Diary/journal thing (can't think of a witty title)


Well-known member
She might tell you the same as others have said, but it doesn't hurt to ask as long as you stay cool and in control. :)

I feel that I have to try. I'm not one to show emotion, especially, when it comes to showing anger, but I want to show them how it is effecting me. I suppose I want to show passion rather than anger. I've written an impassionate speech that I hope can have some effect on her.
I've been teaching myself Greek recently and I've just received a copy of the Greek White Pages that I ordered through the post. I am going to try to find my ex-counsellor in there.

Emre I'm going to beat you with the white pages! This is unhealthy. You need to stop this before someone gets hurt. This is not a challenge for you, it is time to leave this alone. If she wanted to find you , she could have, she has your details. She knows how to get in touch with you and there is nothing stopping her except that she doesn't want to. I am your friend so Im going to be completely honest and blunt. This has gotten a bit stalkery and weird. If I was her I would be really creeped out, you ordered the Greek white pages? You need to draw a line under this Emre before you scare her and upset her and hurt yourself to. If she wanted to find you she could she can find you, she knows your name and where you live and has your file. Accept that and move on. Im sorry thats harsh but your my friend and I have to be honest with you. This has gone way too far, way way too far. She would have been in touch if she wanted to be. Accept it, it's the truth.
I'm very determined; I might not be the most aggressive but I am a fighter and I don't give up on a whim. Especially when I feel that I'm not being treated equally or there's an injustice. Prior to meeting her I had a vision of what I wanted in a woman and she matched it down to a tee (in fact she was an improvement on my vision); there is no way I am giving up on her.

This is not romeo and juliet. She was your counsellor, she helped you, she was not your love. That was not your relationship, your relationship was counsellor and counsellee . She decided to move away. You were not torn apart, society did not stand between you. She moved away out of her own decision and free will. What do you think is going to happen? That she will run into your arms and tell you that it was all a terrible mistake and nothing will come between you ever again? That is not what's going to happen. She chose to move away, you really need to accept that. It's not about 'not giving up' this isn't a valiant cause, it is about accepting what really happened.

emre43 said:
I kind of feel that I have been issued with a restraining order and yet I have done absolutely nothing wrong. There are mass murderers out there with more of a chance at a relationship with her than I have. When that is the case there is something very, very wrong with society. We haven’t left the Victorian era behind we still have so many ridiculous morals and stigmas in society.

Stop victimising her. You assume that her alternative to being with you is being with a mass murderer? Consider that she may be happily married and very very happy maybe expecting her first child with her husband and her family.

emre43 said:
I don’t ask for much from other people; in fact I can’t remember the last time I asked anybody for anything. I’m not even asking for much now, I just want to be given a fair chance with the woman of my dreams. Why am I not deserving of that? I haven’t had the best of starts to life and I feel that I am being punished even further by being prevented from getting a message to her. Just a chance is all I want. I just can't understand why I am not entitled to that.

Nobody has taken that chance away from you except her. She moved out of her own free will and decision. It isn't about you. She chose to move away to better her own life.

Emre please, please, please come back to us. See this for what it is. You are stopping yourself from getting on with your life.


Well-known member
Not being rude Jewel, but I skipped your posts (I'm really sorry I know you're just looking out for me but they will just end up hurting me), no offence :).

I managed to show my anger in my session today my counsellor said that she empathises with me and felt sorry for me. She said if she could help me then she would, but she can't. I still have some irons in the fire.
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Well-known member
You are going to end up scaring and upsetting her. And you're going to get yourself hurt if you keep it up.

Why would she be scared or upset? She should be flattered that there is somebody so passionate about her. I'm not a perverted sexual predator!


Well-known member

I hate to say this but i have to agree with Jewel.....No one doubts your feelings, but your behavior towards the situation is really pushing it.....

If she wanted to contact you, she would have... Really, there isnt anything stopping her.

Im sorry, i consider you a good friend on here, and as your friend, im telling you, this isnt healthy, you need to let this go. If you pursue this nothing goods going to come out of it for you....in fact your situation may in fact get alot worse...


Well-known member
I have two choices: try to find her or accept loneliness for the rest of my life.

I am not going to bring any harm to her and I am not going to pursue it any further if she doesn't want me to. I have never had anybody before and I am not giving up. It may look unhealthy to others on the outside, and maybe it is unhealthy but I am aware of that. It is NOT, however, unhealthy for her.

Judge me how you like, I am not giving up and nothing anybody else says is going to change my opinion. I am not a potential stalker. I am a decent, friendly guy. I thought people who I consider friends on here would understand that.

I have never hurt another human being (or even animal) in my life and I certaily would never start with her. I am now worrying that I am potential stalker material, which wasn't a problem until an hour and 15 minutes ago. Seriously, I was in a brilliant mental state. I had a really productive chat with my counsellor, who was nothing but supportive of me (because she has actually met me and knows more about me than anybody on here). Now I am questioning and worrying about my sanity.
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Well-known member
I can relate so much to all this. I think you are a really good person. I had a very similar childhood and a similar way of thinking and I can tell you its very rare to find people who think just like that to that extent, especially in the US and UK. I know what its like to find someone who has that depth and understanding that you've been looking for all your life. I met a girl over 10 years ago now that was like that. I was always so shy and never really talked to anyone, not even my family. The first time I talked to her on the phone, we spend over 4 hours. Almost every night after that, we talking into the night, almost until dawn. We connected like no one else did and it was the easiest thing in the world to talk. I had virtually no anxiety around her and that is pretty damn crazy for me.

Honestly, I think much of my anxiety, and I assume yours, is based off having a very different perception of the world to most. I just cannot relate to how most people think, including on this forum. I think being overly sensitive and how you relate to pain makes for a very different person to the western world. You probably saw that in your counselor. That connection you don't get anywhere else.

I don't think there's anything wrong in giving it a really good shot to find her. You are not a stalker and I am betting she will know that. If you can't end up finding her or she doesn't want to pursue, then it might be time in the near future to try to accept it. But whatever the case, you don't have to accept loneliness. Believe it or not, there are people out there like you, like the counselor. It scares me sometimes to realize how hard to is sometimes to find them, but it is possible.


Well-known member
I don't think there's anything wrong in giving it a really good shot to find her. You are not a stalker and I am betting she will know that. If you can't end up finding her or she doesn't want to pursue, then it might be time in the near future to try to accept it. But whatever the case, you don't have to accept loneliness. Believe it or not, there are people out there like you, like the counselor. It scares me sometimes to realize how hard to is sometimes to find them, but it is possible.

Thanks, it's nice to find somebody on the same wavelength :) She knows that I couldn't harm her or anybody else. Part of me wants to think that there are others out there like her, but I can't see any of them being an improvement on her (in my opinion of course).
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^ This is not the same situation.

Emre is obsessed with his old counsellor.Over a year has passed since she decided to move away. She has has not reciprocated his feelings. He has been refused her contact details when he's requested them. Now he's about to try and contact her against her will. This is crossing a huge boundary.

Emre it is time to move on. You're so young, you will meet lots of great girls but this route that you're taking will not bode well for you. You're my friend and I don't want you getting yourself into trouble. Of course I know that you are a good person and mean no harm but you are crossing a big boundary and it won't be received well.


Well-known member
^She's been gone for just over six months. How do you know that she doesn't want contact with me? She may have been put off by thinking what if he doesn't want contact with me? What if it is unprofessional of me to make contact with him? You don't know and neither do I and I am going to find out.

Me being so young is the very reason that I want to pursue it. I don't want to get too old before I am a complete turn-off (as if being a 22-year-old virgin isn't enough of a turn-off!)


Well-known member
I agree with Jewel's post 120%. Jewel is a wise woman with many wise words. I have had said similar things.

You have put her and this situation on a pedal stool. She may have been someone who was a great influence on your life and she may have had a huge impact, that happens. Sometimes we meet people and they make us fall in love with them, it happens. But just because she was someone who made you feel love for the first time, doesn't mean it's going to be the last time.

You are going to find someone else who makes you happy. You won't be alone forever if you don't try to find her. You need to let this go, this obsessive thinking that things aren't going to be right until you find her is not healthy.

And you can't just skip over Jewel's post because it might make you sad. It's the truth. You need to face it.

Coming from a girl's point of view, it's not as romantic as you think it is. She was your counselor, that was it. If someone searched me down and tracked where I lived, I'd be creeped out. That's stalking, not romantic.

Even if she wanted to come in contact with you, parting ways it *not* the end of the world. You two will both continue to live your lives and find other people that make you happy. You have not lost your only chance to one true love and you both won't walk the earth depressed and alone and miserable because you were "torn apart".


Well-known member
I don't know if its right to judge what is appropriate. Some people need more than others to accept and move on. He should do what he feels is right or it may take longer to accept it. My advise is just trust youself to know when enough is enough and its time to stop trying. No one else can tell you that.


Well-known member
Then at least I can say that I tried.

perhaps you've seen one too many hollywood scripted romantic comedies

(the ones that leave out the restraining orders and the hero lying broken and beaten in the corner of a dark, damp, greek prison cell)

if you care for this woman the way you say you do, why aren't you thinking about HER feelings and only thinking of yours?

it's not all just about what YOU want

making the grand gesture isn't going to change her mind, it will only drive her further away

or, as the saying goes...

“If you love something set it free; if it returns, it is yours forever - if not, it was never meant to be.”

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I don't think you contacting your ex-counsellor is wrong, but I would strongly advise against actually going to Greece to see her in person at this stage. A phone call, a letter or an email, explaining how you feel, and how your SA prevented you from expressing that when she was here seems fine to me, and not "stalking". Actually showing up where she lives is another matter entirely. I really think you need to know whether she reciprocates your feelings before you even begin to contemplate actually going to Greece. If she doesn't want to take the relationship further, then at least you'll have closure and be able to move on which, from everything you've posted here, seems to be something you won't be able to do until you know one way or the other.