A part of me wants to live in Canada, preferably somewhere that gets lots of rain. I love the rain.
Finally someone else who likes rain!

I'm pretty lucky, it rains at least half the time here in Ireland.
The only "plan/dream" I've ever had is to move to live in the US. I don't feel Irish in the slightest. I hate pretty much everything about living here, apart from my immediate family and the landscape. It's a very beautiful place, but I just don't feel like I fit in.
Every TV show I've watched, song I've listened to, people I aspire to be like, they are 95% of the time, american. In the small town I live in, people constantly ask where I'm from (I've lived there my whole life) and constantly say my accent is "odd" and slightly american. Here, everyone knows everyone and things are all very small scale. (Schools with 40 people in them, total etc)
Even though I have SA, I love being in crowds/busy places. Not large group conversations, more...lost in a crowd. On holiday in New York was the best I've ever felt. I felt "cured" of my SA. I felt normal, like I fitted in there.