Does anyone else prefer the Winter/cold weather?


Well-known member
I really don't like the Summer at all. I can't stand the heat and you have to worry about what to wear in the Summer. In the Winter you can just hide under a coat and umbrella. I've never liked the Summer for as long as i can remember. My sister is the same.

Is that weird?


Well-known member
It's not weird. I also prefer the winter weather because of my sweating. I sweat easily and must bring a sweater to hide my sweat patches. Wearing a sweater in the summer makes me feel hotter and look out of place. Another plus is less people go out in the winter, which is good for my anxiety.


Well-known member
I don't like summer or winter. I prefer autumn much better. (and early spring too I suppose) It's not freezing nor is it stupidly hot. It's just right. :thumbup: Chilly enough for awesome sweaters, long sleeve shirts, and boots, but not to the point where you have to wear layers upon layers and then still risk freezing your butt off.


Well-known member
I'm the same way. I don't do much outside in the summer at all unless it involves being on the water.

I love jacket weather. We are all different. Liking summer is not a requirement, thank God!

(Holed up with the AC on right now).

It looks like this may be the warmest week of the summer here so far. I moved to the big lake because it's usually much cooler here in the summer.


Well-known member
It's nice to hear that others feel the same as me. I also prefer the winter. The winter here in England is very mild (despite what all the moaners say!) so it isn't particularly uncomfortable most the time. You just need to wrap up warm and you're fine. In the summer though (again, despite what all the moaners say), it gets very humid here and quite hot much of the time. It makes me sweat lots so that makes me more anxious than ever about the way I look. It also means I can't wear my coat when out, which helps in the winter to hide how fat I am!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 phone using Tapatalk 2 on Android.


Well-known member
I'm slim but i hate showing my body so Summer is a nightmare for me. I always see lovely clothes when i'm out shopping but i don't have the confidence to wear them.
I'll take fall/winter any day over hot weather. I don't like sweating and spring/summer my clothes are soaked after only a few minutes outside or even inside the factory. Winter is a different story all together for me, then the only thing I have to fight is dry skin where the sweat would normally be but I'll take that happily. I guess the dry, chapped skin is my fault for not wearing a coat. I hate long sleeves and I refuse to wear a coat until it gets below 15 degrees Fahrenheit, even then I only use a thin jacket or a thick long sleeved shirt.


Well-known member
I prefer winter. Because its the only time of year my skin doesn't itch and I can be perfectly comfortable.

Downside - I cant keep my truck clean *cry*


Well-known member
I like autumn most. I love autumn forests. Reminds me on my childhood, going mushroom picking with my family and the family dog.



No, I love summer most!! It cannot be even compared to the rest of the year. It is so pleasant. I like warm and dry air, and a lot of sun. I like when all the windows in the house can be open and there is fresh air. It´s a shame that summer is so short here, it´s like 2 or 3 months in a year that are worth something. The rest of the year is shit cold, or is raining and the humidity is high (may, june). The summer months are the only ones which are quite pleasant and no so uncomfortable and depressing.


Well-known member
I think summer is my least preferred season. With the heat and humidity I find it difficult to sleep. Also running long distances can be very tough work. The advantages are that I can run before and after work with daylight savings.

Winter is a struggle to get out the door. There is such little light in the day. I leave work in the dark. I like winter for photography because I don't have to get up as early to take photos of the sunrise. I seem to run faster in winter races.

I think spring and autumn are the best times of year for me. This time of year in Australia the conditions are great, the mornings are cool not cold, the wildflowers are coming out, days are getting longer. There is still a softness to the light, none of the summer harshness.


Well-known member
I wouldn't say I prefer it but I used to look forward to it just for a change. Usually winter would get old for me after a couple months and I would start to pine for Spring/Summer. Now I live in Hawaii where it's summer all year long and although I sometimes miss anticipating fall and winter, I have to say I don't miss it all that much.


Well-known member
I like winter. I like all seasons. But as much as I like winter, around here it lasts way too long; 4-5 months basically.