Escape's Journal.


Well-known member
Hey, guys. I found something quite interesting and thought I might share.

This dark cloud, that is apparent in this young writing, is now GONE... and it was reversed in one day... Scary...

Yeah i'm a repetitive machine but I can't get over the fact that were emotions caused by sensitivities to food.. causing serotonin depletion.. k ill shuttup now about it, bahaha...
I just found my old poem book from elementary school.

Here are some poems from... 5th-6th grade.. That clearly illustrate my now absent dark cloud... on a young mind


Poem 1
To some life's a place
Full of anger, fear and hate.
Caught up in desisions (it's how I spelled it :p)
Of your mind's tough debate
Tempted to do wrong,
with no trace of guilt.
A heart like a dungeon,
or blanket of quills.
Sheer, with sharp edges,
Razor knife blades,
Hovering above ledges,
Never ending hollow caves.
Try to hide,
You know you're afraid.
Stumble and trip,
And off the ledge you may slip,
Deep down into nightmares,
The depth of death's rays...
To some, life's a world
Of journey and sorrow,
Loneliness and seclusion,
Unfit to follow.

Poem 2

Let down by them all,
Few hearts of belief,
That night evil starts,
Trapped, uncalmly.
For her spirits shan't grow,
And neither shall she.
Beware, does she know,
The truth of beliefs?
Betrayed and alone,
Her presence in pain,
Hoping for a home
That won't curse her name.
Is she there for one reason,
To pass away?
In the weariness,
and alone to decay?

Twisting, twisting, fading, lost
Knob of distorted confusion
Stretch marks rippled across the sun,
tightening, tightening, copper-bound.
Caged significance of a directionless life,
Hissing "unleash it, unleash it, she's...
...unraveling, unraveling, rotting away
Losing all meaning of rigid belonging"
Fractured individuality, severed beliefs.
Isolated, isolating, tenacious illusion
Glazed reality in a stiffening wax,
Splattered in transparency,
But dry in seclusion.
Grasping, trembling, pulsing,
Twisting twisting, fading, lost,
Bound in a delusion
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Well-known member
Well I was going to post a song but It seems to be a very uncommonly found one that isn't online anywhere. So here are the lyrics that really aren't as pretty as the song together.

I know it's been thought, I know it's been done
I know it's been said, I know it's been sung
you can grin like a 'possum, or live like a thief
you can stand by the river, and preach your beliefs

you can hide in the moonlight, shine in the sun
but it's love makes the lover, and the lovin' makes one
you can hide in the moonlight, shine in the sun
but it's love makes the lover, and the lovin' makes one

I know there's a springtime, I know there's a fall
I know that there's something, that runs through it all
you can call it a mystery, you can call it by name
you can call if forever, it's never the same

you can hide in the moonlight, shine in the sun
but it's love makes the lover, and the lovin' makes one
you can hide in the moonlight, shine in the sun
but it's love makes the lover, and the lovin' makes one

I ain't goin' nowhere, I ain't got a way
I ain't doin' nothin', I'm gonna do it all day
you can say I surrendered, you can say that I won
you can say that I found it, you can say that it's done

you can hide in the moonlight, shine in the sun
but it's love makes the lover, and the lovin' makes one
you can hide in the moonlight, shine in the sun
but it's love makes the lover, and the lovin' makes one
yes, it's love makes the lover
and the lovin' makes one


Well-known member
Ok sharing time!

Updates.. where to start!
I feel physically like **** but am starting RAW again tomorrow!!!
I will update on how I feel, because I know how much that damn diet helps and I'm way excited to just get back to feeling GOOOOOOOOOOOOD... Woo!

Other updates,
I have set myself up for a big big big challenge
I don't want to mention exactly where I'll be going because it's probably just not a good idea to post where I am on public sites. But I'm going off to SOMEWHERE in the next few weeks or months! And let's just say I'M FREAKING EXCITED and i'm also FREAKING SCARED TO DEATH!!
It's the first time I am travelling alone. I plan to stay for around 2 months, it's an "intentional community" aka eco-village

I am a nature freak, and I hope this is the chance to finally see if my social anxiety is better or worse when I'm around people that have very similar interests and visions as I do. It is also the motivation I need to start exercising and get back to my anti-anxiety/depression/fatigue/blankness raw diet. I am giving myself some prep time so that I can physically and mentally prepare myself, especially because lately I have fallen back into a deep slump with absolutely everything really. I have just enough time to do what I know makes me feel better on a continuous basis before I book my flight.

I have just enough money to do this now, so yes, I did drop out of school to do this. And I don't regret it one, single, bit. What I need right now is life education and to fulfill myself spiritually, socially, emotionally, even physically.

After this eco-village adventure, if I end up enjoying it (My guess is that it is INEVITABLE as long as I'm feeling physically/spiritually free) then my plan is to go further and spend the Summer WWOOFing. (I won't have enough money to do anything that is more costly than WWOOFing) I found some farms I would really like to work on, hopefully this will be enough work experience to come back, grab a job, and save more money for food because this will deplete my food money.

So there is my plan! These next weeks are going to be transformationally-hectic. I am trying to stick to a plan of
-Running 10 mins in the morning (I know that's a lame amount, but I need to start small so that I actually do it.)
-Walk/meditate, or bikeride
-Raw thing
-Daily social contact, esp. in person.
-Going out every day, and challenging myself to go to more groups to make sure that I won't be extra intimidated.

I still have to call the eco-village for an interview, and that is daunting in itself!! So I'm going to wait a few days into this plan until this preparation takes away a bit of my anxiety and such before I make that call..
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I dearly admire your bravery, EA! Going against everyone and doing what you think is best. The world needs more people like that. ;3

Good for you, good luck, and most important of all; Have fun on your eco-adventure.
And, oh, for what it's worth; I have the fullest of faith in your plan. :3
^sounds like the start of something big EA :)

So proud of you!

When calling the interviewer, I recommend you use a couple techniques to calm you down :). CBT exercises and muscle relaxation :). It helps to calm yourself down before doing something like that. Good luck sweetie!


Well-known member
Oh how did I not see these 2 lovely comments earlier. :)
I'm still doing something big, I assure ya, (travel and awesomeness wise) although my plans have switched up a bit.

I'm going back on raw today after being off of it for 26 days. I have become housebound again and everything seems to have just come right back (all the overthinking) since I got off of it. I'm beginning to wonder whether candida isn't contributing some to my anxiety, because I have a lot of symptoms of it, physical and mental, and that could be why raw worked such wonders for me, along with taking out my intolerance foods...
Anyway, I'll tell ya'll how I feel each day I go back to raw, to hold me to it and to give you and I some insight on whether that's what helped so so much last month or not.
Day 1
I don't have any food in the house and honestly I feel too icky about myself to go out and get some... So, well, either way I need to go eventually... After re-incorperating a lot of the foods i'm intolerant and allergic to for 26 days, I'll do anything once again to get this monkey off of my back. It's the irritability and the inability to leave the house that is really coming on strong again. I've even isolated myself in my room, rather than the house, because just seeing people walking around irritates me. I've begun to pick fights with my mom and she is definitely noticing that something is up. Yeah, something definitely is. There's a feeling of angry anxiety in my blood each morning when I wake up, and it seems to come hand in hand with the body swelling... So I'm definitely putting it down to a physical cause. I caught 2 shows on the raw food diet and took that as a sign... Oh how beautiful life was in December! Let's see if I can find a pretty song to post here... Hummm

Okay, another thing. I dropped out of school for my adventures, and also because I just couldn't focus on the work, I wasn't ready to go back, I hadn't healed enough. Anyway, I couldn't tell my mom this because she would a) kill me! and b) not pay me back for all the money she's borrowed for rent. So I have to wait until she pays me back to tell her, and it's been around 3 weeks now that I've been out of school. I've had to fake going to school sometimes, which is good because it gets me out of the house, but now that I feel so horrible again I've just been lingering in the house and telling her day after day that "Oh, no, I have school tomorrow not today." (I am supposed to go every 2nd day). It's really causing me some anxiety in this time of anxiety!

I went for a beautiful walk on a road that is partly country, partly industrial, but I tried to stay on the country side of it all... And my gosh, how did I forget the soothing effects of silence in nature? It inspired me to get back on it all.

I have been feeling very guilty about writing so much lately, and sharing so much (uncomfortable) but that is why this post is so long... I have to get re-used to it (not that I ever did completely)

YouTube - Gustavo Santaolalla - Iguazu
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Beautiful song Escape :)

And keep going! You'll get there some day <3

Why eat foods that you are allergic to? Yeah I know it must be hard, but keep trying not to do it... as much as you are able to - if you tried but it didnt work out, dont feel guilty. the important thing is to at least try :)


Well-known member
Excuse this post... It is going to be a very long rant and complaint post.

Life has gone to **** lately, is all.
I feel like I am being shut out by my mother... She refuses to talk to me it seems, except when she is unhappy with me in some way, which is all the time now. It is all I hear from her... I realize now that she was the only person I had to talk to... And I feel as if I have lost her. She speaks so frequently about unconditional love, and I think it's because she doesn't understand what that is. What that is, isn't shutting your kid out because she's not going to school, or telling her that she's not good enough or not doing enough when she is having a hard time. Not only is this a huge loss, but it is making leaving my room extremely difficult. I may go out of my room only to be told to do more things, and the things that I have not done properly, when I am simply grabbing something to eat from the kitchen.

While at a session with my counselor, my mother discovered that what is bugging her so much is that I'm not contributing to the income. That, I can understand. If I'm in school, it's not important to her, but if i'm out of school (even though i'm going back in Sept) I have to be contributing. I do understand this, because we are low on money, but what really pisses me off is that my mother is too lazy to even look for a job and now I'm supposed to look for one? She says she doesn't have a job because "She doesn't want one". I find it extremely harsh that this means that she is shutting me out because of something like money.
Anyways, this all boils down to the fact that if I don't get a job by March 1st i'm getting kicked out of the house. Which frankly, is completely irrational, because if I had a job I wouldn't be living here #1, and #2 if I didn't have a job where would she expect me to live?.

I don't have any volunteer experience, so I have to build on that first. That alone will take awhile.

Not only this, but just living has been very hard this last few weeks. Just getting out of bed is difficult, getting out of my room is difficult, going for a walk is nearly impossible. I have been in my house without going outside (except once on my porch) for about 2 weeks, unless my social worker person is taking me out to do something or I'm at a counselor session. I don't even pick up groceries when I need them. The loneliness is unbearable, I am truly alone I feel, and the computer no longer feels like enough. It is hard to even see my social worker, who takes me places, because I have to then leave and realize that she was paid to do things with me... An illusion?

Lastly, eating is becoming a major issue, simply because I am gaining weight so rapidly that I now feel extremely uncomfortable showing myself to the outside world. The new weight that I have put on over the last.. year, with 0 muscles thanks to sedentary-ness, makes me feel heavy and well, horribly and so ashamed all day, even when alone. Ugh. The more I focus on it, the more I rebel and eat out of loneliness. So I must find something to take my mind off of it....

Lastly, my mind has been wandering to substances. I was never a substance abuser or anything, I did have many 'flings' with things that would last a month or two, but I know that it's not a healthy route to go down, I am very against the usage of anything really. I ordered a bunch of kratom and kava and I know it's to 'lift my spirits' and get me out the door, using something to lift you up is just not the right frame of mind. It's only going to reinforce my addictive and escapist personality, but i'm so desperate because of the eating and weight gain that I'll do anything to get my mind off of how I feel and the urge to binge on foods. I guess somewhere this includes some substance habits... What scares me the most about kratom/kava in particular is how damn expensive it is if I am to continue down this? I just hope I don't order anymore, because all the money I have is savings for getting well and purchasing things that I need...

Lately I have been feeling so bad that I have begun to fantasize about walking into traffic, but I know it's just a fantasy. It is not a good sign when death turns into a fantasy, I have always almost despised others for fantasizing about death simply because life gives you so much to work with, there is so much to appreciate but, I just can't see it anymore.

I also ordered some 5-htp, I'll tell you how that goes.

So there's a long post for you.. I really put a lot out there that I didn't want to put out, but honestly writing here against my fears is the only thing I have done to help myself.
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Well-known member
Stop That!!! I command you to stop thinking so negatively about yourself!:mad: You are a wonderful person full of warmth, charm, and wit. Anyone of us who have been reading you for a while will agree with me. So I will now use my mind control powers to stop you from hurting my friend Escapeartist.;)
If only it were that easy huh?
I am sorry things aren't going as well right now. Just remember that it is temporary OK. That's one of the things that I always force into my brain when I am having a panic attack. I really think that you need to work out. If you wake up and feel unmotivated try to turn the negative self talk around, to motivate you. Your thinking that you look horrible, and overweight. So look in the mirror, and think, "I look awful, I need to jog right now!" Cadio workouts also give you a "high" and this will be a much better option for you then using a drug. Plus drugs will hurt your apearance, where as workouts will help it. That is my biggest advice for you.
Your problem with your mother is a little strange to me. You are indeed going back to school? So if you are why is she stressing you having a job? She doesn't want one? What? How are you guys paying the bill? It seems me that she is setting a huge double standard she wants you to contribute to the finances but she her self is not. You are going back to school in the fall, but she has no intention of finding work. It sounds to me that she maybe needs to look real hard at herself before she speaks again. If she is getting some type of benefits from the government and that is how she is getting her income she has a lot nerve, preaching at you when she is getting by on the taxpayers.
Remember this is just temporary OK. Please try to work out, I really think that if you tried doing it for a week you would see a real improvement in the way you feel. You will have more energy, and if you eat right at the same time, you will slim down quickly. Plus it reduces your anxiety levels. :cool:
I know how you feel when you talk about walking into traffic, I have moments when I am in the throws of a panic attack where I want to get my gun and just end it all. But you and I both know how wrong it would be, on so many levels. I always find myself wishing my friends on SPW were near me so I could help more. But alas I am pretty sure you and I are pretty far apart. Any way I wish I could help more, if a way appears I will. Please keep your chin up. Good luck, you know where I am if you need me. ;)


Well-known member
Okay time for an update.

I guess my rut has been getting a bit better since my last post.
I began to exercise and I guess that picked me up at first, then I went back to raw and that helped a lot. Unfortunately I had another allergic-food-binge thing last night and I'm feeling mentally like crapula. I should take in my progress and acknowledge that I did 10 days raw and actually got on my feet again for a bit, take it and run, but it's hard to when you feel this bad. I can't remember why I turned to food? Oh, wait yes I do. I was afraid that I was succeeding, and I was so lonely that I didn't want to see it, feel it, so I decided to do my own little version of self harm to take my mind off of it which is basically eating those foods that i'm intolerant to yadda yadda yadddaaaa.

So I know what I have to deal with, and I see that the main problem right now is loneliness. Perhaps if I were more socially involved, the problem would then be inadequacy, but at the moment it is loneliness. And at least now, I know how to pick myself up. I need to take action again... So of course tomorrow I'm jumping back on the raw wagon and I'm going to combine it with a short jog in the morning, and if I can get myself to, a walk sometime in the day (if it's not raining, I don't have waterproof shoes). When I feel good enough again, I tend to automatically begin to push myself. For instance, I did go to another SA meetup group, just randomly felt like I needed some human contact. That only happens when I feel well.

I think the walk and run are even more important mentally, because they leave me alone with myself, especially the walk. It forces you to be, in the world, with nothing to occupy yourself with. Crucial, absolutely crucial.

Lately I have not felt like talking at all. I guess I'm just too lazy to make an effort. I pretty much am still barricaded in my room all day, by this computer, all freaking day. When I do see family, I don't say anything to them, I really just don't have it in me to care.I know that after the 3 week mark of being raw, this will all turn all around, as it usually does....

The weight of course is bothering me a lot, each day I gain. I was actually not gaining when I was raw, so hopefully that will stop the overeating too. Every time I gain, there is less of a chance that I will go outside, not because I am scared of what people will think but simply because it frustrates me immensely to not feel physically comfortable in my own body. It stresses me out so that I just can't take any other stress.

I was reading a preview of an E-book, and it was about how food can replace intimacy while taking your mind off of the REAL problem about intimacy... I would like to pick up that book. It seems that weight has became an excuse not to address the real problem. And that problem is that I am dying of loneliness, but afraid of human contact.

Okay so I guess some brighter words.
I am forgiving myself for all that I've done. I am taking a step into a new future... I want to be happy, I want to be healthy, I want happy healthy people around me...

There is a program that my youth counselor found that is for young adults, it's about a month long. It is for people who "have a barrier" going against them when they are looking for a job, also I believe you have to have not graduated highschool. That's me! Yessirry!
We talked to one of the people that runs it, me and my youth counselor, today.
It starts in mid April, Monday to Friday, 9-3pm just like a school day would be, or work day. They teach you EVERYTHING, and work through it very very slowly. For instance, practice calling employer, practice interviews, etc etc etc. Also, I would actually GET PAID to go to this program, 8 dollars an hour. Isn't that awesome? I think it's part of learning what a job is about.

After the program is over, they set you up with an internship in a job in an area of your interest... And then, you have a job! There are a few downfalls, one being that if you miss 3 days you are kicked out. This is because they want to treat it like an actual job... So I guess this is a good thing.

It's just a matter of finding things to fill my time up until April.

Also there is an interview to get into the program. Which, doesn't stress me out that much because it's most likely more about the 'barrier' and proving that I need help rather than me trying to get in.

I picked up some seeds to begin a garden today, too... The guy in the garden place was REALLY positive and happy and talkative, and he just brightened my day right up! I have a feeling I am going to fall head over heels in love with gardening and plants. I just know it. The little store almost felt like home even though I'd never gardened in my life, hah... Oh, gardeners are such happy jolly people!
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Well-known member
Hm okay, I already posted a question similar to this in thread-format about a few months ago.

Who here has moved during childhood?

Of course you all know that I use food to stifle emotions. Well, I've been raw for a weekish now and whenever I go raw I begin to feel emotions that I stifled for years and years and years. It's really weird. They call it 'emotional detoxification', and I read something about the science of it, and how neurotrasmitters can actually get stuck in places in the brain and are released when the body detoxifies. Well I've got a lot to release, because I didn't feel many emotions throughout my life.

Anyways.. So I'm having a pretty normal day, looking at some gardening volunteer flyers that I picked up and I have one of those 'sudden flashbacks of childhood' accompanied with a heavy emotional despair. This flashback was originally about being at a pumpkin patch with my family, drinking apple cider on a hayride.
And it sent me straight to tears, which is unique to this raw food thing, because I don't usually even remember my childhood.

This happened the first time I went raw, a few months back... It was, a breakthrough. I felt for the first time emotions that had been holding me back for a very long time. It was about the move from Oregon to here, when I was about 10 years old. Suddenly all the feelings of loss from that move hit me like a ton of bricks and I cried for 3 hours straight, heavier than I ever have and without analyzing 'whether i'm crying right' (which I usually do when it's forced). That day brought me many epiphanies, because I didn't even realize that the move affected me.

So I had a moment like that but to a lesser extreme. I guess somehow I have opened the grieving process that I closed off when I was young.

I started tracing back the move... and suddenly, I realized just now that I moved more than once as a child. So I started trying to think back... And I realized that I must have moved 4-6 times as a child, before I could even remember the process, that is. I don't know where I was born, but it was either in Winnipeg or Vancouver... I'm pretty sure I was born in Winnipeg, which doesn't make sense because my younger sister was born in Vancouver but we lived in Winnipeg until I was 4. So I'm guessing it must have been like Winnipeg (born) >Vancouver (age??)>Winnipeg (age??)>Oregon (age 5) >Vancouver (age 10). Keep in mind it was never to the same house or neighbourhood and it was all over the course of my first 10 years.

I don't remember anything from the first Winnipeg life or the Vancouver life, but I do have memories of the second Winnipeg life. I went to nursery (a before-kindergarten grade) and made a really nice friend. I remember we both loved rainbow fish. I also remember loving the sandbox, painting, and the little aquarium we had in the nursery. I remember the layout of the house we lived in perfectly, one of my favorite book stores that was made completely of wood where the children's section was up a ladder, and mostly playing alone. I remember that stuffed animals were my friends, and once I put on in the vent because it went to jail for doing something wrong, and it got carried away with the air... I cried for a long time, like a friend was lost. That stuffed animal symbolized the connection with my sister, I had a blue one and she had a pink one, and we got them at that favorite book store of mine. Anyways...
All I remember from the move is that sweet Nicole (I think that's her name) gave me a rainbow fish book with writing inside telling me goodbye. (She actually sent me a card 5 years ago telling me how her life was going with a picture of her now, I didn't reply... I guess I didn't see the point at the time)

And then I remember being in Oregon, I knew it as "the rainy place" because my parents always talked about how Oregon rained a lot. The neighbourhood was super super close and held events monthly. We were welcomed, and quickly became a part of the close neighbourhood... Except me. My 2 sisters made friends within the neighbourhood quickly, but I was introverted and that just didn't happen.
After going to kindergarten, my mom decided to find a friend for me because I didn't have one ever since we moved. Of course, the one she chose became my best friend ever. We got along so well and I saw her house as home, her mom as my mom, and she was like a sister. The school I was put into became a home, a place where I was accepted and where I excelled.. It was a FABULOUS school, the teachers were like parents, they had many events at the school (Australian day, with a real zoo of australian animals brought to the school!, a carnival was brought to the school each year, we even had George W. Bush come to visit when he was in the election process)
I was definitely settled and even though I didn't make anymore close friends, I made a lot of acquaintances who I saw at school each day. 3rd and 4th grade was when I began to feel like I fit in, It was home and the class and teachers were my family.

We moved near the end of 4th grade... How nice it was of my best friend's mom to surprise me with an announcement in class about my leaving, and getting everybody in the class to sign a pillow case for me... My parents then threw a going away party which involved the students and teachers who I loved, and they gave me gifts and cards and good wishes... I didn't know what was going on, I didn't know what it all meant honestly, but I was having fun eating pizza and playing around anyways.

And then suddenly it was time to move. I remember giving my best friend a big hug, we were both in denial, and I remember her actually being... quite angry and withdrawy when we last saw each other. I still didn't understand what moving meant, I remember the exact moment the trauma of it all hit- I was in the car, waving and smiling because I loved road trips and that's what this was. And then as we turned the corner, I realized what moving meant, and I don't think I spoke for the whole 2 day trip. This is where some major depression set in.

We were going to live in my grandmother's apartment with her for a few months. Dad was jobless (he lost his job, we were still Canadian citizens, couldnt' stay in America). I remember the first few days, I hid in books that I had received while down in Oregon. My sisters and dad were outside doing things, and I would be in our shared room alone reading in the dark for days. I didn't seem to acknowledge any of the emotions I was feeling, but rather I disguised them in books that ended traumatically and caused me to cry for days over "the book ending on me". I think it caused so much despair for the book to end because I saw it as losing another friend from Oregon, losing that shelter that I was hiding in.

So, we moved to a neighbourhood outside of Vancouver, and once again my mom set me up with a friend... Because I couldn't make any. We got along great, all was well. I do remember that I began to grieve the loss of Oregon at this point and I cried every night, wrote sad poems, and even prayed to God when I didn't know who to talk to. But eventually I began to focus on my new found friendship, and I made 2 more, although less-close, because I was used to sticking by one good friend at this point.

When we both went to the new school, we were excluded as the new kids. The extreme exclusion was a huge shock to my close-community-adapted self. The people were mean here, rich and snobby. They were too grown up, they only cared what boys thought of them, they were stuck up and refused to interact with us even when forced. The teacher didn't like me and I was completely ignored. I remember the first day of school feeling so lost because I didn't know what everybody was talking about, and teacher got mad at me for not knowing how the school worked around there.

I was becoming more and more depressed and lonely. Well, I pushed away that best friend after about 4 years of us knowing each other. In highschool I attached myself to a new best friend, for 4 years, we were both majorly depressed and she also had attachment issues stemming from a childhood move (we bonded over the effects and the similar attitude, but I didn't realize we were both in the same situation until recently). We basically promised never to leave eachother because 'everbody leaves'. I pushed her away eventually by purposely being mean, so then she decided to stop contacting me, just like I wished, yet it hurt deep. 4 years seems to be the trend here. I knew Nicole for about 3 years I think, and then my Oregon friends for 4, so I guess I began to replicate this pattern myself because I figured after 4 years they would leave or not care about me anymore.

And that pretty much leaves me where I am today, except a year after the pushing away of that last friend.

I looked up 'effect of moving on children' and saw that many of the studies mentioned that introverted children who move a lot during childhood do not learn to make social connections, they withdraw, yearn to feel safe or belonging, and that they oftentimes do not trust the world or trust anybody with their emotions if their parents do not offer proper emotional support (mine did not.) I now think that what I suffer from is infact PTSD- post traumatic stress disorder- revolving around these moves, and also child neglect. In particular, Oregon damaged me because after moving at a young age I was desperate to attach and I was also desperate for a supportive and comfortable atmosphere. Once I finally got it, it was ripped away from me, as the other places were... that I was less attached to. Also, my family was never good at being a family, so the community in Oregon was all I had for family. When we left, the family fell apart, too. The divorce followed soon after, the sisters began to hide in their own ways and I think that they are still hiding... And so feelings of alone-ness and distrust in the world were quick

lastly, I am pretty damn sure I have posted about this already, maybe even in detail, but when it comes up I need to get it out, and each time it comes up It becomes a little more detailed and logical to who I am today, and how I got here. I'm sure there will be many more revelations to come in the next few days if I don't stifle these emotions anymore.. I have realized that when I 'poison' myself, practically, with allergenic food, it's to feel as I did as a child in my favorite elementary school (the food was horrible health wise and I didn't know of my allergies back then) and also so that I can focus on how sick I feel and not have to acknowledge these emotions that I've been bottling up for so long. I'm quite excited for other things to 'come up'.

Sorry again for anybody who has already read a very similar post and is now re-reading this and having a de-ja-vu ;)

(From a website)
For those coping with a traumatic experience:
* Don’t isolate. Following a trauma, you may want to withdraw from others. But isolation makes things worse. Connecting to others will help you heal, so make an effort to maintain your relationships and avoid spending too much time alone.
* Ask for support. It’s important to talk about your feelings and ask for the help you need. Turn to a trusted family member, friend, counselor, or clergyman. You may also want to join a support group for trauma survivors. Support groups are especially helpful if your personal support network is limited.
* Establish a daily routine. In order to stay grounded after a trauma, it helps to have a structured schedule to follow. Try to stick to a daily routine, with regular times for waking, sleeping, eating, working, and exercise. Make sure to schedule time for relaxing and social activities, too.
* Take care of your health. A healthy body increases your ability to cope with stress. Get plenty of rest, exercise regularly, and eat a well-balanced diet. It’s also important to avoid alcohol and drugs. Alcohol and drug use can worsen your trauma symptoms and exacerbate feelings of depression, anxiety, and isolation.
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Well-known member
I'm here to make a little deal with you.
I'm going to conquer my social anxiety and depression in a matter of 3 months.
*spit shake*.
I will be doing it through health
Raw food diet, every day heavy cardio and weights, getting out of the house daily, and getting a job in 2 months so that the 3rd month has tons of exposure, sunlight, proper hydration and fresh air, and sleeping and rising with the sun. Once I feel pretty good after a month i'm diving into social exposure

Now.... Ready set go
No more anxiety or depression starting June 1st.
In fact, I will be feeling like a million bucks.
I wonder if anybody wants to take this challenge with me.
Probly not
but if you do
I wouldn't mind
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Well-known member
I take up your challenge, grasshopper. *spit on paws* For the most part anyways =D Cant be exact. I'll adapt your overall plan and jist to fit my own. No more depression YES - how deal with anxiety (as anxiety will never not exist).

And I guess be positive in thought, not harsh on self... will be days of some negative doubt - but others can help motivate.

But anyways - I graduate end of May - so - I def want to be at a certain place by then.


Well-known member
Yay :D A fellow dedicator
I'm excited!
Please do share along the way :D I'd love to hear
I know you can get to that better place by graduation :)
And what perfect timing you have, your plan sounds effective and lovely! Lemurs are now grasshoppers? Lemur grasshoppers? That's some good hunting/eating... Mm protein


Well-known member

Well i was reading your journal. Is nice to read about your "brave actions" special i loved meeting with firewalk and whole story was funny and inspiring, u was really brave a lot i couldn't do that and these ideas what firewalk had was creative and also funny if improved.
Thank u for sharing.

Well i too tend eat a lot if im depressed, now i try hold me back, i was gaining too all the time more and more. And i was feeling worse. But food somehow was helping me for a while, i don't think so im allergic on food but i don't think so. Food was always the way how to make myself happy for some time but never was long lasting. I must admit i love food, mostly food i love is non healthy much, between is ofcourse some healthy too. Now i just don't eat much nothing cuz i wanna punishing myself for this how i was overeating me too not good way i guess. Keep going as u do Escape artist u are smart girl what will improve im sure with that.


Well-known member
Thanks despair :D

Overeating is a real pain... Careful though with punishing yourself for it by undereating, it can easily lead back to overeating. It's very important to nurture yourself :) You seem very kind and it's actually sad to hear that you want to punish yourself :( You deserve to be happy !!

Update on journal
If you refer to the last post I posted..
I talked to my mom, and learned that I MOVED 15 TIMES IN MY CHILDHOOD. 11 of them were before I was 5! I moved like 4 times in my first year of life even, and had a different babysitter every month instead of a mother because she was off busy every day. This is a mega break through, everything makes sense now. I lived at places for 3 months to 9ish months and no more and then we moved again. The neglect makes sense, the avoidant personality, social detachment, constant need to be somewhere else, this is a mega break through and I can't wait to bring it up with my therapist....


Well-known member

Yeah it is but for me is satisfaction too sometimes but later is pain if i see that damage what this all bring.

Well that's really rough and i think u are right u are coming with really good point about your childhood move so much times that's huuh, how can move someone so much time? Were your mom having some issues too with avpd? Well this is unbelievable so much times u moved poor girl and for small child this must be very hard change environment all the time. I can't imagine something like that is like house on the rollers lol.

Well thank u hun for sweet words. I know i just can't somehow find it my happiness and overcome it, socialize it and start loving myself.


Well-known member
Things didnt work out to get to gym today, but I still am gonna do cardio at least - go for a walk/run soon - go gym tomorrow.

I should make my own journal later for progress.


Well-known member
Day 1 of be-who-I-want-to-be-end-of-anxie-ty (/depression, darn that almost rhymed)... plan.

Day 1, feeling really down in the dumps, something from yesterday definitely ****ed my with serotonin levels. I caught an AWESOME 2 hour special called "The Ultramind Solution: Curing depression, anxiety..." That basically reviewed everything awesome.. It made me so inspired to know that there are people that UNDERSTAND that mental and physical health are CONNECTED. It was all about curing mental mood disorders with HEALTH.. In particular, Dr. Hyman actually MENTIONED that gluten and dairy intolerances were a HUGE cause to depression/anxiety/alzheimers/dementia/bipolar/ADD/ ETC. It was awesome to see an actual SHOW that KNEW this GRAND information and was advertising it to the public. FINALLY!!!
Anyways, he also talked about how thyroid, toxins in the air, stress, exercise, etc etc etc affect health (mental and physical) but mainly about how the brain and the body are connected. He mentioned that 90% of serotonin is in your gut, that if your gut is inflamed SO is your brain! And that, if you have a reaction to a food item, your brain actually SWELLS UP which can cause a LOT of messed up behavior. 1/3 have a swollen brain. Anyways... It's such a relief to see somebody understand this... Because I have been trying to tell so many people about it and only 1 (Lol firewalk) has really taken me seriously :p But I guess that's my future anyways, to change lives through health

ANYWAY.. K. Day 1, went okay, It didn't go as well as I had planned. I planned a good hour workout, and I planned to eat a bit less than I did. But I stuck to the basics of the plan:
Food: Raw.. 1300 cals (I am trying to lose, so I am counting..)
Exercise: I pushed myself way too much on incline this last week... So my ankles are killing me :( Ow. ThusL 20 mins on spinbike at gym... 5-10 mins on treadmill. (It was super busy and I just rushed myself out of there.. After making quite a fool of myself, I was on the treadmill and ready to get off, so I jumped off the back with the safety clip still attacked to my sweatpants, so my sweatpants stretched way open and hopefully nobody saw my underwear LOL!.... ANYWAYS JEEEZE..)
Sun: It is rainy here in Van so sun today was in liquid D3 form: 10,000iu or whatever they're called..
Productivity: I didn't do anything today... I actually managed to sit in my room all day. I was rather out of it and depressed all day though so I'm just proud to have walked to the gym near by.
Sleep 8-10 hours: Check

Thoughts on what to do differently tomorrow... (Trying to find my rhythm here)
I want to get up and jog for 20 mins first thing... And then hit the gym later in the night because it was so busy... There was barely any equipment left