It is even hard for me to find any friends via MSN, probably I’m just too charmless.
Generally I don’t like opening up to other people; I deal with my problems alone. Maybe this is because I’m worried about that people cannot follow my thoughts.
Nobody anywhere really, not even within chat programs. I can at least talk to the chat people-buddies about total randomness... They tolerate me, but I cannot bring myself to talk about problems, which is probably just as well.
It is even hard for me to find any friends via MSN, probably I’m just too charmless.
Generally I don’t like opening up to other people; I deal with my problems alone. Maybe this is because I’m worried about that people cannot follow my thoughts.
people if you have problems open up to me i dont mind helping people who are having difficulties in their lifes and i'll keep you want to tell me a secret
Nope. I hide everything from the people who know me. It's like my own personal inside joke, I call it The Great Facade. I'm sure it's a little obvious, but I never let on about anything.
It's much easier to open up through the anonymity of the internets.
I have my vocational specialist that I can talk to about scenarios that are going on in my life, but no one I can talk to anything personal about. I'm alone when it comes to most things, since I have no friends.
I can talk to my close friends about some things, but I'm more likely to keep them to myself because it feels like I'm just whining when I talk about my life.
I really only spill my problems and thoughts with my current boyfriend that I share a place with. Most of my friends are guys that I only see occasionally though because I moved to a new city, so I've become distant with them. My closer guy friends normally drop me whenever I find some new relationship to be in, and my lady friends always seem to be wrapped up in their lives. Then modeling I sort of have to play a carefree role for the customers. Family isnt something I can vent to either because I'm sure they wouldnt accept most of it.
I guess what I really need is people who live around me to go and do things with, which I'm open to.
yes i have someone in real life a gf , i dont use msn , im on yahoo messenger , but i only talk to my kids on there sometimes ..... i did used to have a few chat freinds online but not anymore
I don't, I had one or two friends at college, but we never talked much, and not much at all about what I wanted to. I talk to my mom, that is about it, and she is to busy most of the time to talk.
I used not to talk to anyone about my issues whether it had to with social anxiety or not, but lately I have been opening up more and more to my family and my relatives. I am fed up of hiding my feelings and my thoughts and having no one to talk about them.
No I don't. I want someone that I can though. Even if I don't really talk to them much. If there was someone that is really curious of what's going on in my head and I am willing to tell them, I would.