Do you always have cold hands and feet?

My hands and feet are ALWAYS cold. It can be 100 degrees outside and my fingertips and toes stay icy. In the winter, they get so cold it's painful. I wear wool gloves and two pairs of socks even when I'm sleeping, but that only helps a little bit.... Anyway, I was wondering if there was some kind of correlation between social anxiety (or any anxiety disorder) and cold hands and feet.... I always thought I just had poor circulation or something, but I talked to a friend of mine who also has SA and he happened to mention that he has chronically cold hands and feet also. So that got me wondering.... Anyone else have this problem?
Good Morning

No not at all. My hands and feet are always really really hot. It can be like 40 degrees outside and I'll still wear sandals. I would go even colder still. I don't know, I don't even own a pair of socks. I know that hands and feet are what usually get cold the most easily on people, but mine always seems to be really hot. Maybe I'm just weird though..


Well-known member
I do I hate it, not ice cold but enough it friggin bothers me. weird its somehow related to SA.

cold hands....warm heart.
my hands and feet are cold as i type this, yes.
i'm almost always chilly -- even indoors.
as long as i'm in my apartment, it's flannel pants + robe time. sexy! :p
at my former place of work, i wore sweaters to work, even in the middle of summer. i remember breaking out a woolen hat once because i was so cold, even though the workplace dress code didn't allow hats. (i'm such a rebel.) and i desperately wanted to wear gloves, always.

Did I see that? Expressionless as always, no on knows.

Rules are meant to be broken.


Well-known member
I suppose this is where the saying "Cold feet" comes from when you're nervous about something and runaway. Like the groom not showing up on the wedding day etc. So because of that I assume it's related and normal. Or rather... I might look that up. But not now......


Well-known member
Most of the time, my feet and hands are frozen. Not always, sometimes my hands are warm, my feet are rarely warm. At this moment, my feet are freezing, hands is medium. Not cold, certainly not warm.
Two further reasons:

- Circulation problems (& maybe body-core-temperature fluctuations; my hands are usually cold, but sometimes hot; the hands/feet are the first to show signs of a change in (core) body temperature; so, cold hands = cold body, hot feet = hot body?)

- Mood problems (a drop in mood (eg depression) is known to cause a drop in body core temperature; also those "mood rings" work precisely on that - the temperature of the hands, with a colder color = lower "energy", hotter color = higher "energy")
Okay, I was surfing around on the net today and found out that cold hand and feet really can be caused by anxiety:
"Anxiety tends to divert blood flow to your vital organs and large muscles in order to fight or flight, causing cold hands and feet."
Learn something new everyday.

(Btw, thanks for the welcome, MidnightStar!) :)
I'm always cold all over, but especially my hands/fingers. I never really thought about it, but I think it does get worse when I'm anxious... but it's really an all the time thing. I wear long sleeves in the summer.


Well-known member
Not all the time but extremely often... I just tell people I'm a vampire when they mention it lol xD


Well-known member
I'm just cold all the time, period. That definitely includes my hands and feet. I'm currently sitting here on my bed, cross-legged, with a hoodie over my legs, trying to keep my feet warm. But I'm just cold in general. The earlier comment regarding depression would probably explain a lot. I often wear layers and I don't usually get warm enough to have to take any extra layers off. I bundle up in the winter, and well, winters get pretty damn cold where I live. I'll wear tights underneath my pants to go outside but I don't get too warm like that when I'm indoors. Sometimes I'm still too cold. Even in the summer I'm cold. I love the heat but I usually freeze inside air conditioned buildings. I'll be in capri pants if it's hot out, but I'll have to put on a hoodie indoors. Most people keep their air conditioners set too damn cold. Same goes for public buildings. It's sad when you can't go to the store without bringing a jacket along in the middle of summer. Part of the reason I drink so much tea is because I have to stay warm. I got in the habit of having a cup every morning because I was always waking up freezing in the winter. Wish I had a warm guy to cuddle with sometimes.::(:
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"Undiagnosed Food Allergies".
My hands and feet are always freezing cold. But I did recently find out about my gluten/lactose intolerance, and since then they've been slowly warming up... Just realized that!

Knew someone would find that.

My cold feet is undoubtedly related to circulation. I do have to admit my once, long ago, freezing hands are no more. That was related to food allergies.