Hi Eilonwy !
How have you been? Had a nice weekend?
My weekend was great! Had a date with a chat friend, We swum. And talked alot.
It was great to finally do some social stuff again. Cuz I'm really homebounded lately.
That's great that you have the gutts to present in front of a bunch of people!
That's amazing! R E S P E C T!
And what i've tried to overcome sa.. well, I've been in mental hospital's two times,
I stayed with other teenagers, and that was really tough!
Cuz I was around people all the time!
And sometimes I have the gutts to sing on the stage with my mom's band.
Cuz my mom is in a band ^^ so i have the oppurtinity to perform , but believe me..
it freaks me ouuut!
And over a few weeks i'm going to follow new therapy.. so hopefully it'll work ^^
What have you tried to overcome sa ?
And what r ur goals/dreams to become?^^
XX Saskia!