Do you judge women based on how they're dressed?


Well-known member
Judge? Hmm... Not solely. Still, clothes are a way we use to express ourselves. To show the world who we are and what we desire. No matter whether you like it or not, the clothes of other people will also have an impact on your opinion on them. So, not solely, but yes, of course it plays a role in how I perceive other people and abot what I might think about them.


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my mind automagicaly starts to form an 'idea' of what a person is like. it usualy starts by appearance, and over time as more information is gathered, the idea changes and morphs... so i think i do judge based on how one is dressed but it doesnt feel like a conscious process.


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if I see a girl with it very short out on the town on a weekend night then i'm likely to think shes basically asking for it/has promiscuous intentions this is mainly because most of the women that go out like this are looking for a bit of fun and dress accordingly, of course there could be exceptions where a person just likes the attention or is dressing up for fun. if its just a girl wearing something really short on a day to day basis then i'm likely to think she is an attention seeker.likewise if I see a guy walking around barechested flexing his muscles i'm likely to think he is an attention seeker too. I think thats a fair judgement personally, I mean i'm not to say what a persons intentions are by attention seeking, everyone has different motivations. but if you wear something so provoking you are looking for other people to notice you. I also think its strange if women get annoyed when they get disrespectful or lecherous advances on them when dressed provocatively, its like surely you must know what kind of signal you are sending out?!


Well-known member
i do sometimes judge how women are dressed. when i see women in short skirts and low cut tops that hardly cover anything, i tend to think negatively about them. i know some say they cant find clothes that cover themselves (which is a load of crap). they are usually intentionally dressing for attention and it does send off signals of promiscuity. im not saying they are terrible people cause of this. i just wish they'd put on a sweater and some pants lol.


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Freedom of religion, but more importantly, FREEDOM FROM RELIGION.

I believe this too, but I think we need to be careful, there is so much fear mongering and propaganda since we invaded Iraq and everywhere else.

People seem to generalize the whole Muslim religion for a few bad seeds, imagine how we would feel if we were judged based on a minority.


Also some people might not like me saying this, but the regions where it can be bad, have been ravaged by colonial powers for years, maybe if we would stop poking our noses in and let them become stable (Like how we actually trained and funded the Taliban to fight the Russians) we would not have these problems on our hands, I could go deeper but I don't feel it's appropriate to get much more political.
I judge more on body language and attitude. Ok, lets play the other side, If you ladies see a man with his sleeves ripped off his t shirt or shirt and holes in his blue jeans where you see boxers underneath, do you judge him? That's what I wear on the weekends but does it mean I'm easy? No. The missing sleeves and holes in my jeans are for air circulation! It gets really hot here with high humidity.
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It depends on what you mean by judging them. I think everyone to some point can formulate an opinion about a girls sense of "ethics" in the sense of being conservative or free-spirited by clothing. As for if I look down on anyone based on clothing the answer is no.


I don't agree that anyone is 'asking for it'.

That's absurd and I really wish that the feminists would stop pushing this whole 'rape culture' thing in our faces-- lawyers use all kinds of ridiculous excuses to get their clients off, it doesn't mean that these defenses reflect the public's general mindset.

Most guys don't look at provocatively dressed women and think 'wow I really want to rape her', but I'm pretty sure that the majority of people out there think something like 'wow, she really wants attention' and then something like 'she hasn't figured out the difference between positive and negative attention quite yet'.

I honestly don't know enough about rape and rape statistics to say for sure whether or not dressing a certain way leads to people getting raped... but I do know that wearing a KKK uniform into Harlem is probably a bad idea.

I definitely don't think it's unfair to assume that a woman who is hardly wearing any clothes is trying to use sex to her advantage-- she almost definitely is. They're definitely not trying to be respected for how intelligent they are, or how nice they are, or how they're a good listener. They want people to look at their bodies... which can inspire all kinds of reactions, which might include arousal AND disgust.

I think that the Muslim culture is going wayyyyy overboard and it pretty much does amount to blaming women for the 'unsavory urges' of men... the women in the first picture look rather demure and while I wouldn't exactly say that they look 'professional' or even that they're trying to project intelligence or capability, they definitely don't look trashy.


Well-known member

I dont agree with this,we do those stuff to prevent other crimes,why shouldnt people not do it to prevent rape?
And of course that plays only a little part and you could still get raped and yes some people are animals who cant control themselves from raping,stealing and killing I thought that was pretty common sense.


Well-known member
No matter the gender, the way a person dresses tells you something about that person. So yes, especially my first impression depends to some degree on the clothes.


I dont agree with this,we do those stuff to prevent other crimes,why shouldnt people not do it to prevent rape?
And of course that plays only a little part and you could still get raped and yes some people are animals who cant control themselves from raping,stealing and killing I thought that was pretty common sense.

The argument you're responding to is dumb because it implies that the problem is men and not rapists. It blames the entire gender for the actions of a few individuals.


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I usually don't judge women by how they dress unless they are walking around in public in EXTREMELY revealing clothes. Then I just write her off as desperate for attention.


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I usually judge woman and men if they are likely to bite my head off, because they've noticed my anxiety.