What a beautiful Journal. I really love the personality you've got. Never hurting anybody and i'm sorry that you have been through all that bullying, i can totally relate, even the childhood period of time that i didnt' want to stay at the caretaker and that i don't wanna beat people and also i am way too caring for the world sometimes. THe world is a difficulty for ppl like us, Just a question, but are you a HSP? Or very sensetive or maybe very like an empath?

I am. I am really touched by your story and I feel sorry for you losing the love of your life, can't you send her a card to Greece? To let her know how things are going? I bet she likes it.
It's nice that she was a volunteer, so she was a real counselor? That's wonderful. I mean she's not really employed there, so it's not like a psych role relationship so it's not that strictly against the rules.
I should let her know if I were you, it's one chance in your life you should take. If you won't, you may think about her and might forget her and regret it later.
You can take your chance, it takes balls to ask her out, so just send her a post card or something on facebook. I think if you send her just 1 msg it wouldn't come across as stalking. Just take all the time you've got on writing the E-MAIL. Write a nice script and maybe write another poem what you are feeling and going through. that you really miss her so much.
Good luck bro and RESPECT