Did you have a normal childhood/family?


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I've got no idea what sharing love in a family is like as i've never had it.
I think i heard my parents doing 'it' like once.
We are now(me, mum, brother, any more family further away etc) are very distant. We talk if we have to kind of thing. Most of my family actually hate each other.

But i don't think this is the case with all sa people? As most(well all but one guy who i feel similar to) i've known seem to live in a loving family, well, the fact that it's still together shows as much.

I just wonder what that'd be like to feel cared about. My parents were emotionally just unavailable for me, I remember my early childhood spent in my bedroom sitting alone, drawing, watching tv etc. I didn't ever do anything much with family. Every friday night i'd play my westlife cds at one point. Well maybe once a year they'd 'think' about doing something, ie my mum would beg my dad to take us somewhere which he'd never do.

My dad was an alcoholic as i've maybe mentioned before, so he spent a lot of his time at the pub, especially when unemployed.
My mum was neurotic and anxious. But not really over me just in general :confused:
She did clearly walk on eggshells to please my dad, but he was never pleased. Her attempts were like a wet monday morning to him.
He mainly controllled her money, well he did control it, I'm unsure if my mum actually had a bank account.
she was grilled if she spent over £20 at the shops, while my dad spent whatever he liked at the pub/on friends. And it was my mum's wages.

Its only recently i've been thinking about how he affected me, and definately my view of other men. I've never been involved in any way with men tho, but i imagine if i ever have i'd always be assessing them to see if they were as controlling and dominant. :eek:
He was definately very controlling and over the top. And very bad tempered even on good days, which was only fuelled even more by his alcohol consumption.
You never knew what mood he'd be in either, he was either speaking out his arse about taking fantasy trips to the beach and going 'anywhere i wanted' or shouting, smashing things and saying most awful things.

My mum and dad were such a mismatch.
They didn't get on in their own relationship. It wasn't pretty. I'm sure there's worse things that happened that my mum may know. I don't know everything, there'd been times i wouldn't have witnessed it. But the few times i did, i giess i remember crying and wanting to help my mum and wishing he'd stop treating her like crap.
He threw things at her, hit her and called her awful things. Which i heard from my room, i remember listening in as a kid. Crying, covvering my ears etc. Just wishing he'd pee off. :(
She was 'useless' mostly, that one was obviosly said so much, i fear she still thinks she is. Nobody should say those things about anyone though and i wish she'd beloeve she wasnt useless, she just couldn't live up to his high standards.

My gran provided for me as a kid really, clothes mostly, she always had food whwn we didnt have any. And the best company i've ever had, she was so lovely.

Sometimes my dad would hide his money. Like he'd maybe leave me my bus money out but wouldn't give me any more so i could eat or anything. He'd get really angry if i needed any of his money. :mad:
I dunno why, bit sad ! I needed to live. But ofc he denied me that.
I remember once in like primary school i started stealing the other kids food out their lunchboxes, that was terrible, I'd go into the class at lunch:s
They got social work involved that time, but my parents forced me to eat ion front of them and din't obviously say it was a money issue that theyd rather spend money on other things less important like clothes.
I remember at that point they'd make me eat in front of them, i remember once sitting like 4 hours over this awful soup i didn't even like, i felt like he wanted to just sit there and ridicule me. Probably for getting them involved with us :rolleyes:

But i remember once bieng ill or something, and my dad was in the livingroom, dunno why i went to him but i did, i was prety young, told him i was scared and he just snapped at me and i went to my room crying.
I bet i didn't tell him i was ill again:|probably the only time i ever did too.

I felt like they treated me as if i was in some way bad, when i wasnt. And he'd always act normal to other peopel. Well he was awful in what he said abotu his family with his friends and at one time his friends told us 'id ont like the way uir dad treats yous' i was like :# well what can i do!

It'd be really over the top things like someone ate the last of the ham and my dad would call everyone awful names and shout at us:s. Or there was no x y z and my room wasnt tidied or there was crumbs on the floor! But the rest of the house was a total tip. I remember once being grounded for a MONTH cos of crumbs on my floor. Made me wrongly believe i'd been very bad. I hadn't done anything much:s

I'd get left alone in the house a lot when my mum worked nights, would be the sunday night as that was the night my mum went back to work:s so my dad couldnt have been employed. My dad would be at the pub drunk and not be bothered or care to come home even tho i was a lil too young to be left, maybe they treated me like i was older,
my mum acted like i was an adult and spoke to me like i was a friend possibly even a parent, but she grew out of that, isn't as much like it now. but still is a bit. but that was odd as a kid. :s

Sometimes i'd just go to bed as my dad was that late back. Leave the door open:s Sometimes i'd cry cos i didnt want to be left alone so would beg my mum to take me to the pub (lmao) where i had to sit and watch my dad drunk, he'd maybe buy me cola. but we'd be there ages. at that age i did not want to be in a pub!
I remember being ill once and still being left, while quite ill! man. i know work was important but they couldve left me with someone, didnt seem they cared to. :s. it's like they didnt really notice or care that i was ill too.
and i'd miss my mum quite a lot:$ so i'd take her clothes and cuddle it:s!!
cos i was always like that as a child. feared she wouldnt come back or something maybe when i think back now:s grew out of that. i also used to feel anxious/ill. maybe i was subcounsoisly scared my dad would hurt her more seriously.
I remember i'd put antiques roadshow on then watch some drama on bbc1. that kept me company.

But yeah basically saying i was very alone as a kid and i'm not even sure that was normal. I am very alone now still mind u.
I remember even the really poor friends i had their parents were decent and caring. Took an interest in them, unfortuantely mine just didnt.

Share experiences?


Well-known member
I had a good childhood, and am still close to my family. All the horrible SA BS didn't happen till later in life for me, and for unrelated reasons.

However, I have found that many people on this site have claimed to have problems with their childhood and/or family, so you aren't the only one.


I had a highly dysfunctional family!!

dad - Control freak
Constantly yelling at us and putting us down
Showed no love towards us or mum
Didn't know how to express himself

Mum - Loving and caring
Submissive to my dad
Clean freak
Always nagging!

so thats just my family background also at school I was never accepted so I guess I know how I got s.a :-(

Bustn Justin

Well-known member
Hey feel bad about the situation you were in where your parents did not care about your well being. My parents and I had are problems but nothing like yours.

Just wondering if you still live with them and if not what kind of relationship you have with them?

Bustn Justin

Well-known member
As far as my situation when I was younger I was bullied at school from elementry till end of high school. My parents are also over protective and I had arguments almost everyday on even the smallest things. My dad has little to do with me ever since I was a teenager where I get a little upset when I hear other guys fathers take them out places or watch a movie together.

I haven't got upset over my dad not wanting to do anything with me until I started dealing with my SA.

Now out of school I guess I am not normal since I have trouble being social.


Well-known member
The only thing abnormal in my childhood was my own shyness. My parents were normal, my siblings were normal, teachers...friends...all normal.

Nothing happened to me to cause this and that's what makes it so frustrating.

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
eh, normal childhood? I don't know. Deifantley not a normal family.

Every one of my aunts and mom have been divorced more than twice. My dad has been divorced twice. Both my and dad are divorced from each other. During my early childhood I guess things were pretty normal. Even in Arizona, where I lived from grade 3-6. But when I moved to Texas things were different.

All my life I've watched things and read things a little more mature for my age. I've talked in "grownup conversations". So I lost interest in a lot of what was cool to the other kids at school. My dad deployed to Iraq in '06, since we had no family in AZ we moved to Texas where my mom had a lot of family. When I moved to Texas I didn't have any freinds close to me. I had a couple of friends I talked to at school but thats it.

I do have half brother and sister from my moms first marriage. They are both kind of screwup, I love them but they kinda are. My sister has cleaned up her act but she used to lived with me in Minnesota when she was a druggie/raver highschool dropout, I believe it was because her dad kicked her out of his house. My brother graduated highschool but had no direction, moved in with me my mom and dad. He kinda just drank with his friends took a couple community college classes, in 04 he joined the army and has been in and out of theatre since. Right now he's in afghanistan.

Alright, now in Texas. In my family there is one character who makes a lot of people's lives difficult. Oma. My moms mother. She is extremely narssicistic and was abusive to my mom. she spreads rumours, makes my dad and uncle and my cousins dad out to be a badguy all the time, except when she needs furniture moved....I got social anxiety in 8th grade and so it was weird my last year and a half in Texas. Not a lot friends, even less then what I had moving to texas. stayed in the house a lot. on the computer, video games.

Then my dad talked about moving. Then they looked at house here in minnesota. At first I was excited, because hey, it snows here right? -.-...So I move and live with my sister and her family. so I'm having somewhat a good time living with them because I can sleep when I want, but I have to watch her adhd kids and watch everything I say because they are being raised to be conservative zombies. So I'm driving with my brother in law one day and he tells me he has to tell me somthing, can't keep it from me any longer. He says my parents are divorced. I had no clue other than they were fighting a lot more my last few months in Texas.

So my mom comes down and helps me move into the new house, get ready for new school. She says that she's staying in Texas. So now I'm going to be living with just my dad. And I have no friends in here even up to now in 11th grade. since then my mom decides she wants to go become a surgeon technichian at age 48. So shes staying in Texas now. Right now she stays with either her mom, a freinds, her aunts or her boyfriends. She's broke with no job and shes now this teaparty religous hypocritical fascist. my dad meanwhile is dating, going out all the time with freinds. so now I am alone alot.

sorry is this was more of a rant, but I don't know if I'd call my family normal.

but now I'm going to texas this break, and I'm going to be staying at my moms friends house whom I've never met. Its frustrating. but it's no where near as bad as most of the people I've talked to on here.
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Well-known member
I did have a 'normal' family. Both my parents were (are) married and together, an older brother and an older sister. As our family is mainly either Irish Catholic or Protestant there has been no divorces in the family ever, as divorce used to be very much shunned upon. My family aren't Bible bashers, though, it's always been a subconscious cultural thing. However, my sister got hit by a car in 2001 when she was 17, and that caused a lot of stress in the family. We stopped having Christmas with other relatives and although my sister successfully recovered, she's not the same anymore. She used to have career ambitions, but now at the age of 26, she doesn't work as she got a big pay out to live on and deemed unemployable because of her extremely sketchy memory. She just either spends time with this boyfriend of hers or smokes weed/drinks. A few years ago, she caused problems with this other boyfriend who was a violent drunk and liked to harass the family, so the police became a frequent visitor to our house. But throughout all this, I had a very close male friend when I was 11 who I used to run off to when things got a bit bad at home, and he used to be a good break, really. Especially when other kids in my street would give me weird looks and make comments about it.

I had a half normal childhood, but I was always happy with only one or two friends, or sometimes being by myself. I never social anxiety back then, as I could quite easily go up to and talk to whoever I wanted. I wasn't shy around adults nor children.


Well-known member
i did not. my parents were really overprotective, highly religious people. my mom would not allow me as a kid to watch tv shows other kids watched. that made me feel weird and left out. if i got caught watching them she would punish me.
it seems like sheltering kids is even worse than not caring. but i think to a point all that control and pressure you put on them is equivalent to abuse.
for example, if i ever disagreed with my dad, he would always tell me how dumb i was for not thinking like him, not acting just like him, etc. still to this day hes always telling me how im supposed to do everything, then i disagree, then he gets mad at me. thats controlling behavior. of course i had to take his crap as a kid and that angered me, now i tell him to get off my back.
but its things like that that messed me up inside and are still affecting me today. if you look into basic psychology, when things like that happen to you as a child, it literally programs you for life that way. they say you can reprogram yourself, but it seems so hard to undo.

if i ever have kids i hope i never catch myself treating them like that.
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Well-known member
Well, my parents are very overprotective! I'm not really close to my distant family( cousins, aunt's, uncles, etc). We talk only if we have to kind of thing. My mom hates when people come over. I think that is where I get most of my SA from. Lately, she has shown more and more symptoms of S.A. I was abused when I was a child, so I don't think my childhood was normal. It went on for three years, and has scarred me for life. It gave me Depression and made my anxiety worse.
No I didn't. I had/have overprotective parents. I also have a much older brother, 12 years older than me. That didn't help either. I wasn't allowed to do a lot of things growing up, my brother had more freedom though which I hated. My dad is even more protective. I'm still his baby. I lost some friends in the past because my parents didn't like them and banned me from seeing or talking to them. They are still protective and I've been married for 8 months and I'm almost 30. They still attempt to control my life, and my husband hates them. My parents didn't like my husband at first but now they're nice to him. I love my parents though and things are getting better, but I definitely think my SA is from the way I grew up. I'm still really shy and anxious around people. I've had three jobs in the past, I quit my last job almost four months ago(I was a telemarketer and was probably going to lose my job due to not performing well) and now I'm currently not working and looking for a job. I'm so nervous about job hunting though, I don't know what I want to do and being around people at work still makes me nervous. It's also hard to get a job these days, I'm nervous that no one else will want to hire me. But surely I feel that those with overprotective/intrusive parents will have a harder time with life as adults and most likely will end up with SA.


Well-known member
Oh... I did not have a safe / normal childhood in particular. Alcoholic narcissistic father. Many many sad, humiliating, tough situations because of him.
And other traumatizing experiences of violence and abuse, outside the home.
And many family members that I never even met, sadly I never got to know them. I never knew any of my grandparents.
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Well-known member
Well, I had a fairly happy early childhood, even though there were definately fights going on in the household. But I played outside a lot. I was the Benjamin, the youngest. My sister and brother are 10 and 12 years older, so I was practically an only kid in a lot of ways. I was very hyperactive as a kid, in a bad way and it must have caused stress to my parents.

My father had an attaque when I was around 4, from then on he stuttered but he kept on working. I remember he often had anger-attacks, and was often grumpy and introverted which may have been from the attaque. He was a nice man too though. My mother was a more extroverted warm person, who had a lot of friends, but she got cancer and died when I was 9.
From then on I became a bit more of a sheltered kid throughout my puberty until 14/15. Because my father didn't have a lot of friends, our family lost most aquaintances (because they were all my moms friends) and my sister and brother had moved out of the house too. So it was often lonely. When I was 16 my father died. So basically I lost my parents before I could ever get to know them as an adult, which I found and still find hard to cope with sometimes.

So yeah, my childhood was plagued by death. Still, a kid is a kid and I had fun times too. I hung around a lot with friends, made huts, played hide and seek. Later on the video game age and all that.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Normal childhood? Far from it. My mum was way to overprotective of me. She'd occasionally punishment me when I was bad by locking me out of the house. ::(: Though, I think it may have only happened 4 times when I was like 6 or 7 years old. I still deeply resent her for that to this day. :mad: Because I think it may be the root cause of my social anxiety.

And my father... Well, he was absent during my childhood and didn't become part of my life until my mid-teens.


Well-known member
Not even close. I've never been to a friends house and when I was around 12 I stopped playing outside and spent my summers playing video games. I've also only seen my father around 3 times. My mom suffers from depression and neglected me during my childhood. My brother is the only one that actually has a life...


Well-known member
I had a good childhood and fortunate enough to have a good family. In fact, I was quite extraverted in primary school, almost being a class clown type character who was liked amongst my peers.

It was during highschool when I developed SA and became introverted from rejection from past friends, as well as rejection from new "friends" I formed for not being cool enough. Most of my socialisation nowadays is from my family.