Do you think you're ugly?

I am grateful for my looks. I'm not very good looking, but I don't think I am really ugly. Besides, it's character that counts ultimately.


Well-known member
I have red hair but I have an ugly nose. Basically I think I look average but I just don't like my nose. It's hook shaped.


Well-known member
Ugly doesn't even begin to describe it. I feel so hopeless within my own body. I avoid mirrors at all costs. It's mostly because of my weight, though. I've accepted my face as something that I simply just cannot change. My weight, however, is my fault. Most days, I feel like I'm nothing but a disgusting, fat parasite.

I was looking in the mirror earlier (something that I should NOT do; especially when depressed). I lifted up my shirt and even though I know I'm overweight, it really just hit me hard. Seeing how flabby I am everywhere and how big my gut truly makes me want to put a bullet in my brain. And the fact that it makes me feel THAT horrible, makes it even worse because I know it's not that big of a deal. I make it to be a huge problem, though. Sure, I could work my ass off and lose weight...but is it really worth it? I can't stay motivated. My depression kicks in and I just don't want to anymore. Not to mention the fact that I have no money to go out and get healthy food. Or any food, for that matter.

/end emoness.


Well-known member
Yep. One of my main problems. It's a little better now, but a little while back it was so bad. I couldn't find one single thing about myself that I thought was attractive. I was so OCD about it, I couldn't stand it. I still don't feel that great about myself though...

Most of my image problems come from making comparisons to my friends or others I see. But, it's impossible for me not to compare, even though I know it's destructive.


Yes. I was teased mercilessly about my looks as a child and it contributed in no small part to my social phobia. Since I took my first tentative steps out into the big wide world at the age of around 17, nobody but my family has commented negatively on my looks so I figured I can't be that fugly. And random guys don't mind striking striking up conversations with me. That must count for something!

So while I may consider myself unattractive, I'm probably good-looking enough... I think... maybe.. I hope.... I don't know. My looks don't seem to adversely affect my attempts to interact with people so I don't see any point in stressing about it.


Active member
Well I'm definately not ugly. But I'm not so great either. Even though I've been told I'm fairly good looking....I refuse to believe it. ::(:


Well-known member
Well I'm definately not ugly. But I'm not so great either. Even though I've been told I'm fairly good looking....I refuse to believe it. ::(:

I'm like you redskinsfan, i've been told i'm not bad looking as well, but i just think the people that say that are being nice and don't want to hurt my feelings! I've hated the way i look for such a long time now that i doubt a few compliments will change that.


Well-known member
ugly is as ugly does so that makes me Gorgeous , i have no idea what that means i just made it up , but im sure it will give you lot something to think about for a while trying to work out what the hell im talking about :) good luck with that ....


Active member
when i think im looking ugly its normally caused by the face im making rather then my face itself. so yes, depends on the mood i am in but weather or not i know im beautiful yet i know i can be ugly looking too haha ..just gotta make a disgusted face :p


Well-known member
People often tell me that I'm a cute girl but I always find myself cringing when I look into the mirror and have a difficult time figuring out what it is about me that's "cute". I don't know why, I just keep finding new flaws about myself no matter how many physical changes I undergo.


Well-known member
I've been told both handsome (and not only my mother lol) and ugly, so I have no idea how people perceive me.

Anyway, yes I think I'm rather ugly.


Well-known member
Huge yes for me. I honestly think I'm probably one of the ugliest girls on the planet. People have called me "cute" before, and I actually had one person call me "gorgeous" (And one friend said I'd look "gorgeous", but only if I wore makeup :rolleyes:), but what the heck are they seeing? :confused: I seriously don't see it at all. I can't even take a picture of myself, and I hate being around other people with cameras. I can look in a mirror, but not continuously. I try to avoid my reflection at all times, that includes flipping my mp3 player face down when I'm listening to it so I don't have to see myself. Even when I have to swipe my ID to either get in the door or for meals at college, I always place my thumb over my face. XD And if it's in my hand or I lay it on my desk, it's face down, where no one can look at it.