do your parents stalk you on twitter / FB?


Well-known member
have you unfriended your parents? and how old are you?

my parents are stalking me on FB and twitter. i blocked them on facebook so they are still "friends" but they can't read or post on my wall. now they are sending me messages on twitter as though it's a PM. if you have something to discuss CALL ME. jfc. stop broadcasting personal information about me on a public venue. i'm 30 years old and a very private person. i have my friends... then i have my stalker family who embarrasses me because they are overbearing and patronizing.

i love my parents but i love my privacy, too. ugh. i feel like a jerk but they have no respect for my personal boundaries.

i'm curious about your experiences. did you BLOCK?
You're not a jerk, that would annoy me too. I'm lucky that neither of my parents are up-to-date technology-wise. They don't even know what Twitter and Facebook is. :B

I'm 19 by the way, but my opinion wouldn't change if I were older. Public exposure of personal matters should happen unless everyone involved has given their consent. I mean, if they really needed to use the internet to contact you, they could have send you an E-mail. It isn't any more difficult then using Twitter and Facebook.

Have you tried telling them not to do that? It seems like a reasonable request to me.


Well-known member
@fitftw does she try to be friends with you or guilt trip you about it?

i just sent this private message to my dad:

can you stop sending me public messages on twitter. that is public. everyone can read that. i don't want people reading my private business. if you want to send me a private message, send me a private message. twitter is PUBLIC. can you delete that? thanks.

he said...

When you send a tweet to someone with @ in front it is private to you only. It is not broadcast to all twitter

i said...

it is PUBLIC. anyone can read that. twitter is not an instant messenger. if you have something to tell me SEND ME AN EMAIL OR CALL ME. that is private.

ughughugh. my parents know how to use the internet but that does not make them savvy or appreciate internet ettiquette. obnoxious.


Well-known member
My parents barely know how to start a computer, you talking about twitter/FB ? My father does only know how to check mails and MSN. Unfortunately, I got him on MSN. Blocked .. he doesn't need to see my pictures. I had him a while unblocked and everytime he talked to me, it's pretty annoying, especially if you don't have a good relationship with your dad. He knows it but doesn't say anything of it, so there's no problem then.::p: Don't feel like a jerk, sometimes parents are doing it all wrong. Everyone has the right to have privacy.;)


Well-known member
I wont' add my mom to facebook. I don't have a twitter.

If your dad thought that putting an @ in front of your name made it private, maybe he didn't realize that he was broadcasting personal information all over the internet.


Well-known member
My parents don't do Facebook let alone twitter. My mum has read my msn messenger log once and she hid the modem once to stop me talking to someone on the net. I was 21 so I thought that behaviour was OTT. I would class that as stalkerish behaviour so I left home.


Well-known member
I find it stupid and silly to be embarrassed with your parents.. Why are you scared from people? or their judgment? There will always be someone that doesn't like you or laugh at you anyways .. Just tell them to stop posting private content on the net..
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Well-known member
Im 27 and havent spoken to my mum in 2 years.. she has never seen 2 of my children so she uses facebook to try and find out how they are and try and get pics of them..

She has never contacted me on it (well she cant cause i have my page extremely private) she will ask friends and try and add them to get a look at pics they may have of my family.. They all know how i feel about her so they always reject her..


Well-known member
both of my parents have FB, but i'm the one who wanted them to make it in the first place, haha.. i made one for my dad a while back, and my mom just moved about four hours away from me so i told her she needed to make one so we could be in touch often.. i have my dad on "limited profile" so he can't see certain things, like a few photo albums i blocked him from seeing or statuses with cuss words and sh!t in them.. just because he would be like "katie.. please don't use that language publicly" lmao.. my mom isn't on limited profile because i tell her everything anyway.. i'm really happy she got a facebook :) i'm not the kind to get embarrassed if she writes on my wall or anything, but she tagged a few pictures of me in my teens looking BUSTED so i quickly de-tagged and PMed her asking not to tag hideous pictures of me! lol, she was like "i can tag if i want toooo :)" ...except i know her password and can always de-tag, so i was just like "okay mom" ha..

yeah, anyway.. i'm 22, friends with my parents and most of my family on FB and it doesn't bother me... most of them are on 'limited profile' so they don't see when i say bad words ::eek::


Well-known member
I find it stupid and silly to be embarrassed with your parents.. Why are you scared from people? or their judgment? There will always be someone that doesn't like you or laugh at you anyways .. Just tell them to stop posting private content on the net..

you find it stupid and silly that i care what people think? you do realize you are on a social anxiety site, right?

while it may seem stupid and silly not everyone has the same family dynamics. if your parents were overly patronizing you might find that to be embarrassing. if your parents were especially controlling you might find that to be invasive.

you are probably right, it is stupid and silly. but i like my space.


Well-known member
I just had a talk yesterday with my mom about how I hate that all she ever does is talk negative to me. I think we're going to get better now though.

Still won't add her on facebook. I say some outlandish stuff she would not like to hear...I'll add her when I'm not living here anymore lol.


Well-known member
^^ it's not stupid and silly.. that was an ignorant/generalized comment.... everyone is different, very different. and everyone handles things differently. i know plenty of people, even without social anxiety, who would be embarrassed and annoyed with their parents blowing up their facebook/twitter accounts... don't be ashamed dottie, it's a perfectly normal reaction. and it is your reaction.. even though your reaction is totally different than mine, i can still understand, ya know?


Super Moderator
First off, I don't have accounts in those sites. Second, my parents don't know how to use the internet. So, I'm safe from them stalking me. I don't think they'd "care" enough to do that though...
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My sister has a facebook but I don't add her either, because the way she types gives me a brain aneurysm.


Well-known member
My mom, her friends, sister, and her friends have tried 'stalking' my FB. :p
My mom made an FB before me, tbh xD But she cant work a printer, let alone download files from her email by herself. So it's a bit odd.
When I frst made an FB, I added mostly everyone I knew. Including my mom and ssiter. But then I found out they were stalking my FB, and would keep posting random and emberassing crap on it. So that didn't take me very long to realize the mistake I made. So I deleted both of them, and blocked my mom(forgot about my sister for a while). Then later it became obvious my Sister was still stalking my facebook (probably through her friends, as well), even though my wall was private. Me and one of my OLD female friends put that we were married as a joke. My sister saw it - or one of her friends did at the least - and asked me about it and freaked out like it was a big deal. Sooo, I blocked my sister after that, and tweaked the privacy settings a bit more.
And now my FB is as private as possible from most people. So that pretty much destroyed any string of trust I have/had with my sister or any of her friends.


Well-known member
I hate facebook, i have an account there just to keep in touch with everyone i know whose there... I gotta say i feel like its not a private website whatsoever and you cannot even properly de-activate your account..

petrified eyes

Well-known member
My father has a bad habit of "liking" or commenting on every update, photo, link, etc. I post on facebook. It's very annoying. "I feel like crap today, no calls please." "Dad likes this." :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I have my mum, sister and dad on my facebook, i don't really have a problem with it though if i did i wouldnt of added them.

I do find it a little bit weird having my mum and dad on there as i have to watch what i say a little bit lol and it makes me cringe a lil bit if they comment on stuff LOL
But i don't live with my dad so i thought i better add him as its a good way of communicating.
Sister doesn't live with me either but i have no problem with her being on mine as we chat a lot.