With my lady friend in Melbourne, I became attracted to her through her extreme intelligence, and not her chest. Inner beauty for the win right there. She is physically attractive, too, but her brains magnified that.
The "inner beauty is all that matters" saying is just an idealist way of thinking. Maybe deep down we try to convince ourselves that this statement is true, since we don't want to face the fact that we tend to be more shallow than we want to acknowledge. If we really placed no importance on the triviality of our appearance I don't think our language would have created the words "ugly" and "beautiful" to differentiate between the two.
Our appearance may prompt a particular response ie that beauty is more favourable to supposed ugliness, but it can never tell the whole story of a person. How people respond to us is based a lot on our appearance and i think we're kidding ourselves if we deny this. However in saying that we can never know what a person is truly like from just what we see on the outside. the more we get to know the person the more we get to see the real them.
so in short. both matter...![]()
I dont consider myself beautiful and there are times when i dont want to have my pic taken or even be with others in a group pic. I know i will never look good and i hate it.
I know i m not a bad person and i should have more people around me ''friends'' but never in my life i have felt comfortable with a friend , not many people want me as friend. i was wondering if that was because i dont look good in their group or what?
I have heard people praising somebody's looks and leaving behind the'ugly'' person, that happen to include me.
Having said that its not that i think physical beauty is the most important thing but yes it helps a lot and make things easier, ''the first impression'' benefit.
after that your looks alone can not help you if you dont have inner beauty
Are you talking about belly buttons? Mine is an abyss filled with cobwebs and naval lint.i think either an innie or an outie can both be beautiful
i have an innie myself
Are you talking about belly buttons? Mine is an abyss filled with cobwebs and naval lint.![]()
I was hoping to collect enough lint to make myself a sweater.belly buttons are sexy
you should clean it out every now and then, though
The only things that matter is good looks and money.
Agreed completely but I also think outer beauty matters, atleast to a point.What would you call body language, inner beauty, right? Body language, things like stance, how you speak, how you carry yourself, etc. I would dub that as inner beauty because it originates from the way you handle the world . Well I think that is all that beauty really depends on, personality and how you carry yourself through the world. Inner beauty is more important and I think that is proven in the fact that if you meet somebody who is ugly, but has a great personality, they're beautiful. If you meet somebody beautiful with an ugly personality, they become ugly. Universally agreed to
What would you call body language, inner beauty, right? Body language, things like stance, how you speak, how you carry yourself, etc. I would dub that as inner beauty because it originates from the way you handle the world . Well I think that is all that beauty really depends on, personality and how you carry yourself through the world.