Well, it's your choice!! You can eventually reconnect with both old friends and a bunch of new ones!!
I was tossed around in school, and was in several different classes (which I HATED at the time) thing is I know a lot more people and can talk to them at reunions and such, while some others just stay in small groups that were made at school!! (all their life)
So you CAN turn this into your advantage actually!!
I also learnt to make new friends - in 6 months you can make new friends ANYWHERE!!
Sorry to hear about skipping classes and fearing to hand in assignments and such... I often did last-minute revisions and handed stuff in 'at the end of the moment' and usually - luckily - still in time!
You know what? After high school, no one's gonna ask you what grades you had!! No employer is gonna look at your high school diploma grades!!
I was really obsessed with grades at that time, and actually it wasn't so important at all!!
It matters if you want to get a grant/scholarship (for some scholarships, not for all - do your research) and where I live it was helpful to get into the dorm (which was much cheaper than renting a room somewhere else, though classmates with Cs and B's and single mom's got in there too..) or to get into a specific college/University (though actually
having a high school diploma is a bigger requirement, especially as generations today are smaller and smaller and it's easier to get into some courses, again do your research) other than that - it's not important at all!!
And B+'s are pretty excellent too!!
You know how Einstein had some pretty bad grades in Maths??
And some other important people didn't do so well at school either!!
Grades are NOT a reflection of how good you are at something, they're not the ultimate measurement of who you are and how well you can do in something..
(I had the same problems and delusions, so I can tell you that!!

They're just an
estimate, of how well your vision of what was required matches the teacher's, and what the teacher thinks might be important, some teachers also don't know how to make good tests and grade well and just 'wing it'... so it's good to take notes when they tell you what is required etc. Too many factors are involved, it's just an approximate educated guess!!
I'm very cynical about this - I actually wrote almost what the teacher told us in high school for a test once, with my own words, and she said, 'Finally someone who can think with their own head??' (??)
So yeah, how about just give yourself B+ as a requirement (A's are great but living and finishing it is more important!!) Interestingly enough, people usually like you much more if you don't have just straight A's and are sort of 'pretty normal'.. (But don't use this as an excuse!!

I don't do well with criticism either, maybe find a way to deal with it - either doodle/write it all, what they say... Take it as suggestions for improvement, so you can actually do better next time, or later on in life when you do similar things.. (Ideally they'd use the 'sandwich formula' anyway: + - +, something good > ways of imporovement > something good again/end on a positive/upbeat note! - If not, it's their fault actually for not using constructive ways of criticism-??!!)
And remember, some people think creative writing can't be 'taught' - you need to write, and write so much that you succeed!!
(And there's also the theory that all Creative Writing teachers are really wannabe novelists secretly penning romances anyway!!!)
Of course you may still get a great one, if you get a frustrating one, that's something to really keep in mind!! If they were really so great and so ooh and aah! do you think they'd be teaching high school??
(That really opened my eyes when someone told me that about some University arts teachers actually lol)
So, reflection on perspective.
(The idea was to look at their work and what it's lacking and where they are 'not good' and what they admire and what are they looking for... This totally helped me to 'wow' a particular professor, lol!!)
Tell yourself 5 compliments for every criticism, or post here so we'll give you 5+ compliments and genuine opinions of you!! Or.... you're creative, I'm sure you'll find a way to deal with it!!
And you are soo much MORE than any grades or whatever!!
((hugs)) I'm sure you're gonna ROCK'em!!

GO Escape!!!!