Do you Hate admiting that you have SocialPhobia to people ?

Hastings & Main

Well-known member
No problem with some.
My family and extended family and some friends know about it, and I get the understanding I'm looking for with them.

I think many families have some kind of mental something going on in the tree somewhere, and if they're open about it, we can help each other, and if they're not, me coming out of my little anxiety-closet might help them reflect and come out themselves.

Other people, like some co-workers and the like don't need to know.

I was afraid to let some co-workers know that I have heart palpitations from time to time, but when I did, a few showed a barely-visible look of commiseration and admitted that heart problems run in their family and with them as well.

So who knows what you'll get when you come out.


Well-known member
Here's how I usually see it. The people out there who understand pain and anxiety can look at me and know that I'm having anxiety and trouble with them. They understand and genuinely care and I don't need to say anything. The ones that don't understand it (unfortunately the majority) and can't see any anxiety in me are not the type of people I want to tell because it will just isolate me further. For those people, social anxiety is weird or weak and telling them would probably make it worse in my opinion. So I guess I end up telling no one.


Well-known member
I have never told anyone I have social phobia, but sometimes I feel like wearing a sign around my neck that says "Hello! I have social anxiety disorder." That way, everyone might understand me a bit more.


Well-known member
I have never told anyone I have social phobia, but sometimes I feel like wearing a sign around my neck that says "Hello! I have social anxiety disorder." That way, everyone might understand me a bit more.

I've thought of wearing a T-Shirt with anxiety sufferer on it.


Active member
Not hate... Just feel uncomfortable. I don't tell everyone, just my close friends. Its a relief to finally have a name for what this is though.


Well-known member
I don't consider most 'problems' like socialphobia as a single illness or whatnot. I just consider it a character trait. A part of ones personality. Whether it's good or bad or where it comes from is secondary. As such, there is, for me, normally no point in telling people that. Close friends know me and my personality anyway, whether I name this trait or not. And such stuff is not the business of people who ain't close friends of mine.

Though, in total, I told three people that. All of them good friends. I didn't hate doing so, because... well, then I wouldn't have done it of course. :) I did it because I thought that sometimes a close friendship can become stronger if you share certain personal things.


Full disclosure to doctors and psychologists

I do it all the time. I don't meet anyone much at all. No new people. NO

I tell everyone once, not again, since discovering this website. It means NOTHING to ANYONE. They take it as "word, word, word... bleuuurrgghhhh?" I describe social phobia well, and that it started right from birth. By saying that, I'm sure that I am seen as an alien, and they cannot understand a word. I feel exactly the same about... all people, too.

Although, one said, yesterday, "ooohh! don't do that, on a website!" She said "I have to use the telephone to ever speak to anyone! I can't do that online or type anything" She has no friends and lives alone, with back pain. I visit

She was the only other person to recommend the MEETUP thing, after I heard from a post here.

Still the same result. MEETUP is only for Blackburn or Manchester. Nothing else. Possibly the main problem that the name of my town is exactly the same name of a personal interest. I'd expect that this would send the database server into a spin, crippling it, crashing, every day. Can't find anything on the list. Can't start a new one, or... I did, told that I did, and it doesn't exist. hmmmm :rolleyes:
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Well-known member
I don;t hate admiting to having it, I hate more to having to admit I have learning disability. I got more people making me feel bad about my self and looked down apon becasue of that than anything related to having sociaphobias.


Well-known member
I've managed to turn it into a "cute and quirky" issue rather than an issue that makes people look at me strangely.Instead of being intense and serious about my problems,I turned them into something lighter so people can laugh with me about it rather than make fun of me about it or be critical of me.
People at work will say "we're so excited for the party this weekend,arent you violet??"

I'll say with dry humor, "h*ll no! (insert laugh) Screw partying,I'm gonna go home and play ps3 while chillin with my dogs.Beat that!" (insert appropriate laughter and enjoy when coworkers then laugh with me and say "that sounds awesome actually" )


Well-known member
Of course I don't like to admit I have social phobia to people, especially during job interviews, in school, at work, or in public. If I do admit to people, people will think I'm a freak. But my parents know about this, and I think my sister does too.


Well-known member
Yes I hate to admit it. Much easier to do with anonymity.

I've managed to turn it into a "cute and quirky" issue rather than an issue that makes people look at me strangely.Instead of being intense and serious about my problems,I turned them into something lighter so people can laugh with me about it rather than make fun of me about it or be critical of me.
People at work will say "we're so excited for the party this weekend,arent you violet??"

I'll say with dry humor, "h*ll no! (insert laugh) Screw partying,I'm gonna go home and play ps3 while chillin with my dogs.Beat that!" (insert appropriate laughter and enjoy when coworkers then laugh with me and say "that sounds awesome actually" )
The Force is strong with this one.


Super Moderator
I don't really care. But I'm not going to go tell some random stranger about it because I consider it kind of private. I only tell friends so they are aware of what's going on in case of odd behaviors from my part.


Well-known member
I don't think I ever have. Well, not use the words social phobia or anxiety. It probably goes unsaid anyway, haha. At most I'll say I'm shy or introverted.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I don't think I could ever bring myself to say the words "social phobia" to someone outside this group. Yeah, I will talk about my anxiety in general and my OCD, depression, but social anything, I just can't. It makes me feel like a freak in the worse kind of way.


Well-known member
I never tell anyone. I assume most people have never heard of it and won't know what it is anyway.

I did tell my sister once, and she just laughed at me.

I would be embarrassed to just come out and say this is my problem. It's like a secret or something.
Hell yes. I don't tell anyone.
Maybe it will be easier when it is more widely known about.
Most people are not aware of how severe it can be and just shrug it off as mere shyness. Therefore you would be made to feel like you are exaggarating your problems.


Well-known member
Yes, don't like telling people I have AvPD. I am either afraid they won't understand or that I get the generic 'everyone is shy at times/just get over it, everyone has difficulty with this and that sometimes' replies. Personality disorder does sound so much severe than depression for instance. Also afraid people think I am crazy or something.


Well-known member
I don't think I could ever bring myself to say the words "social phobia" to someone outside this group. Yeah, I will talk about my anxiety in general and my OCD, depression, but social anything, I just can't. It makes me feel like a freak in the worse kind of way.

yea. :/
