even walk around the house. So I missed my bus, and am going to get a blood test tomorrow to test for deficiencies. Pretty mad at myself that I didn't go again but at the same time, I'm unbelievably tired. I think I'm b12, iron and magnesium deficient. Huge factor in celiac disease is the inability to absorb nutrients so this would make sense to me. We'll wait and see


not actually Fiona Apple
^I wouldn't worry about not going, we all let down sometimes. I know that happens to me whenever I don't sleep enough or have enough "me" time, I just get mentally weak.

It's great that you're going back to school, just remember all your peers are people just like you. The first week always sucks, but you'll get into a groove and it'll get easier. If you're lucky, someone really nice may sit next to you and continue to talk to you no matter how awkward you are and little you actually say (it happened to me my senior year). It's a lot about attitude, try not to go in there thinking "I'm not going to talk to anyone" but rather "I'm going to try to talk to people, and be ready to respond if someone says something to me." And sometimes you just click with certain people out of nowhere, I mean really out of nowhere and you yourself are shocked that it happened. Think about things you could say ahead of time, and it doesn't have to be anything elaborate, simple things you won't have any trouble saying.

And about your English, I feel your pain. I got a C on a paper earlier in the semester and still haven't read the criticisms he wrote on it yet, I know he goes into great detail and isn't exactly looking out for my feeling as he corrects it (not a bad thing, but still hard for me to read.) I'm not great at English but my advice would to give yourself plenty of time to write it and make sure it sounds the way you want it to. When I was done I would always be satisfied but think it would still get a bad grade. Try to remember that comments are not a bad thing, they just point out where you can improve. There are lots of good parts too, try to dwell on those if you can. (I know it's hard).

And you are not boring and bitter. If I'm not boring, you certainly are not boring. And I think it's for the best you're going to a new school. You're there to learn and get grades and facing those demons would be a very daunting task, maybe more then you could handle along with the pressures school and SA already puts on you. Not to say you couldn't do, but when I get overwhelmed everything suffers. Good Luck, you'll do great :)

Oh, and I noticed some of your earlier entries have disappeared, good to know I'm not the only one who's done that ;)


Well-known member
intothewild4jpg (2).jpg


I thought you said you loved this movie :)
I might be wrong and you might have no clue
that's cool too. LoL

i took this screen shot months ago when this scene came on I <3 the book too.

bye now! hugs


Well-known member
Oh, developments!

Well, there was a movie on TV (or was it in a series?) some time ago about a mom who actually hurt her child/ren and made him/them ill, then went to hospital and to get all the sympathy etc - it was extremely difficult to prove, I think it's a special psychological condition... I don't know what it's called.. And if your mom has it, it's probably in a smaller degree... You could probably ask someone in the know about it.. My mom might have it in a tiny amount too, she was often only nice to us when we were ill.. ah well..

If there are 4 or 5 kids at Dad's place in Alabama, I wouldn't count on much peace etc. - your dad's partner might also be happy to get another pair of hands though.. Maybe it's the change you'll need, you'll see...

Sorry to hear you couldn't make it to that school that day... Hope things get better... !!


Well-known member
I have not written in this lately..

Today was 2nd day of school. Today was also day 6 of this 30 day raw food trial thing I decided to do. And the two intertwined

School actually went really well. I didn't talk to a soul, although I did ask the person next to me "what an allusion [was] again?". School went well partly because the raw food trial has given me super powers! Well, maybe not. But, I felt extremely clear headed and focused. I became very absorbed in the short story we were reading. And then, I actually challenged myself a bit. How many times can I contribute to the conversation about the short story? I made it 4 times. I don't think I have ever in my life contributed that much, especially to a totally new group of people that I've only seen once in my life (haven't even really seen them, too nervous to look at whos in the class!). I was able to take the 3rd perspective when my heart rate went through the roof, I started trembling, dry mouth, all that stuff. Able to say "Ok, my heart is threatening to attack me and I am shaking like a sick dog.. That's okay" and follow through.
Had to take public transport out to the farmer's market after. Told the bus driver I liked his crazy hat (Not something I would do). While sitting on the bus, I was just thinking about the day, and how beautiful the mountains were when.... I realized that I was on a bus with people, and I hadn't even taken notice of them! In fact I didn't feel a nervous bone in my body. I really do think that a large part of this is the raw food thing.. I feel different, my body feels more comfortable in general... If it makes sense, my skin feels like my home when I'm raw, because my body isn't inflamed (When one's body is inflamed, cortisol is released, by the way, so this makes sense.) I also think that a large part of it was mental. Realizing that... If I am just myself, and even if my actions come off as strange or misplaced, somebody will love me for it somebody will hate me. The more bizzare, the deeper the love/hate. The difference is that, I've always thought this way mentally, but it is the calm physical feeling of my body that is allowing me to feel the truth in these thoughts while in public.

I have to make a phone call for some volunteer.. program, thing. And I am very nervous about it because it sends me to one of those automated machines. I don't know which number to press and they all send me to different people. That's for tomorrow.

Lastly, I am no longer putting any effort into my words online. Am just speaking as I would normally. No flow-of-language or elegance. Just typing and not letting myself delete anything. It's challenging.


Well-known member
2 steps forward 1 step back
I didn't go to school today because I didn't even start the book I was supposed to start, and today the teacher was going to see "where we were" and "what we thought" individually about it. I can't say I "should" have, becuase that's an
Oh well.. I mean, I'm still making progress.

Raw day 10 today. I have amazing energy. I have been going out a lot with my sisters and mom (friendless and all..). It's new to me, to have this much energy, to always feel like I need to be doing something or being somewhere outside the house. I wish my bike was fixed so I could go ride it so so so badly.. My bike is like my baby (when I have the energy). Hmmm..... I think i'll take a walk, find some empty farm roads and sprint outside rather than the boring treadmill, once my hair dries. That will be a big step for me, because running outside is something that makes me the most self conscious/nervous. Even if it is on an empty road, it is huge progress... Hope it doesn't rain in an hour or two like it's supposed to
Empty farm roads sound fascinating - one of the tracks on the mountain here is 'old farm road'. What needs fixing on your bike? is it something you could have a go at yourself? Teachers would be very used to people not having done what asked, so dont let that hold you back from going to classes - in mine I'm pleased for people to just turn up. Doesn't even matter if they are late. The problem with not going because of small obstacles is that it can compound, and can turn into not going at all. :)

Edit: I dropped out of english in college because I had to present a book report in front of the class, I was so terrified that I avoided it by not reading the book at all :eek:
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Well-known member
I am really proud of myself for today
I was going to go to the farmers market, get on the bus that goes right... but instead I hopped on the bus that turns left. I made some random decision to go see a few friends I have not seen in a year, and surprise them when they got out of school.
That school, the one I dropped out of, is one of my major anxiety triggers. Everybody pays attention to me because I suddenly dropped out, everybody asks me where I've been... I didn't get very close to it, though... I kind of wish I would have conquered my fear and used the washroom INSIDE of it or something.. but I didn't have a reason to be in there and was afraid people would ask my why I was there? Or that I'd run into old teachers that know about my problems? Or the old school counselor. Anyways..
I waited on the path out of the school and saw her (old friend of mine) and she gave me a big hug, I asked if I could walk with her on the way home and she said yes of course.. So we chatted for about 10 minutes until we reached her home. She had a cold and couldn't hang out any longer ( I was relieved... because it's always awkward, being with old friends.) That was really nice. Also, she said "You seem a LOT.. happier" and.. I was! I really am! It really shows now, people can see it!Food makes a difference people... I also felt a lot more comfortable. Still a worrier, still awkward, but atleast I was more comfortable. And it showed

Then I made another random decision, asked that friend while she walked me to the bus stop to call up my old best friend. I haven't seen her in a year, and it did not end well with us at all.. We were extremely close for 3 years. One summer she went to Japan, and I had a very hard time with it. She was supposed to be moving there for life. I wanted to grieve heavily but it wouldn't come up, I repressed it, and as a means of self protection I persuaded myself that it was good. Now I could be 'independent', now I could branch out... etc. And then one day she came back, she didn't like it in Japan. I was angry. I was angry because I was so crushed and I had finally adjusted. My avPD acted up and wanted to push her out of my life. Well, I did that successfully, she decided she didn't want to hang out with my anymore a few months after my... subconscious plannings and... overall bitch-i-ness. Also, I was SUCH a negative person, SO depressive, (the part that I now know was the food intolerances>brain chemistry). I knew it, even I would have spent less time with me.

Anyway... Went over to her apartment, gave her a hug (we never hugged before, we were both scared of physical contact). I was expecting just a "Hello, good to see you again! That's all... goodbye!" type of thing, but she gravitated towards the door and I guess we were going out to go somewhere. Good challenge! I even admitted to her that I was nervous, and maybe that wasn't the best thing to do, I phrased it really badly, like "seeing you is scary". Ohwell, I've just become very open.
It was VERY awkward at first... we both didn't know what to say.... we kind of walked around without saying much, we both seemed...awkward..nervous.. there just really wasn't anything to say! We went and sat in a park, and actually got to chatting a bit. Awkwardly nonetheless, but, it was a continuous conversation somehow.
A guy I barely knew at all in 8th grade sat next to us with some friend. Normally if somebody I don't know well comes around I say nothing, simply because it's a group. His friend didn't say a word..But I actually spoke to him a bit! I was amazed at myself...

So the day went pretty well. I then went to the farmers market on the bus. Saw the same guy from 8th grade on there, and sat next to him. He is a really well known and kind of crazy dude, in a good, friendly way. We talked for maybe 1 minute before I relocated to the back of the bus but it was the action of sitting next to him that even shocked me :eek: I don't know how I did that.

At the farmers market, asked the lady where the bathroom was. Yeah... social anxiety usually makes me just hold it in because I'm too afraid to ask. I had to use the employees bathroom in the back and some people asked me where I was going, but I remained unusually calm,...

What made me the most nervous was just riding the bus into my old town, into the school zone. My body felt like it would feel before I jump off a building or something. But somehow, I realized, this can also be explained as excitement, and was able to enjoy that horrible feeling. I remembered a line on Departures, a reality travel show, where one of the guys goes bungee jumping and his friend is reluctant. He said something like "I wish I was you, I wish I could still be standing there too afraid of doing this, because that's what life is all about! Conquering your fears! Because that's the greatest feeling in the world, that's what makes life worth living for me," and that really stuck with me.

*eats salad* *presses 'post quick reply'*


not actually Fiona Apple
Hey thats' really really great Escape! I'm really glad to here you did all that, and that it all went well :)


Well-known member
YAY Escape!! :) You are soo awesome!! :) Totally deserve to be proud of yourself!! :)

Totally agree about exhileration after doing something 'fearsome'!! ha ha

You GO girl!!


Well-known member
Nice new pic firewalk

It's always difficult for me to bring this journal thing back up. I hate being the topic of a thread, or writing about myself. Scary, but I guess that was the point in the first place!
Also, I want to be able to look back on this thing and see the things I faced, if I ever am to fall back into a rut. (And now I realize that, deleting all of the posts in this thread was completely unnecessary... )
So I'll tell you an interesting story about very productive and quite lovely Monday :)

Met up with firewalk down in the busy Vancouver areas, which actually turned out to not be awkward at all. He is a very comfortable person to be around, I was surprised I could be that comfortable. Some very interesting conversation also, I think we both learned a lot about each other. Thanks for that nice time firewalk.

We walked around the busy, and quite loud, downtown streets... and then remembered that today was supposed to be about exposure. And so it began, we traced our way back to a sports store I do not recall the name of...

I think the first dare was for me to go up to a random person in there and try to hold a conversation about a minor detail about socks. Though, this seemed like a mighty challenge and I didn't think I could do it, so I asked him to go first.

And he just..did. You could see he was extremely nervous but he went against his will, grabbed an item (socks? mittens? I don't remember) and went straight for it. I'll count it as 3, because he technically asked 3 people at once. Because that is a small crowd, that is damn impressive...! Pretty amazing. *bows in awe*
Funny thing is that I don't think the people reacted at all, from what I saw. I am not sure what I was expecting? Somebody to blow up maybe? But there was hardly a reaction from the others, as much as a stare of unfriendliness... It was simply a lot more realistic, and thus, somehow less than I was expecting. I remember thinking, this is the point... this is what is meant by people do not care. I was actually disappointed, and this put me at ease greatly.

It was then my turn, I grabbed a pink and very tiny fuzzy sweater and firewalk pointed out a victim. I went around a clothing rack, held up the sweater next to my torso and proceeded to ask this stranger if "This looks like it would fit well?". He was definitely caught off guard though he seemingly believed me, I believe he said "Uhhm...uhh... I don't know...... You might want to try it on". I said my thankyous and was on my way. We had a hearty laugh after that one

We walked around awhile, unsure what to do next, but decided to keep going with what we were doing.
2nd victim: a lady who was looking at skii pants for her son.
went up to her and she was shuffling through a clothing stand, simply said "Hi, what are you looking at?". She delivered me this glance of pure evil, as if she was trying to stave away a vampire, but eventually that died and her glance returned to the pants. She replied "Some skii pants..." I: "For somebody?" She: "Yeah, my son and husband... Are you looking for anybody?" I: "Yeah.....uh, gloves." She: "Oh. I can't tell if I like these for my son.." I: *feeling pants*, "They feel nice..warm.. I'm sure he'll like them" she: "Yeah, but because it's my son, they also have to look good..." I:"Oh right, teenagers."
I was beginning to feel I had overstayed my welcome so I said "Okay, well, goodbye" and she called after me "Goodluck with your shopping!". I go the feeling she was genuinely happy a stranger had popped up to say hi

Firewalk pointed to a younger girl who looked, the type to want to fit in, if that means anything. She was looking at something small, I don't remember. She was, if I were to generalize, "preppy" looking. Well dressed, makeup, as I said, the looks to 'fit in'.
I: "What are you looking at?" She: gives me the worst stares of all stares. Wide eyes, this 'get the hell away from me' look, and she keeps on staring at me like that, and says ".....why?". I: believe I said something like... "I don't know... Are you shopping for somebody?" and she: "...........why?". I: "I don't know, just going around...talking to people... you ever do that?" she: *no reply, still staring in what seems complete horror* So, walked away..... creepy

Binocular salesman at the front of the store, behind a glass desk, with binoculars. This one was firewalks hilarious idea.
Went up, said "What are binoculars for?" him: "Uhhm..." *quick stare of 'are you for real?', but died of really quickly* "To see things closer" I: "I don't.. understand?? Like?" him:" Like.. If you want to see something that is 800 metres away, but you want to see it 100 metres away, you look through binoculars." I: "I don't understand.. sorry.. can you give me an example?" Him: "Like if you want to see a bird." I: "Oh, I get it now, thanks". Began to walk away but he kept explaining. I just wanted to leave!

Told a girl I liked her scarf. I've always wanted to randomly compliment somebody

All of these were firewalk's ideas... He is clever
We left the store, a lady walked out infront of us with her purchase, I had to run up to her and ask her what she bought. Did such, "What did you buy?" She: "What did I buy?" I:"Yeah" She: "__________ (I dont' remember what she said, but it was an item that had the meaning IN it, something like HOCKEY stick... but not a hockey stick). I: "Oh, what's that for?" Her: "______..... duh" Me: "Oh... right..... that's.. obvious isn't it... So where are you going?" Her: "Why??" At this point, she was looking at me with a stare of fear, as if I was a stalker of some sort. I guess it's unusual to be talked to on busy city streets. She looked very afraid to I openly admitted that "I have social anxiety and I'm trying to rid it by talking to strangers". She openly admitted that she was not impressed and that it was too out of the ordinary or something

firewalk stopped a guy and I think he simply said "what's up?" The guy got all freaked out, I believe he yelled out something like "Whatever you're trying to do just don't" and backed away into his car. Gave us an evil look on the way home.

If anything, this experience opened my eyes in two ways: Even if you draw attention to yourself, people are still focusing on THEMSELF. Secondly, they are no doubt more fearful of I than I of them. Thirdly... everybody seems equally as insanely paranoid about random human contact as I. The most important revelation that I had, which was after firewalk's first turn, I forget. I'm hoping that revelation will come back to me, because at the time it was an epiphany. It was something quite disappointing, actually.. a whole through a faulty belief that I partly feared and partly was excited about. We both deserve to be very proud about this. It was actually FUN..
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Well-known member
Thanks for the replies :)

I was posting this is the 'another year' thread and it turned into a sequel to my last novel here.

2010 has gone.
I've made some huge progress this year...
January-July was really downhill: Dropped out of school, was housebound (Still don't go out much... but MORE so), and most importantly I was still eating things that were ****ing with my mood and anxiety/depression levels. Signed up for therapy and found a lovely therapist whom I adore

August: The beginning of even trying to get out of it. Began running on the treadmill, tried eating better and excluding my food sensitivities (But it never lasted more than a week), got a LOT of vitamin D each day which helped SO MUCH with the mood thing. my first 7 days raw which helped enormously with my low energy levels, I even kicked myself out to a cafe alone downtown and asked some people the time (my first real exposure day). I had a lot of revelations slap me in the face that month, and read only 1/2 of a self help book that seemed to help a ton. Unforrrrtunately..

September-October: Bad months of relapse! We moved, and didn't have internet (LOL) for all of September. I began to completely binge on things I was intolerant to and I was an emotional wreck because of it. Energy was zapped, I would have these mood swings where I would begin to yell and cry at my family. I am so ashamed of that month...

I was fed. Up. and in a horrible place at the beginning of October... I lay in bed all day listening to sad music and crying for no reason other than the fact that I physically felt like ****, and because I was binge-eating and on all the wrong foods, not exercising...etc. So the first thing I decided to do was re-remove the gluten/dairy/soy again and after about a month of that I was stable mooded again :) Haven't had a 'break down' since. Then I tried to exercise daily, which actually lasted 3 weeks ish and helped ENORMOUSLY! I signed up to be tutored so that I could rejoin highschool come December 1st...

December:I finally trust myself, I have come to many revelations: That there is no 'way' to be because everything is a shot in the dark for everybody, along with many others...
I tried the raw thing this month, and was surprised at how much energy and how much inner calm this gave me! I can honestly say that, except for the kicking myself out part, my anxiety lessened dramatically just with this.
Began going to school every 2nd day.
Began getting out of the house, by tagging along with sisters/mother whenever I saw them leaving the house.. Around every 2nd day
Got a social worker to do things with me that I find scary, ie handing our resumes, which I did also.

Unforunately November 1st I started showing symptoms of something that I didn't know at the time. I was energy-zapped, still a bit depressed. Started getting nerve shocks in my hip hourly. I NOW know that these are symptoms of B12 deficiency, but I haven't taken that step yet to getting supplements... Also just discovered that I am vitamin D deficient

So the year? Downwards, and then Upwards! Lost myself, found myself, trust myself! I realize that this year I focused a lot on taking care of my body, and it helped a lot. That seemed to be the theme, testing methods of nurturing the body (which is of course, the brain included!). The next step is to consistently take care of my body, but the theme for 2011 is to now reach out and grab the things that I want, because I am now capable.
I am going to get myself out a lot more, test situations, do more exposures, go do the things that I have been wanting to do!
The words this year are Action, and Gratitude. Things like.. Join a meditation club, yoga class, gym membership... Go hiking, go backpacking, try to travel just w/ a bike maybe, explore and treat the world like it is one big candy land and take notice of the simple... Lastly and more importantly, this year I am starting a Gratitude journal and am going to give lots of Gratitude back to the world. I hear those things can do wonders if you keep them long enough and consistently.

Also, I am picking up B12 and D supplements today, as the finishing of the whole 'body' focus thing this year, and I think that's going to do a lot of good... Finally these damn nerve shocks will be gone and I can sleep on my side again :) *hoping energy and love for life will return..*


Well-known member
Hm... I need to update this to keep myself accountable for my recent laziness...

I am wondering why, when I begin to start moving forward, I tend to have awful backlashes? Whenever I improve, my 'one step back' feels longer and my world smaller. I was on a role in December, and then I caught the flu. I guess it put my spirits down, I was forced to be isolated in the house again after going out every day, and the fatigue and sitting in front of the computer reintroduced itself as a daily habit, although worse. So now, even though I haven't been sick these last few days, I have been going downhill.
To start: I have had no motivation to do the work for my grade 12 courses. I should have read a book and completed a project on it yesterday, and although I have started the book I didn't retain any information because I am way more concerned over other things... Other than school. So I skipped first class back from Christmas break, thinking that I should work on these other issues (finding my place, and getting my focus back...) and then take all 8 courses next year, (which would be a full years worth, a normal courseload). I began thinking, I cannot stand another month without enthusiasm or self-exploration.... I cannot go another month without a positive atmosphere, and thus I am taking action, selling some things, using my birthday money to catch a greyhound and am going to get some real life experience that will force me out into the world and to trust myself... WWOOFing on a farm, or something.

The reason this isn't an option for the summer, is that if I wait more than 2 months, I won't have the money anymore because I am using it on proper food to sustain my low anxiety levels.

So, I am not sure in which direction I am heading... And, part of me is concerned that I am not sticking to school, but the other part of me knows that I have been waiting 1.5 years in the same spot to get out into the world. And by out into the world, I don't mean out into the small town around me.

And yes, as I mentioned, although I spent 1 day without the computer (On new years), these last 3 days have been more computer-addicted than ever before. I now wake up, and basically use the computer all day except for when I'm eating or getting ready for the day. So the plan today is to establish a new routine of going for a walk. I am beginning to feel that ADDICTION a problem.. spurring from anxiety about being alone, and being unable to accept how alone I am. I always have one thing to center my focus around to feel safe, and when I cut it off it transfers, sometimes to things more harming. So yes... Walks....
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Well-known member
Hey Escape, I was mostly gluten-free the last few days and feel really good :)
Thought you might like it :)

It's not easy to figure out what to eat (or how to live) sometimes.. We had some walnuts to crash, so I did (free food from Uncle's) Do you know any farmers who might have some 'leftover' stuff? (We & uncle gave walnuts to other realtives in the past too..) Checked any shops? Some people get bad-dish stuff (like too ripe fruit) free or cheap, and make food (or compost) out of it...
Have you tried getting a job at any of the places we talked about yet?

Hmm, where are you gonna find a farm to WOOF on in the winter? Are there any options available? Have you done some research?

Or do you have enough $$$ for a ticket to somewhere warm? And free options to stay there a while/enough $$$ to be there?

Food-wise, sometimes 'real food' can be cheaper than supplements...

Do you think your moods might be hormonal? For me, they may be sometimes... (check the calendar?)

Also, I used to get realy huge anxieties before exams or due papers or such.. Could it just be 'looking for an easy way out'? Things to consider... 'Just do it' is the key word there, it doesn't need to be perfect, 'done' is enough...

It would be good to have some sort of job/income/place to live ready if you do decide to go... (or savings to live from for a few months at least?) Would you come back for next year or try to find a school near a WOOF farm or something?
Things to consider...

Yup, I do want you to go and have adventures! Just want you to be wise about it, and do it in a way that will make next year fun and exciting too, ideally!!

And YAY for talking to all those people and being brave earlier on!!

PS Started going for walks again too... Neglected it in the past few weeks, really wanna do it again..
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