Do you think its weird for a girl to gain muscle?


Well-known member
Even if she was a body builder? I've told people I wanted to gain muscle, it's not that I'm fat or anything(I'm pretty healthy and skinny) it's just that I want to gain muscle mass in my body and to make me a bit stronger. They looked at me like I was crazy. One of them said "You're weird. You're fine just the way you are." WHAT!? What is so bad about some girls wanting to gain muscles? Anyways, I've been working on the mini stepper to gain muscle and its just too much. My arms hurt when i pull up those handles alternatively and I have to keep panting. Is it because I'm starting to get used to it or is it becuase my muscles hurt that i'll gain muscle?
It's not weird at all to want to get stronger.

When your muscles hurt, that means they are damaged on the cellular level. Stop when they hurt, and they repair themselves, only stronger than they were before. They get stronger when you're resting, and not while you're actually exercising, so once they start to hurt, take a break. So yes, the pain is a good thing, as long as it isn't too severe.


Well-known member
Gaining muscle is a positive thing! It isn't weird. You will be stronger and healthier and there is nothing weird about that. Just keep at it. You will be sore and things will hurt but that is just your body going through the changes. Also, when you gain muscle you aren't going to get super huge and bulky unless you take lots of testosterone.


Well-known member
I think it's okay, and you should do whatever you want to do, regardless of what anyone says. Once abs and stuff start showing, I lose interest physically, but do what you like.


Well-known member
Muscle is great.
Bodybuilder's type muscle may be a bit too much for me... but I think that wanting to be strong for yourself can be a very positive thing.
Eat healthy and regularly-- and work out often to keep your body at it's best. That is much more than most people do these days!

I think if someone thinks it's 'weird', they're either imagining your face on a bodybuilder's body or they're just intimidated by the thought of you being stronger than them and more fit.


Well-known member
What's wrong with that? Girl that is so awesome. I wish I had a cute 4-6 pack, that's why I work out. I work out to shape my body the way I want it to be. If someone has a problem with that, don't study them. A girl that want's to work on being healthy and fit, I don't see what's wrong with that.


Well-known member
I'm very wary of bulking up my muscles, partly because I don't want them to turn to flab as I get older, and partly because I like a certain softness, the femininity of it. I'm so determined not to thicken up my arms, I avoid any exercises likely to. That said, I like a certain amount of tone.

As for the pain, what Pyrophosphate said. Muscle burn is good, provided you give your muscles enough down time for them to heal. But if you get any sharp pains, especially in your joints, stop immediately.


Well-known member
Nothing wrong with it at all as long as you achieve this in a healthy manner. There's nothing wrong with a gal wanting to gain some muscle in my opinion. Who cares if others call you weird, they're just jealous cuz soon you will be giving them front row seats to the guns show


Well-known member
my sister's best friend is a gym junkie, she has more muscle in one arm then i have in half my body, it's kinda frightening ::(:... but she goes to the gym for that pump-it-up rush and she's always hanging out with and working with (she's a cop) a ton of guys.

i'd say go for some muscle building if you want but focus on being tone instead of super buff cus then all the guys you hang out with might feel intimidated.
I think it's normal.. I wanna gain some muscles too, just to feel more strong and confident. I like it. But I ain't gotta be a body builder but just a strong girl with an athletic body and stronger arms, I like to be like that.


Well-known member
Even if she was a body builder? I've told people I wanted to gain muscle, it's not that I'm fat or anything(I'm pretty healthy and skinny) it's just that I want to gain muscle mass in my body and to make me a bit stronger. They looked at me like I was crazy. One of them said "You're weird. You're fine just the way you are." WHAT!? What is so bad about some girls wanting to gain muscles? Anyways, I've been working on the mini stepper to gain muscle and its just too much. My arms hurt when i pull up those handles alternatively and I have to keep panting. Is it because I'm starting to get used to it or is it becuase my muscles hurt that i'll gain muscle?

Don't listed to your friends ...girls with muscle are HOT HOT HOT :D, also they are stronger and healthier than other girls.....
The majority of people don't understand the concept of muscle on females,they only imagine those professional female body-builders.They don't know those pro body-builders train 24/24 hours, use steroids and have a very strict diet and that's because it's very hard for a female to get bulky without the natural testosterone man have.
As advices for muscle gain you need to understand that muscle gain is more about diet than work out ,you need to make sure you eat enough carbs before and after work out ,you need to play with anabolic state and of course remember that muscle are getting bigger during rest make sure you get plenty of rest too;) .
Good luck:D
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If you want to get stronger, just do it. People shouldn't hold you back when you want to enable yourself more. I think it's great that you have that ambition. :3


I have noticed that females have this weird paranoia when it comes to gaining muscle and lifting weights. Some seem to fear that if they do they will blow up and become a rock hard chiseled muscle bound freak, so they avoid it - its not like that at all. Woman's bodies respond differently to a mans when it comes to stressing muscle.

Do you have any idea how much work it takes for someone to get chiseled like a body builder?... its a lot. A LOT....

The majority of people don't understand the concept of muscle on females,they only imagine those professional female body-builders.They don't know those pro body-builders train 24/24 hours, use steroids and have a very strict diet and that's because it's very hard for a female to get bulky without the natural testosterone man have.

^^ Spot on.

The thing about the body is that the only way to change it is that you have to FORCE it to change - you cant give it any other option.

lift weights and push yourself on the last two or three reps - you will become toned and stronger....and you will look good...!
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Well-known member
Womans bodies respond differently to a mans when it comes to stressing muscle.
That's true. It takes a lot of strain to get the kind of muscles a man would get. I'm pretty sure the OP doesn't want to look like Schwarzenegger circa 1980, either. EDIT: Well, neither would I, to be honest.


Well-known member
Most girls are incapable of getting big weird muscles. They just don't have enough testosterone to support a big weird look.

the one and only difference between a man's muscles and a woman's is hormones.

So don't worry about it and you can't overdo it and then suddenly wake up with man arms. People that would look at you weird don't know anything.
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Well-known member
No, it's a very healthy and positive thing to do. I've been exercising recently not just for the sake of losing weight, but because I want to tone up and strengthen my muscles. Women can be athletic and feminine too. It's just so annoying when I can't open a jar and I have to hand it to someone else to open or when I can't lift things because they're too heavy. It's only weird when you want to look like a man...