Do you think you're ugly?


Active member
Same goes for me-- wouldn't matter if every person I came in contact with told me they thought I was gorgeous, 50 times a day for eternity; it wouldn't change what I see in the mirror.

You can try some of the self-diagnoses tests found on this page.
It's a serious illness; BDD.

I have thought about having bed... But at the same time I feel like if I were actually attractive I would know it.


Well-known member
twiggle;632275Aah said:
Of course I would marry her. So would every other single guy on the planet. I would be able to get a bunch of money and my own place to live, have a beautful wife, be famous and have sex with a beautiful woman.

I'd also have friends just fall into my life. It would immediately give me a social life.

Besides, I could always divorce her if it didn't work out. It's not like I'm doing anything great with my life now anyway.

I know that most celebrities are attractive by sense of their looks, but there's a bridge between recognising somebody as being attractive, and being attracted to them.

I'm just trying to emphasise that looks only go so far. People here speak about being ugly as though it rules them out of everything in life, but even the most amazing looking people in the world aren't always guaranteed the best of everything. Personality is the deal maker or breaker.

I don't agree with that. Personality doesn't matter too much if a woman is extremely attractive. She will be showered with compliments and be beating men off with a stick no matter how she acts. I've seen it before. Beautiful women can get whatever they want and can always marry into money.

It can be similar with a guy. I have a friend that is a loser, he treats a lot of people badly. But he's very good looking and cocky and he's able to use those two qualities to get with tons of women and get friends.

I think about when I go into bars at night and I see men and women all dressed up looking their best. A lot of them have those 'beautiful' looks but not all of them are necessarily attractive. I'm thinking about the girls who scowl at other girls, and the guys who stand there with their arms folded looking offended if you try and talk to them and are anything less than a page 3 model. What I mean is - where's the attractiveness in that really!?

Just because you think they are unattractive doesn't mean other people think they are unattractive.

I'm not denying what's being said about the presence of a society which judges on appearance, and its true there seems to be some ingrained consensus about what's beautiful looking and what isn't - I'm just trying to reiterate that it's not as clean-cut as it somehow seems to be.

Most of society is pretty shallow, but I do see what you are saying. Personality can matter in many situations. Most people aren't 10s on 1-10 scale, so the many average people of the world have to have decent personalities to be accepted by others.

Although I'm probably sounding completely wishy-washy but I can't forget how those past crushes of mine made me realise how much all of those, what seemed liked cliches, were true - personality can change how physically attractive you are.

Again, personality can change your attractiveness. It's really situational. You can't deny that good looks and/or fame can take someone far no matter what their attitude is.
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Well-known member
Of course I would marry her. So would every other single guy on the planet. I would be able to get a bunch of money and my own place to live, have a beautful wife, be famous and have sex with a beautiful woman.

Innacurate. I would not marry Brittney Spears. And not just because that's illegal in most states. :p


Well-known member
Of course I would marry her. So would every other single guy on the planet. I would be able to get a bunch of money and my own place to live, have a beautful wife, be famous and have sex with a beautiful woman.

i don't really find her particularly attractive, and i certainly wouldn't marry her

besides, the only thing listed above that i haven't experienced is fame

i don't think i'd want to get involved with her in order to be famous


Well-known member
I do try to think everyone is beautiful, unless if they have a rotten personality. I make a distinction between beautiful and sexual attraction.


Well-known member
I do try to think everyone is beautiful, unless if they have a rotten personality. I make a distinction between beautiful and sexual attraction.



Active member
Sometimes I feel ugly, sometimes I feel okay looking. It's usually when I gain weight that I get especially self-conscious. When I feel like that I don't even wanna go out of the house! Yeah, it definitely contributes to my anxiety. I should really just stop caring, but it's hard ::eek::


Well-known member
i dont usually think im ugly. i sometimes think my hair looks bad, or that i look bad in certain clothes, or look like im 13 without makeup, or i have days when i feel fat..

but i dont think im ugly


I think I am average - which is the same thing as ugly.

Actually, I have a lot of thoughts on appearance and it's not so much physical attraction (or lack of it) that bothers me the most, it's more about prejudice and conclusions that people jump to based on factors such as race, gender, body build, height, facial features, weight, clothing, mannerisms, cultural identity and social status.

Which I think is way more important than sexy looks....

by which I have none by the way...


It may sound strange, but my anxiety is triggered by my deep conviction of being ugly, and there is nothing I can do about it. I'm bound to suffer horribly, since my appearance is not going to change.

I don't know what you look like, but I doubt you're as ugly as Bernie Ecclestone and look at the babes he's been married too. People place way too much emphasis on looks and lets face it, once you reach 28, it's down hill all the way anyway. Stop worrying about it. How you perceive yourself probably isn't true anyway. There'll be some girl out there who probably thinks you're hot, but you won't know that unless you socialise. It's a double edge sword, stop worrying & just get out there and be yourself. :)


I used to think I was hideous back in high school, but now I think that kind of attitude is just melodramatic. I look perfectly normal. No huge scars, no ghastly disfigurements. I'm not going to waste time dwelling on my looks anyway; I'd rather focus on the social problems I have.


Well-known member
Nope, I don't think I'm ugly at all. But I'm pretty distinctive-looking, I guess. Sometimes I still get approached by people who recognize me from school, and I don't even remember them. That's embarrassing...

I used to think I was hideous back in high school, but now I think that kind of attitude is just melodramatic. I look perfectly normal. No huge scars, no ghastly disfigurements. I'm not going to waste time dwelling on my looks anyway; I'd rather focus on the social problems I have.
If that's your picture then I think you're very pretty, for what it's worth.
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Well-known member
Most of my anxiety is because of how much I don't really care for how I look. I am so consumed what everyone thinks about me. My mom is always telling how prettier I'd be if I'd wear my hair this way or if I'd dress like that. If I gain weight...she lets me know. When I was in 8th grade I used to hate looking in the mirror so I'd put on a facial mask & leave it for hours. I've gotten better about trying to accept how, I mean you change what you don't like. So, I feel like I am always doing something new to my hair & I always feel better when I get my eye brows done lol. But, I probably will never think I am pretty.