challenge yourself

Ah yes, I was thinking of posting here until it slipped from view and mind. Now, one goal to set....I'll set up a 'to do' list somewhere that it will work, I get more achieved when I work from a list and it frees up brainspace


Well-known member
I really want to volunteer and help out at an animal shelter. I have one free day every week, and I've been thinking about it for a really long time; but the human interaction part consistently keeps me from taking the first step... Once I"m with the dogs I'd be fine, I know. I just need to work up the courage and make the call; after that I'm sure to follow through cause I hate disappointing people, and the fuzzy critters even more.

This is what I have been wanting to do too..... and I haven´t done it exactly because of the human interaction..... Human beings are everywhere.... Even when I just want to hang out with dogs and cats......


Total failure for me, didn't manage to do any of my goals. Not for lack of wanting to.

But I have managed to keep eating and been very strict with my sleeping pattern, these are things I have been fighting with for years.

I think I'm going to concentrate on keeping that up for now until I'm 100%


Well-known member
Why not have another go at these? Goals are not really goals unless you slip and then get back up only to try again.

Mine is to never again let my online life over compensate my real life experiences EVER again. ;)

It would require putting my hand back into the tigers mouth but being one step ahead of him would only help me in the end.
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Well-known member
1. Talk to that person ive been trying to talk to for the past, well who knows how long?
2.Go to roomate's party and have fun(that'll be the hard part)
3. Catch up on Schoool work(this should have been the priority one but its summer-i can use a lil leeway)


Well-known member
My latest challenge for myself is a bit... daunting, to say the least... My panic attacks are triggered by 2 things... large crowds and loud noises. In spite of that.... I am determined to make a day of it in Riverfront Park with 10000+ people to enjoy the 4th of July and stay for the fireworks because my 4 year old son REEEALLY wants to. Since he usually shows little interest in things like that, I am gonna try it too. (That...and I refuse to be outdone by a 4 year old!)
Ah yes, I was thinking of posting here until it slipped from view and mind. Now, one goal to set....I'll set up a 'to do' list somewhere that it will work, I get more achieved when I work from a list and it frees up brainspace

Done. The next challenge is to read every night. I get books from the library that I return weeks later without having looked at them (spw is to blame)


Well-known member
I'm sure you can manage that if you fill your time with more important and more engaging things, latte. It's the lack of anything else that makes us spend so long on the internet, and there are always more important things to be doing. I should really try doing something similar in the future, but it's not really possible for me to commit to that until September.

I don't really know if I can set myself a goal - I don't have much choice about being stuck at home alone for the next week. A book has arrived in the post, however, so reading that would be a start. Other than that my goal is to make people feel better, to motivate and inspire them. That way I'm not totally useless.
I'm going shopping and to the movies (Harry Potter 7) with a bunch of people that I don't really know.

Nice, just use your magic wizard stick and poof them all away
magic does a lot, I know it's just an illusion but you're own thoughts are lies too and triggering fear.... ;) So, it's all about thinking of a better illusion. LOL. Harry Potter will sure make you feel better, I'm sure.
It's an amazing movie. :D

PS: do not forget to buy yourself a reward now and then, you deserve it.

My new challenges:
Calm down my panic attacks.
Follow this hyperventilation course for 9 weeks and GET RID OF THIS poop.
Learn to dance better.
Finish my reports this week for school.
Make the test for Politics. (yay)
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Well-known member
I'm trying to challenge myself by eating better, but I can already feel it slipping away....


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Volunteer, get a job, make friends. And not one either.
I'm not going to sit around moping anymore...