What does make a life, a life? Are there any rules to be a LIFE?

I already live, and life's awesome. Thanks to above!
Oh well... I do have a life. I go to college from Mon to Friday.
I go to CBT/mindfulness on Monday.
DGT social skills training/assertiveness on Thursday.
Panic attack training on Tuesday. (lots of therapy, but i'm so grateful, i need it... to improve)
I'm looking for an internship to follow soon... (this is what makes me feel more that I'm alive.. I think internships are awesome).
And I see my girlfriend in weekends, when we both have time and want to spent time together! Xmas Holiday I will, after Xmas days.
I'll just celebrate with my own fam, and we will make a trip... So that's great.
I like to make trips... Especially far.

Or I like the dolphin shows..
And Old year's eve I'll be with my love, she's my firework lol
But I don't have many friends, so socially i'm a wreck.. I don't have anyone to go out with,, so yeah, that is ****ty sometimes
And I'd wish I could sing ... with a band.. I don't have one.
But I guess you folks would say I'm pretty social,
according to having a girlfriend and college, but believe me....
I stayed at home for 3,5 (almost 4) years...
had no friends to talk to..
my family was there for me though...
I had to stay in 3 mental clinics....
had to do hospital visits..
Didn't even reach my mailbox.... so anxious.
And I didn't have college, for so long..... So I missed a lot.. and that is not fun! Sometimes I blame it on myself, but it's SA... Still friggin' hard to believe that I was staying in the dark for such a long time....
Also I was depressed back then and suicidal... Just see how things can change... Just by changing your life and meeting a lover or a great friendship.. It's all worth it.. and definitely college too, you have a day routine and not a daily structure of NOTHING.... wake up at 4 pm each day and just don't eat and don't drink and just get an eating disorder like i did.. -_-' (totally recovered btw also got fat making pills lol, still thin.. but not sicky thin, just normal thin, still wanna gain some weight, but i'm normal now. yay lol)
and seeking help.. I know some never want it, but it will help you hella good!
and see people cycling outside while having the urge of going with them and go to their school.. hehe, no i just wished so bad to get outside the house..
i've been like like a hella of insanity for so long and wanted to ''end it''.
And now it's starting... Morely like heaven, but I like ''LIFE'' too much... And I realised, this is HEAVEN....
It's a miracle to live, and I should thank everyone to help me out and be happy that i found back the strength in my mind.