Crushes & Infatuation


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Has anyone on here ever become obsessed with a crush or an infatuation over someone & they don't know how to let go.:idontknow:


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Yes, and I ended up confessing through facebook after two years of thinking about her everyday. I tried to be as polite as possible and said "I hope this isn't disturbing but I just wanted to let you know i had the biggest crush on you so that i could move it. Again, please don't make anything/give this a second thought....etc. etc." and she responded politely with a "Thank you :D". Things ended well. very well. i don't really think about her as much. so things ended very well.


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I have. My first rejection was very painful. I spent 2-3 days crying, but over time I got over it. Like they say time heals. It also helps to open up your eyes to the billions of fishes in the world.


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My first real crush happened half a year ago. The rejection was painful like hell. But I moved on. I met new girls in my life.

Meet new girls. It's the best you can do.


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Yes me too a girl use to like me, but at that moment i dint like her, weeks passed and ironicly i had a crush on her, i told her that i liked her and she told me that she all ready got over me and was in a relationship already. So yeah i felt like an idiot and well it took time to get over her, now im over her took timebut yeah...


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Yup, it's been almost 10 years now 0_o and mind you, I'm "just" 25.



All the time, I fall way too easily, and once I do I need someone else to take my mind of them. Never free T_T


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A couple of months ago I met someone who I liked and I am still curious. People who work with her say she would be a good girlfriend for me. Some say I would be a good boyfriend. I think maybe I would be in some ways. I wish they didn't tease me and that I didn't have to deal with this sort of stuff. I don't know what to do.


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unfortunately, my attorney has advised me that Jennifer Aniston's people are not as cooperative as i had hoped, given the situation


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I have. The first time, I made the mistake of admitting it to the guy and got turned down (yet still continued to be sort of flirted with by him). It was similar with my ex, only in that case we ended up together.

Right now I feel like I'm going through it again, but I'm trying to not let the feeling control me so much, and I don't really want to mention it to the guy I've been talking to. It's hard, though, and sometimes I find myself feeling depressed over it.


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Unfortunately, yes. Sad thing is, he's not even a nice person and i know it. I think loneliness and wanting to feel accepted can make you think you want someone when really it's not about the person per-se it's more the feelings they give you.


Crushes are all I've known. I go from crush to crush, one doesn't end until the next one comes along to take my mind off of the previous one. The first crush lasted seven years. Then had a few back to back in a short period of time.

Right now I've been hiding from the world for so long I simply don't know of anyone to have a crush on. If I get my life back together and start interacting with people again then it's just a matter of time before I become obsessed with another.

I never confessed directly to the crushee, but I confessed to friends who may or may not have told. If they did, the targets of my affection never brought it up.

One of my biggest regrets in life is that I ignored a girl that had a crush on me while I had a crush on someone else. When I look back on it, it was a huge missed opportunity. She was a very sweet girl, very pretty. She always seemed a little down and was probably having a tough time and we could have been exactly what each other needed. It's just that when I'm locked onto someone else all other people are just people.

At 35 years old and as single as you can get, I think a lot about who I could have had some wonderful relationships with that I missed out on because I was oblivious in my tunnel vision.


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Yes I did, 13 years ago now. I let go, but it contributed to the anxiety I suffer from now. I wouldn't want to see them again.


Well-known member
unfortunately, my attorney has advised me that Jennifer Aniston's people are not as cooperative as i had hoped, given the situation
That's funny, because they were okay with me. Must be my Australian charm! :bigsmile:
My advice would be to either confess cold turkey, or to keep your distance (if that's possible).

I had a crush on someone that was in a relationship, and I figured it would be best to not let it bother them. I kept my distance and let it fade naturally. Admittedly, it took almost two years, even with almost no contact what so ever. I still like this person, but it's now more a healthy appreciation of character rather then a obsession.

It being the painful experience that it was, it became a learning experience. I've got a better insight on the starting signs of a crush-obsession, and can now nip it in the butt were it to occur again.
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Well-known member
My advice would be to either confess cold turkey, or to keep your distance (if that's possible).

I had a crush on someone that was in a relationship, and I figured it would be best to not let it bother them. I kept my distance and let it fade naturally. Admittedly, it took almost two years, even with almost no contact what so ever. I still like this person, but it's now more a healthy appreciation of character rather then a obsession.

It being the painful experience that it was, it became a learning experience. I've got a better insight on the starting signs of a crush-obsession, and can now nip it in the butt were it to occur again.
I think you did the right thing by keeping your distance in that situation. If someone's in a relationship, it's best not to rock the boat. I learned that the hard way.

It's a learning experience, for sure. Not a nice one, but a necessary one.