Im going to be captain obvious and say that cutting is not good. Even if you think it can make you more interesting, do you really want to be known as "the guy who cuts himself"? I wouldn't think so from a social standpoint. I mean it is just stupid. Now I am not saying these words because I am some self righteous prick riding on his high horse, no, i am saying this and looking back at how much of an idiot i was back then to not come to such a realization.
The pain you feel doesn't feel good, it s not even close. It hurts. If you are having problems with life or anything of that nature I would suggest talking to someone you can trust enough to do so, I would recommend close family because even if you just say you are having these problem, just letting it all out makes you feel 10x better afterward than the "after effects" of cutting. Sure I tell my sis, mom or even my lunatic dad about some of my problems and they would probably probably rip my head off for doing it but it feels good to get the stuff that would bother me off my chest and knowing that there are at least some real people out there who actually give a damn about my well being and i owe it to them that I stay in a healthy state as long as y own life permits.
p.s people that I find interesting are the ones that can express their own interests without shame and do it for themselves and not for others