
I used to be a cutter when I was a teenager, Id have them up and down my arms. Not deep or anything...
But I did it because I hated myself, I felt a lot of shame and guilt. The one day I just stopped, haven't done it since.
I hope eventually you stop too...its really not worth it.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
I've always fancied using one of my knives on myself, but I never have done it as of yet. I have hit other objects or myself in an attempt to feel pain since the pain relieves some of my stress for some odd reason. Yet in the end, it never puts an end to anything.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I've always fancied using one of my knives on myself, but I never have done it as of yet. I have hit other objects or myself in an attempt to feel pain since the pain relieves some of my stress for some odd reason. Yet in the end, it never puts an end to anything.

Have you tried cutting other people instead? Oh wait, that's bad. n/m


Well-known member
I have bipolar and I have frequently cut when I got into mixed states (depressed and manic at the same time). I can't really explain it but it's like this irrational terror would come over me and I would become really frantic and cutting was the only way that I could find to calm myself down. Yes, it hurt a little, but the reward (state of calm) made it worth it to me. Now that I'm medicated I haven't cut in a few months, although I occasionally still do get the urge. I think people who don't understand should count themselves as lucky rather than judging those who do it.


Well-known member
I've cut myself since i was about 15, when i first started i did it out of pure frustration, but as i carried on it became a way to get all the hurt out, i saw it as the more blood that came out the more i was getting rid of all the horrible things that lived in me, but now the only time i cut is out of pure frustration, and thankfully that doesn't happen a lot, i haven't cut for ages now and i'm really proud of that!


Well-known member
My sister used to cut all the time, I don't think she does anymore but I understand it a little. I don't know but I think it's like punching a wall when your mad or angry to relieve some stress. You just want to be set free, I know I do when I'm upset. I've done stupid things to myself but not becuase of depression, like burning my initials in my arm or playing hit for hit with some strong guy at a party becuase I did not want to give up even though I was about half his size til my friends said that's enough, my whole shoulder down to my elbow was almost broken and was completely black for about 2 weeks. One thing I'm proud of I never gave up lol.


Well-known member
I used to. And I almost started again not long ago, but then I remembered the consequences of it. Hiding the scars/wounds becomes a worry and in some ways it's easier and better just to ignore the impulse rather than have people see the cuts and face the stigma.
Im going to be captain obvious and say that cutting is not good. Even if you think it can make you more interesting, do you really want to be known as "the guy who cuts himself"? I wouldn't think so from a social standpoint. I mean it is just stupid. Now I am not saying these words because I am some self righteous prick riding on his high horse, no, i am saying this and looking back at how much of an idiot i was back then to not come to such a realization.
The pain you feel doesn't feel good, it s not even close. It hurts. If you are having problems with life or anything of that nature I would suggest talking to someone you can trust enough to do so, I would recommend close family because even if you just say you are having these problem, just letting it all out makes you feel 10x better afterward than the "after effects" of cutting. Sure I tell my sis, mom or even my lunatic dad about some of my problems and they would probably probably rip my head off for doing it but it feels good to get the stuff that would bother me off my chest and knowing that there are at least some real people out there who actually give a damn about my well being and i owe it to them that I stay in a healthy state as long as y own life permits.

p.s people that I find interesting are the ones that can express their own interests without shame and do it for themselves and not for others


Well-known member
Saying cutting is bad is like saying that being an alcoholic is bad. Of course it's an unhealthy way of coping, but you can't just tell people that they shouldn't cut just as you can't tell a person that they shouldn't be an alcoholic, drug addict or anything else. Once the damage is initiated it often takes a healing process to stop doing it.
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I've never cut myself but I hurt myself in other ways in the past when my depression got really bad. I think it was more a cry for help than a stress reliever. It was a bad way of going about it that I regret, but young people are really known for making wise decisions.


Well-known member
I used to cut a lit, i used it as a coping mechanism, if i felt things were getting to much for me or i was losing control i would cut myself and it did make me feel better, but i haven't done it for a while now and i'm pretty proud of myself for that, i have been through a few rough times but i have dealt with them without cutting!
When I was in highschool I was, well not really a cutter..more like a scratcher. I didn't want to have scars but I wanted the rush I got when I hurt myself. I'd take the tip of a knife and scratch it all up my arm really fast. I'd bleed and have marks but nothing deep enough to scar. My arms would be covered. It was bad. I kept getting sent to the school guidance counsellor, so I decided to start hitting myself instead because I guess it was less noticeable.

I know it was messed up and I don't do it now. My first love dumped me and my parents were awful. I just completely snapped in highschool. It got to a point that when my dad would hit me i'd laugh and tell him to hit me more, he'd hit me and i'd punch him in the face. I didn't care at all anymore.

Moving out of there was the best thing I ever did for myself.

Bullied Anonymous

Well-known member
I was never a cutter ,but I did do stupid things. Not for pain to relieve myself from pain. Only problem with that was in order to stop the pain I added to it with physical pain. I'm not aggressive toward other people. I'd rather bottle it up or hurt myself than to hurt someone else.

I hate the feeling ,because it only gets worst. Its like after doing something crazy like cutting or attempting suicide you only crave the feeling more. I don't know if I can handle this subject.


Well-known member
I used to cut myself all the time a few years back. It was my way of 'punishing' myself for being different to everyone else (social anxiety). Also whenever i comfort ate, i tried to make myself sick but never could, so instead i'd cut myself to punish myself for over eating.

I haven't cut myself in a while now. The things is i can call myself a recovering self harm addict, but i'll never be recovered. I'm a pretty weak person so i'm bound to fall back into it again.
I've felt the urge to cut.. reasons:
1. to not feel emotional pain, to feel physical instead, like when a girl is bored and goes to a party:p
2. to draw attention to myself


Hi, I self harm and have done since I was 12 years old and I am now 50 years old. I am very badly scarred and am hospitalized due to having cut severely enough to be life threatening about once ever 1-2 years. I cut less often now but more severely when I do. I don't like pain. It is a self punishment and it releaves anxiety and fear. Within the professional word of self harm, I have the notoriety of being one of the severist cases in the country which does not make me p-roud. It makes me feel very alone, very misunderstood, a subject of abuse and ridicule which is why I hide and why I have no family or friends and go days with no human contact at all. I have a good nurse and doctor but professional relationships is all I have now. Self harm is something that I would not recommend to anyone. It's too late for me but to anyone toying with the idea it's a road that only leads to a lonely, isolated despair.