Well-known member
Sometimes after a long day of work I lay awake in my bed in the darkness and think about how f'd up and disgustingly ordinary the cycle of life is. I can't believe so many human beings are forced to stifle themselves so completely just so they can maintain a job to "survive." A job that might not pay well and that they might hate.
You go to school, get a job, work until retirement (if you can afford it) and then you start the impending countdown to death. It doesn't seem that fulfilling at all to me.
When I think of this I can't imagine why I'd want to conform to the societal norm of having kids when it is possibly forcing them to live that same life. This with no guarantee of anything afterward.
This stream of consciousness leads to thinking about death. Life is short, and you never can know how short. What happens after? No one has proof. It scares me to think that it is a return to nonexistence. I don't remember anything before I was born (anything from early childhood really) so I am forced to assume that death will be like what was before my birth. Nothing.
It is so hard to grasp this idea. How can my consciousness and being just stop? What a cruel fate to be brought into existence against your will and forced to careen uncontrollably towards the end. (Mind you, whilst dealing with what for some is the horror of being alive at all.)
I find it hard to keep quiet about this. It is like you aren't supposed to bring this sort of thing up. You can't tell your parents you think they are selfish for bringing you into this. You can't rage against society for neatly regulating your life's activities until you die.
I'd like to separate my consciousness from my body so I know that I can really exist outside of it. I don't think I'd ever go back. I feel so limited. It would not matter if I reached the heights of what a human can achieve if it is all for nothing.
What also scares me is that the same thing awaits the people I love. I can't believe the people I have such strong feelings for cannot be protected from this inevitable thing looming over all our heads.
This all makes me so unhappy.
/end rambling
You know what is scary... I could have wrote the EXACT thing you just did! You took the words right out of my mouth, seriously. I am a little freaked out by it that someone thinks the same exact way I do. Actually it is kind of nice knowing that someone thinks the same way about things. Awesome post, I am so glad you said what you did. I felt this way since I was very young. I mean what 10 year old thinks this way? ME!!! Now I am 41...and my thoughts have not changed. It is very difficult to motivate yourself when it is all for nothing, except for brief moments of joy. Then the cold reality sets in and you realize that you are mortal. Selfish? Haha! I know I have said this here before, but I won't say it anymore since I was chastised for saying it...
All I can say is Pookah I am your biggest fan! :