Do some people here even have social anxiety?


so i read peoples posts and they seem to describe pretty soical lives... something i cant even comprehend in my life with my SA, so do some people here just come here to post or do they actually have sa or make it out worse than it is?


Well-known member
I'd say the majority of the people here have SA yes.

And although their posts may seem social, remember you don't know them in real life! Typing and talking is a whole different biz.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
lmao, i think that all the time! people seem so social here. i have very bad social anxiety. i cannot say anything beyond how are you to anyone in my life because of it, and saying that is hard. alot of people here do have very bad cases of it, thats the important part


lmao, i think that all the time! people seem so social here. i have very bad social anxiety. i cannot say anything beyond how are you to anyone in my life because of it, and saying that is hard. alot of people here do have very bad cases of it, thats the important part

yeh same here i forced myself to go out today just to walk down the road and there were 3 people stood there and its like as soon as i showed up they all moved away i was feeling real nervous god why do i have to be like this! nerves = stress = unhappiness


Well-known member
so i read peoples posts and they seem to describe pretty soical lives... something i cant even comprehend in my life with my SA, so do some people here just come here to post or do they actually have sa or make it out worse than it is?

I ask myself the same thing every day.


Well-known member
Not everyone has the same level of anxiety, but there are still problems

And there are also so many different things that kick off peoples anxiety more than others here. Some which won't affect some of us so bad will affect others terribly. Obviously coming from bad past experiences, all of which are unique to each person.

Well-known member
Talking online and talking in person are completely different things. I force myself to go out sometimes, regretting it almost as soon as I find myself in a social situation. Other times, I don't feel as nervous or anxious.

If you're at the more severe end of SA, then you'll feel a world away from someone who can perhaps cope a bit better.


yeah but people say chatting online is easier for me talking one on one to someone for instance on msn makes me anxious as hell.


Well-known member
Masychefx2 - I thought of this after reading your post under "Constantly in fear of everything:" my problem is practically the total opposite.

I'm afraid of myself - of what I might do wrong, or not do right, or whether I'm good enough, or how I look, etc....

I'm not too afraid of the rest of the world - just whether my response to it will be acceptable (to myself as well as others).

As a consequence, I find myself limiting my life more and more, avoiding more things that I could do wrong, avoiding more people I could disappoint....
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^^ thanks coyote its interesting everyone seems to have different kinds of anxiety i guess its alot different then i imagined.


Well-known member
so i read peoples posts and they seem to describe pretty soical lives... something i cant even comprehend in my life with my SA, so do some people here just come here to post or do they actually have sa or make it out worse than it is?

SA effects everyone different. I think you'll be hard pressed to find any two people here who are exactly alike. Some people can go out, but have trouble connecting with others. Some people may not be able to go out but making connections is no trouble at all. This is only two examples. If you read enough posts you'll see people have vastly different experiences with SA

Also, this site does have people with OCD, Hyperhidrosis, depression, Avpd, panic attacks, agoraphobia, or any mixture of all. All of which will cause there own problems for people, but not necessarily the same as everyone else.
Masychefx2 - I thought of this after reading your post under "Constantly in fear of everything:" my problem is practically the total opposite.

I'm afraid of myself - of what I might do wrong, or not do right, or whether I'm good enough, or how I look, etc....

I'm not too afraid of the rest of the world - just whether my response to it will be acceptable (to myself as well as others).

As a consequence, I find myself limiting my life more and more, avoiding more things that I could do wrong, avoiding more people I could disappoint....

Mostly the same as me. I hate letting people down which I inevitably seem to do... well, usually at least. People always see a small aspect of me (or anyone really)... the weaknesses or the other side.


Well-known member
so i read peoples posts and they seem to describe pretty soical lives... something i cant even comprehend in my life with my SA, so do some people here just come here to post or do they actually have sa or make it out worse than it is?

I know that I talk about going out a lot in posts, just because someone does, doesn't mean that they don't have SA or their's isn't as severe as the rest of someones. I've made considerable strides with mine, does that mean I don't have SA anymore? No.
Also, I don't mean to offend anyone and I'm sorry if I do, but on the other end of the spectrum, a few of the stuff people post on here makes me very depressed. Like the ones where people sound like they've completely given up on life; they make me wonder about things, too (I'm intentionally being vague so I don't offend anyone).

Yeah, because it's focused on too much negativities instead of improving.


Well-known member
Although I have gotten much much better over the last few years but my anxiety is still there (its a perfectly normal emotional right?) . I guess I've just chose not to listen to it as much.

I thought that I was just hanging about to hopefully help other SA suffers as I know how bad it can be but I still have bad days here and there. I still get jealous when friends get into new relationships, or go out on the town. Its easy to forget that just cause someone posts pics on FB that they still have SA, the're just choosing to get on with it.


Well-known member
Yeah, anxiety can also mean having problems with shopping etc, it doesn't have to mean SA suffers are socially isolated, like me.::eek::