I think alot like you pooka, I ponder our existance, refuse to believe we are the product of some cosmic random bang, it seems too planned. I'm not religious, I apreciate what religions can teach but I'm more into facts.
The best we can do to make our existance not so sad or boring is to find activities that make it fun, I really refuse to be a mindless zombie that just works so the ones above me get rich as I struggle, I joke that perhaps I died and went to hell, for this existance is not a fun one living with SA.
I could go on forever about, how space is expanding, and how beautiful it is, and what beauty exists on earth. I often hope for other intelligent life forms because the universe is too immense, and it has laws that support life here, I wish to see proof of this before i perish,life has to be about something beyond this realm.
Other times I wonder about reincarnation, but only of human form. Like our spirits leave our bodies in death but if we did good in this life our next life will be a happier easier one and vice-versa. This types of thoughts give me a glimmer of hope,wonder if there is alternate dimensions, where a version of me has a girlfriend and an eventful life.
If I were wealthy, I could assure my children would not suffer as I have, I dont cherish money I cherish the ease money brings, I dream of a career where I won't feel as a slave and life will have many happy moments, and I'll never have to cry myself to sleep thinking about how the years passed without having anything to show for it, and have thought of suicide but could never do it. Thus I refuse to start a familly unless I have the career to assure my offspring live right.
Thinking of suicide leaves me with the thoughts of the pain inflicted on the familly I care for and love is enough for me to go on suffering, and try to make life a better existance. I really do hope there is a spirit that doesn't ever have to live the mundane sad existance humans dread. Where we exist in euphoria forever.
Heres a list of things that I feel humans need to be happy.
Love, friends, familly, a career they feel passionate about, imagination, exercise, toys, strong beliefs, confidence, no stress.
If life is lived to eventually be nothing, then so be it, but lets have fun before the curtains drop!
ofcourse these are just my beliefs.