Do you think you're ugly?


Well-known member
It depends on what you understand by "ugly".....

...but in all of them, yes.

Or at least that's what those people pointing and laughing at me were saying.

have you posted your picture? i don't think i've ever seen it.


we don't. if you post and i don't find you utterly adorable i just won't say anything at all.

Thats my philosophy too. I try not to make it a habit of lying all the time. Besides everyone is cute to someone so other people can compliment them if I dont. Damn I sound like a real *******...


Is that why all my pictures get ignored? Hmm.....

If it's any consolation, it took years of me posting my pics here before I could get anyone who wasn't male to say anything nice about me. And if they did it would be some weird compliment like "Hey you look like 'insert random black entertainer here' I see one TV"! or "You'd look better if you did this to your hair" or something odd like that. It really weighed on my self esteem and actually made me feel even more ugly. Now I've come to terms with myself and accepted that Im not ugly, but I just might not fit the definition of what a lot of people here consider attractive. So it doesn't matter, someone will whether the people on this forum do or not.


Well-known member

just looked at your album pics bc i've never seen you before... first thought was "gee i'd love to nibble his bottom lip. he's hot!"

lol sorry that's pervy and wrong and i'll probably be judged for it.'s true.

now that i feel like a pervy stalker...i'm out for the night.
bye everyone:)
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just looked at your album pics bc i've never seen you before... first thought was "gee i'd love to nibble his bottom lip. he's hot!"

lol sorry that's pervy and wrong and i'll probably be judged for it.'s true.

LOL you have succeeded in making me blush today, thanks btw thats a definite first for me ::eek::


Well-known member
I'm not ugly (I've been told so many times in real life), but there are certain features that I'd like to improve with plastic surgery if I could afford it (most notably my ears).