Do you think you're ugly?


Well-known member
some girls like flocking to the man with the ring's like a challenge to them. better be careful darlings;)

But, I'm not married yet! So, there are two possibilities
1. You're a cougar and enjoy the younger males. In which case, I'm right here:cool::eek:!
2. Ladies don't approach me BECAUSE I don't have a ring; if that's the truth, then I need to go buy a ring!


Well-known member
2. Ladies don't approach me BECAUSE I don't have a ring; if that's the truth, then I need to go buy a ring!

OH that reminds me of a thing i read one time about a guy actually doing that. It was hilarious!

Wasn't there also a movie or something with adam sandler about that exact same thing? he used the wedding ring to get laid.
I know how you feel! No matter how much my bf or family trys to tell me I'm pretty I have something in my head sayinjg "yaaa righhht" and it affects my mood and ability to go into public. I've always felt a lot of pressure about looking normal so I don't draw unwanted attention. My mom says I must see someone else in the mirror because she thinks I'm beautiful...but come on're not going to tell ir daughter she's ugly...:p. Self image affects me everyday, I hate beiing judged on appearance because looks aren't everything, but our society places it so high that its hard to ignore


Well-known member
I know how you feel! No matter how much my bf or family trys to tell me I'm pretty I have something in my head sayinjg "yaaa righhht" and it affects my mood and ability to go into public. I've always felt a lot of pressure about looking normal so I don't draw unwanted attention. My mom says I must see someone else in the mirror because she thinks I'm beautiful...but come on're not going to tell ir daughter she's ugly...:p. Self image affects me everyday, I hate beiing judged on appearance because looks aren't everything, but our society places it so high that its hard to ignore

Is that you in your avatar pic?
If so You are georgeous. Seriously.

So does someone elses opinion make you feel better rather than just your mom and bf.
Is that you in your avatar pic?
If so You are georgeous. Seriously.

So does someone elses opinion make you feel better rather than just your mom and bf.

Yeah that's my real profile pic, I was scared to put it up but I figured if I'm trying to conquer fears might as well throw it out there since its not face to face lol... I always get weird looks in public and it freaks me out and I immediatly think they are looking at me because I'm ugly or weird...thank you for saying I'm gorgeous..I don't talk to many people so I don't hear that a lot...:)


Well-known member
I know how you feel! No matter how much my bf or family trys to tell me I'm pretty I have something in my head sayinjg "yaaa righhht" and it affects my mood and ability to go into public. I've always felt a lot of pressure about looking normal so I don't draw unwanted attention. My mom says I must see someone else in the mirror because she thinks I'm beautiful...but come on're not going to tell ir daughter she's ugly...:p. Self image affects me everyday, I hate beiing judged on appearance because looks aren't everything, but our society places it so high that its hard to ignore

Well, if it makes you feel any better, if that avatar is you, then you are a very beautiful woman. Now, please don't send your boyfriend after me:eek:!


Well-known member
Yeah that's my real profile pic, I was scared to put it up but I figured if I'm trying to conquer fears might as well throw it out there since its not face to face lol... I always get weird looks in public and it freaks me out and I immediatly think they are looking at me because I'm ugly or weird...thank you for saying I'm gorgeous..I don't talk to many people so I don't hear that a lot...:)

they're looking at you weird bc they're trying to conceal the umm...tent they're pitching in their pants over how beautiful you are:D

take those stares and long glances as compliments or jealousy bc baby you are hawt;)


Well-known member
they're looking at you weird bc they're trying to conceal the umm...tent they're pitching in their pants over how beautiful you are:D

take those stares and long glances as compliments or jealousy bc baby you are hawt;)


You are pulling no punches today are you.

But you are so damn right.......
I love this site :) you guys are all so supportive and nice...I've avoided therapy and this is so great to talk to all of you. Thank you for the compliments its amazing how it can make you feel better, now the trick is going in public and keeping this feeling. You guys rock :D


Well-known member
I always get weird looks in public and it freaks me out and I immediatly think they are looking at me because I'm ugly or weird...

I think it's something about the way we look, not physically but ... I mean, when you're not confident, I think that people can see it. It could be that. Whatever it is, it's not because you're ugly. Maybe they're jealous! Whenever strangers say mean things to me, I don't think it's because of how I look. I think it's that they know that I have no self-esteem, and can get away with it - then they say something about how I look because it's the easiest thing to do. I mean, if I looked confident and looked like I might have a response, they wouldn't say a thing.
I want to clarify I didn't mean "guys" as in I was finishing some laundry and noticed that got misunderstood...I meant guys as everyone being nice on the forum :)


Well-known member
Just have to say, cesgrandsyeux... I like your impression of me XD

The diet/workout monster!
Although I do it for my health and mood, not because I want to be skinny for some boy, and I don't turn it into a competition with anyone other than myself- couldn't care less about some boy and don't leave the house or socialize ever- I've only seen girls obsess over their weight on tv shows~ are there really girls like that at your school?
So silly...
I am amused.

Be happy with yourself and hang in there!
You can make it to graduation.


Well-known member
It depends on what you understand by "ugly".....

...but in all of them, yes.

Or at least that's what those people pointing and laughing at me were saying.